Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Transformers 3 Promotional Hats

Below are four images of Transformers 3 promotional hats that I wouldn't mind having. Especially the one with the Autobot logo cubed. I can't decide if the other hat is TF3 or TF3 but I suspect the cubed version will be common way of internally referencing the film until an official, number-less title is determined. Thanks to an anonymous source for the pictures.

Images removed per request of manufacturer.


  1. as i wrote before in the official michael bay forum: i guess that "transformers 3" or "tf3" will be the official title of the movie.

  2. What a way to end a Transformers Trilogy..."Cubed" Heehee :D

  3. I really like the Autobot symbol cubed version.

  4. Is there a way to get one?

  5. T & F both have tails in official font, so I don't think that it's "cubed". But, Autobot hat is cubed, definitely.

  6. Hmmm, dunno should it have a subtitle or just be TF3? It's a bit uninspiring not to have some sort of secondary title, but what it be??? Won't know till the fall I reckon.

  7. I want one of those! The cubed thing is a neat idea, too.

  8. Who is the manufacturer?
