Thursday, June 03, 2010

Transformers 3 Taking Over LA

While's Nelson was confirming the casting of Rosie Huntington-Whitey, he also posted an article to LA Times about Transformers 3 taking "over L.A. streets" for about six weeks in the 4 and half long shooting schedule for the film. They also indicated that the film's estimated budget is in line with the previous film with a $200 million budget. Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (going to get tiresome writing that name all the way), and Patrick Dempsey will be all over L.A. shooting scenes. Apparently "attractive rebates" drove some of the decisions on where to shoot. I wonder why they skipped over Georgia's rebates which just recently scored Vampire Diaries and The Walking Dead. The previous two films also shot in LA, with the city used for the climactic battle in the first movie.
The DreamWorks/Paramount Pictures production has been shooting on a sound stage at the former Spruce Goose Howard Hughes hangar at Playa Vista and will film exterior shots throughout the L.A. area over the next several weeks, including Long Beach, West Hollywood, Century City and Malibu.

"Mike, [producer] Lorenzo [di Bonaventura] and I are all big fans of trying to keep as much of our production in L.A. as possible," said Bay's producing partner, Ian Bryce. "It's a big movie. All our stage work is being done here."

In all, six weeks of the 4 1/2 months of shooting will occur in the L.A. area, with the rest of the filming spread across Chicago, Detroit, Washington and Cape Canaveral, Fla., and a few foreign locales, including Russia and an undisclosed African country, Bryce said.

Bryce said the science-fiction action movie starring Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Patrick Dempsey required more diverse locations than L.A. could offer, and also cited the advantages of "very attractive rebates" offered in Michigan and Illinois, which will also host the production for six weeks.


  1. What happened to shooting in Texas???

    That sucks.

  2. Relax, maybe they forgot to mention Texas...

    Anyway, who cares where they're shooting, I want to know WHAT they're shooting (scenes, that is)...

  3. Is the casting of Megan Fox's replacement all that important? What about the new transformers? This movie is called TRANSFORMERS after all. I'm quite fed up of all this Rosie Huntington rumours

  4. I am just glad we are getting production news at last. The whole who will be the next TF girl was beaten to death. I guess at this point it is a done deal.

  5. guys why do you all not get it!? there not telling us about the knew TFS because they want to keep it secret,under warps,ect and it will be way to early

  6. Interesting. We just had the costume supervisor of Transformers 3 visit my work here in Orange County to purchase some accessories for the movie. Let's just say that you can expect some underwater scenes in the next film ...
