Sunday, June 06, 2010

Transformers 3 at Playa Vista Gallery

Below is a gallery/video of images from transformersfrreak1007 at Playa Vista in Los Angeles where Transformers 3 is reported to have setup shop. The video mentions Loyola Marymount University which is a direct neighbor of the studio based on Google Maps. Transformers 3 wise not a whole lot is shown. You get a look at maybe Ironhide, the Ice Cream truck and its halves just sitting in the lot from Revenge of the Fallen and the office tilting setup from the other day. The last images are of a rusted lunar module that may or may not be Transformers 3 related. The film is shooting at the Kennedy Space Center in September but don't really have enough information to assume a link. Thanks to Katie for finding the video.


  1. Is That a sea to air vechile!!!!!WoW

  2. That one at the end... Why do I have a nagging feeling that that's Cosmos? o.O

  3. my thoughts exactly! that looks like Cosmos! L0L!

  4. I don't think that's Ironhide. It doesn't look like the same truck, and it's missing the stacks.

  5. Cosmos? OH YEAH!

    Time to head to space, for TRANSFORMAGEDDON!

  6. gay fake video of set footage. Bay said Mudfalp and Skidz wont be back, they are no longer a icecream truck, bay would not reuse the truck because thats how he rolls. :)

  7. Mudflap and Skidz will be back, maybe they will be Decepticons this time... young fool Autobots ready to become evil...
    Anyway these videos are probably part of the viral marketing tactic.
    Something really fishy is going on about all the Transformers3 production. Nothing can be trusted.

  8. bay said they goin bak in the mythology people so jus stop twistin sayin cosmos and shit plz u r annoying...y dnt use jus wait and see like any body else !!!! set of woppas! tf3

  9. hahahhaha skids and mudflap turn into decepticons hhahahahahahah. some people smoke too much crack. i wouldnt be botherthed except you seem to think it would make an interesting plot point. no one over the age of 7 would take that seriously.

  10. @"Anonymous 6/07/2010 1:03 PM"--Instead of laughing like a 3 year old.. how do you explain the black Skidz and Mudflap pictures then? And Michael Bay said that the Twins wouldn't have been on Transformers3.

  11. So your saying because thier black thier evil now? what about ironhide.
    and anyway im not saying they arent decepticons im saying if it is then its the most fuckin retarded thing ever and will make this movie worse than revenge of the fallen if they spend more than a second explaining it on it, you guys are seriously retarded which is why michael bay didnt care about using retarded transformers in number 2 because he knew retards like you would think its cool, no one thats not crazy wants to see any more story on skids and mudflap expecially not about thier turn to the darkside or someshit, if anyone needs story its ratchet and ironhide give them much more to do, dont have as many decepticons that talk but just give them amazing designs so it will be fun to see the army guys and airforce taking them on like in the first one, not just shitty protoforms.

  12. i cannot beleive you actually want to see more of skids and mudflap, they werent unbeleivably bad like somepeople said but we could just have good characters, you dont seem to understand that.

  13. Martinus Prime6/08/2010 4:44 PM

    The rusted Lunar module could be the Mars Beagle from the TF1 teaser.
