Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cast Filming in Chicago, Skydiving Images and Video

After the days of images of all the sweet Transformer vehicles and set destruction, it turns out we were missing something - the actors. Thanks to Pixel Rally, we have a huge gallery that shows Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Tyrese Gibson, and NEST crew filming a scene involving the actors sprinting across Franklin Street. The third gallery shows all the carnage added to the street to give it that look of total destruction. He also captured some sweet images of the skydiving stunt that gives you a nice close-up of events and the outfits they were wearing including the headset cam to film the trip down.

In addition, Maya Chelsie posted a video that shows all the Transformers vehicles, including Prime as they filmed a scene. It seems to be the same stretch as the sky high view from the other day but now get the side perspective. Note the photo starts sideways, but straightens out about halfway through.

Below is a sampling of pics but make sure to hit the links for the full gallery of 100+ images. The pic to the left, no idea what it has to do with production but figure the Batman license plate is intentional considering Transformers 3 is shooting in many of same locations that The Dark Knight did.

Precision Skydiving Stunt | Franklin Street Cast | Franklin Street Carnage


  1. If you have not noticed, Fig ( spanish guy from first movie) is with them running across the street.


  3. optimus with trailer, SWEET!

  4. Wait wait wait... is anyone seeing Major Lennox?!?

  5. You know what I'm wondering...

    Those skydivers - don't look like NEST operatives.

    The chopper they jumped from doesn't look like an MH-53 or anything cool...

    They've got cameras on to get good aerial footage...

    ...I think the humans are irrelevant on the whole - 5 'cameras' for 5 characters... and we've already heard that Silverbolt's in this...

    ...I'm calling Aerialbots, swooping in to save the day! This could be awesome!

  6. for what i see in the videos and pictures it seems that the plot its focus on killing Optimus by the way it is cool to see the G1 looking trailer anyway so far M.Bay its doing a very outstading job with the crew and i mean transformers now that we know the aerialbots stunticons Shockwave, HotRod (ferrari), blurr ( Mercedez ), Brown ( the little yellow car ) and much more incoming... finaly M.Bay will have at last what we all transformers want more G1 caracters and a good plot. WHEELJACK

  7. Whoever took those pictures must have been standing right next to me for the third jump. That is exactly where I was when I shot the video.

    They didn't jump from it, but there was another black helicopter that looked very military (I don't know models, but there was a flat black paint job on it). All they would need is a little movie magic to make it look like they jumped out of that one.

    Is it just me or does anyone else from Chicago think that Tyrese's pants look like a CTA uniform?

    And whats with the mismatched camo? I see Subdued Urban, ACU, and Marpat. Intentional? Vigilantes helping the Military perhaps?

    That does look like Fig (Amaury Nolasco)in a couple fo the pictures.

  8. Ah, it's good to be back at the ol' TFLive. Already seeing some familiar names and I'm sure Scorpio is around here somewhere. The new shots look great and I'm hyper enthused to see Prime's trailer, as well as (most likely) Sunstreaker and the Stunticons making appearances.

    Looking forward to the spirited debates that will undoubtedly soon pop up.

  9. to TheChief i just have something to say to you body... fuckkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuu ! :)

  10. Ok if the ferrari is Hotrod I'm gonna fucking kill someone.....

  11. That's absolutely not Fig. That guy looks nothing like him. I don't know how that could get confused. I'm also a believer that those sky divers are just getting film for the Aerialbots arrival.

  12. The battle scene in Chicago being filmed I seriously doubt that it is the ending one like Mission City was on the first Transformers movie... I think that these scenes are going to happen in the middle of the movie...

  13. Bah! I know someplace on this site their is an interview with Amaury Nolasco saying that hes back in episode 3! I know its here!

  14. http://transformerslive.blogspot.com/2008/10/fig-to-return-in-tf3.html

    Boo Yah!! Just talks about it. But I really think it is him. Just my 2 cents

  15. I still say that the skydivers are going to be in the movie. I can understand them having cameras on them to capture a first person perspective of the jump, but then why would they also have 2 camera helicopters, and the flat black helicopter on site as well. the only way I can see them taking them out is if they needed an object to follow through the sky. But why not just use a remote plane or helicopter then.

  16. who ever is saying that ironhide and the twins die off in the begginning of the movie are retarded, unless ofcourse this is the opening scene (highly doubt it is) because i personally went to the chicago filming and even got shots of both twins and ironhide.

    and another thing about the skydivers being in the movie, if you remember in ROTF they had a scene were they used actual footage of first person cameras on skydivers heads when they jumpe out of a plane, so i really wouldnt doubt it.

  17. Alright got my latest video report up


    it covers 2 weeks of events

  18. you know i noticed? you can definetly tell that this whole chicago scene comes right after the office tilting scene because if anyone noticed sam and rosie are wearing the exact same clothes as the pictures way back when they did the office scene.

    possible chapter of a movie..

    1.sam and rosie go into Hutchkins Gould or whatever that is (shot in milwauke)
    2. building falls/tips
    3. end up on the streets of chicago (in the movie this is all one location) and start fighting decepticons

  19. I was there when this was being filmed!!!!!

  20. I love sky diving. Its really tough to in film where we they are not xpert and have to do there own sky.
