Monday, June 07, 2010

Rosie on Set of Transformers 3

For those last holdouts who just don't want to believe that Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is the new female lead of Transformers 3, here is a picture of her on the set from I have no idea if that is her film costume or anything else as the site provided no details beyond the pic.


  1. She will disappear when Hasbro will be outraged at Bay and Spielberg for the mess they created by firing Megan Fox.
    Transformers3 is going to flop. Bay,Spielberg,Paramount will be lucky to get beyond $500million overall. Top notch CGI and action scenes won't fix the characters and plot mess this time, because the Sam&Mikaela romance has been the main focus of the first two movies, the characters resemble the Spike&Carly from G1 source material, because Megan Fox has been created and sold by Bay as the Transformers sex symbol... and this topmodel is not going to work as they think.
    The majority of Transformers viewers won't be fooled by this mess with a rushed script.
    Either Bay gets Megan Fox back or Transformers3 is doomed to fail.

  2. Or either you stop thinkin that its gonna flop

  3. does that say "go pens" if i does that means pittsburgh???

  4. Sorry but i don't like her!!


  6. First comment I totally agreed with you, Sam and Mikaela are the focus of the movies, Rosie, Michael and company sucks.
    To the fisrt comment- do you think that Hasbro can force to Michael Bay to bring Megan back?
    PS: sorry for my bad english

  7. @"Anonymous 6/08/2010 6:23 AM"--Unfortunately I doubt that Hasbro could force Bay and Spielberg to bring Megan Fox back. But they will be outraged and not renew rights to them for another trilogy when Transformers3 will get a way lower gross than the first two movies. Transformers3 without Megan Fox is not going to work for sure. There will be no continuity from the first two movies and connection to G1 source material is going to be lost as well.
    It will just feel wrong whatever ideas they come up with.
    It will be a failure even if Transformers3 manages to reach a $500million or $600million worldwide boxoffice gross. If it loses anything from $100million to $200million compared to either the first or second movie then Hasbro managers will not be happy for sure and they will question Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg about how they got rid of Megan Fox as well at that point. Too bad it will be too late to fix things up, the trilogy will just be ruined and a reboot could happen sometimes in the future with other producers and directors.

  8. "anonymous 6/08/2010 6:56AM", OK thanks I just had a last hope. I hope that transformers 3 get fail and Michael Bay and company understand that is a mistake get fired Megan Fox.
    PS:sorry for my bad english,I'm spanish

  9. Could we stick to topic and leave the Megan Fox love fest behind? She is gone, get over it. Do you really think these movies are love stroies? I thought they were sci-fi/action adventures. Sam/Mikeyla were a part of the story used to further the "transformers" storylines. They wern't the reason the 1st two movies grossed 1.5 billion worldwide. What's going to suck the most is having to read your heartbroken babble for the next year. If you have nothing relevant to the topic that is posted, please don't bother us with your whinning. Peronally, I think Rosie is hotter than Megan Fox. She lacks the trailer park tats and is probably smarter and more talented than Fox since the bar isn't very high in either category.

  10. @Ray: you don't really get it, do you? Do you seriously think that without the Sam&Mikaela romance and the Megan Fox sex symbol factor the two Transformers movies would have grossed so much worldwide? And anyway Sam&Mikaela are the Spike&Carly from the G1 original series of the '80s.. it's not that you can just get rid of them. The Witwicky family is a key element of the Transformers franchise. Spike&Carly son Daniel is raised by Autobots to fight Decepticons. Sam and Mikaela must have a kid like Daniel that will fight Decepticons. That stays true to the original G1 series and reference source material.
    Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg along with Paramount screwed it up completely.
    If you don't want to deal with humans then don't watch the original G1 series because humans are a key element to the series, and the Sam&Mikaela romance is the focus of the first two movies. Outstanding CGI and action scenes alone won't make the movie a success and without Megan Fox the main characters and plot are lost along with the connection to the original source material.
    Transformers3 is going to fail.

  11. This spanish guy is a moron. Fans went to see the first 2 Transformers movies DESPITE Megan, not because of her. I admit she was hot, especially in the first movie when she had a healthier body. But she can't act, and the failure of "Jennifer's Body" proves she has no star power of her own. So she is simply a dime-a-dozen attractive girl, so why should Bay put up with her ungrateful bitchy attitude? He found a hotter replacement. And it's sad that a Victoria's Secret supermodel isn't as skinny as Megan... young men and teenage boys don't want to look at bony girls whose bodies remind them of their little brothers. It's just fact.

    I hope he names this new female character Carly just to annoy this Spanish guy.

  12. What the fuck are you talking about 6/08/2010 2:17PM? are you kidding me? I'm a spanish woman and I just write here to ask something to the first guy who comment this post, a guy who is NOT from Spain and the guy who is to talking about Carly, not me, are you stupid or something?
    PS: to the guy who comment this post first, just ignores this stupid guy( 6/08/2010 2:17PM)

  13. Martinus Prime6/08/2010 5:07 PM

    @ first anon(who also replied to Ray): Are you Megan's stalker or brother or what??? Fox is out deal with it!!!
    You are ff'ing retarded, people didn't go to see Transformers for Fox's character Mikaela Banes, but for the Transformers!!
    Stop whining that TF3 will fail, it will NOT!!
    You and everbody else is going to see TF3 in the cinema and it will do even more than ROTF!

    I also hope Bay names Rosie's character Carly, indeed just to annoy the first anon above and all the other Megan Fox stalkers.

  14. @Martinus Prime: What is you problem? Why do you have to insult people? Why are you worried about people upset of Megan Fox being fired by Michael Bay which clearly ruins the Transformers trilogy forever,uh?
    Do you work and others work for Paramount or do you just like to go around insulting people that don't agree with you and don't praise the mess that Bay and Spielberg did on Transformers3 by firing Megan Fox,uh?
    Do you seriously think that by insulting people your words are going to be truth?
    Transformers3 without Megan Fox is going to flop. By how much it's yet unknown but only a fool like Bay,Spielberg and Paramount managers could think that firing Megan Fox is not going to hurt the franchise and the movie will do even better... It will not. Tons of people worldwide are already upset.. and they are only a tiny percentage of a huge number of people that will get upset by word of mouth when they will realize that Megan Fox is not on Transformers3. At that point that same word of mouth will kill Transformers3.

  15. Megan Fan boys is all I got to say. Carly was barely in G1. IT was all about Spike and Daniel. So that is a comparsion

  16. This topmodel looks a lot older than Shia. And she is supposed to be Sam Witwicky new girlfriend? The worst possible choice. She could play his big sister, she could play his mother.. but his girlfriend.. Michael Bay must be out of mind.

  17. @Anonymous 6/09/2010 5:48 AM...... Yes!! She looks a lot older than Shia! And she is taller than him. I don't like the couple :(

  18. Uhm, have we kinda lost track of what this film franchise is about, all of a sudden? Y'know, the giant space-alien robots kicking the shit out of each-other? I thought that was supposed to be the focus of all this...

    Oh well... now that Little Miss Size-0 is out of the way, maybe we could get a little more focus on the 'Bots and 'Cons instead of the co-star's sex appeal... but somehow I doubt it...

  19. Micheal bay is an awsome director he is really good,but he is stupid for fireing megan fox,i hope he gets her back because if he doesent the transformers 3 is going down the drain its not going to be the same.alot of people will not like it

  20. I really think everyone needs to get over the fact that Megan Fox was fired from TF3. It's *not* going to stop the film's production, and it sure-as-hell isn't going to "ruin" the film itself. She played a semi-important character, yes, but she did not play a *main* character; She ain't Optimus Prime, she ain't Sam Witwicky.

    This film is not going to bomb without her - the very idea of a film failing *just* because the production jettisoned one miserable cow of actress is laughable. This film is about the Transformers' war on Earth; it doesn't revolve around 'Mikaela Banes'. The general public is not going to hate this film just because she's not in it. I mean, really - who cares if it's lost a little sex appeal? BIG. WOW.

    If you're really that desperate for your Fox fix, you can always fawn over "Jennifer's Body". Please, get over your little school-boy crushes, move the hell on, and give the rest of us some peace.

  21. This is absolutely bullshit the whole concept of transformers is sam and mikaela and plus rosie doesnt even have acting experience and even though people dont necessarily think megan fox is a good actress but at least she has had acting experience and plus megan fox is ten times better than rosie megan fox is sexy hot and has that bad ass chick personality to her. I think michael bay made a bad decision the whole concept of transformers is sam and mikaela i reckon this will be very bad for the franchise because most guys probably only watched transformers to see megan fox and so i think this is just some big mistake and i think megan fox needs to be back on the scene because honestly rosie isnt good enough, yeah shes a victoria secret model but she poses in pictures for a living she doesnt act the only acting experience she has had is the victoria secret commercials but that isnt good enough megan fox has actually been in television and movies the whole transformers movie is basicially about sam and mikaela bring another girl in will just fuck everything up and mark my words. Megan Fox was much much better!!!

  22. im sorry to say this but the transformers movie is about the autobots and the decepticons not the humans. the humans had a small roll in the cartoon and that is how it should be.
