Thursday, July 29, 2010

MPEA Busway Set Pics, Explosions and More

On Wednesday, it seems that Transformers 3 production spent its day at the MPEA Busway under Millennium Park. The sequence involved explosions, smoke and flame effects and what appears to be a completed destroyed section of the highway, matching the devastated look that has been the hallmark of many of the Chicago sets. Pixel Rally was at the site and provided a gallery of images both during the day and night of the set and a good look at the Optimus Prime truck and trailer. Below are a few sample images, the rest of the set can be found here.

As for the videos, below are videos from various locations around Chicago, not even sure where but assume the Wacker Drive area. The first three videos may be from the Busway but not clear. Based on the Transformers cars filmed including Optimus with his trailer, this seems to be a continuation of the Nascar vs. Autobots chase scene that marked the first week of filming. Of special note is the third video that shows that the Twins do make it to Chicago. After that we have two more videos that show the rooftop pyrotechnics that were set off on Tuesday night. The last video involves a massive explosion at a third location and the sound of gun fire. If don't feel like scrolling down, the Movie Chronicles have them all.

"Police" reponse to something


  1. things dont looks good for ironhide, he doesnt seem to be in any footage, hes been seen on set but hes not fighting with the others :/

  2. was just about to ask if anyone else was concerned about the apparent lack of Ironhide footage...

  3. WHY ISN'T IRONHIDE IN ANY OF THESE VIDEOS?....i bet those "nascar cars" are autobots....I cant see why every time the autobots are rolling out...these cars are always in front... equipped with guns in vehicle mode to clear the path as they drive...maybe iron-hide strip down to anyway,..think obout it...the fact that they drive through explosions only suggest that they are being shot at and they are dodging these attacks..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The first 3 videos are from the Busway to McCormick Place, the fourth is from either NBC Tower or 400N Michigan, the fifth looks like it would be from the West Marina Tower, and the last video is Wacker Drive from 7/25. I have video of those explosions from my balcony, but haven't posted it on youtube yet. Will do shortly though.

    Currently The Park at Lakeshore East has a large crater and lots a debris surrounding it, They started filming there yesterday, but I'm not sure if they are going to be filming there today, or dismantling the set. The Park at Lakeshore East is where they landed when doing the squirrelsuit/wingsuit jumps on the 11th. I also spotted the 4 of the Red Bull Air Force guys leaving the set yesterday, so there may be more aerial stuff to come.

  6. The rooftop explosions from the night footage could be protoform meteors impacting the buildings at the start of the decepticon's assault on Chicago.

  7. Agree with the nascars being autobots. Junkions maybe.
    Agree with the big explosions and looking to the sky being protoform landings as well. I really dont think they are going to bring unicron into it. For us fans it would be awesome but i think the everyday person would just be WTF and walk out of the theatre haha. Or it could be awesome....
    That being said if they kill off Ironhide i will walk out of the theatre.

  8. In the first three clips with the train tracks how cool would that be to see Astrotrain make an apperance!!!

  9. My God, HUGE and EPIC doesn't even fully express the description of all these videos. haha It's gonna be insane! I love it!

  10. this movie is going to be so epic cant wait to see shockwave and soundwave together in the same shot aswome bay is the best !!!!!!!!!

  11. Here's another view of that 6th video of lake and Wacker.

    The set at The Park at Lakeshore East is pretty much gone, looks like they filmed yesterday and just tore it down today.

  12. how much longer are they gonna be filming in Chicago? and i hope that theyre just waiting to film a certain scene in a certain area with ironhide. i dont want him to die early in the movie! he should be in the final battle too!

  13. You know, if Ironhide dies, it just makes it that much more emotional and a memorable film for TF fans. It would mean real significant loss like when OP died or something. I hope there's a really good score to go with that if it's true. Who knows.

    I don't think this movie is supposed to be heroes always winning in this case. It's not supposed to be silly like ROTF (at least I hope not). We're going to have to expect large amounts of tragic loss. :(

  14. If your gonna kill ironhide give him an epic death in the middle or end of the movie, not the begining!!

  15. Yes if Ironhide dies it would be tragic, but effective. I still miss Jazz. As for the third video, that song is awful....did anyone notice the black Mercedes next to bumblebee and the twins? Maybe Ironhide had to take on another form?

  16. thats an interesting thought but i HIGHLY doubt that the mercedes would be ironhide, and from other videos the mercedes looked more purple/blue

  17. I think it was a blue Mercedes that was aroudn before, and i thought we came to the conclusion Ironhide dies? He said someone BIG was goign to die, it can't be Bumblebee or Prime. So it has to be ironhide. I think the nascars are humans who put guns on them. makes more sense that it's NEST if you ask me.

  18. Sweet, the Twins. Hey, I like them, what can I say.

  19. sorry but the 3 nascar cars are realy autobots and the reason they look like that cus they are a new type of transformers created by a fake allspark in the new comic not a 100% correct but im 70 % correct ....hopfully im rigth ...:)

  20. the fake allspark is created by a mad scitist who is working with the decepticons ..that is john malkovich... oh and unicron is there too ..

  21. you seriously think Bay is going to use a comic? idont think so...

  22. I think the three NASCARs could be Chase, Freeway, and Searchlight....I hope there is a dog fight between Starscream and Silverbolt

  23. Based on what we've seen so far I think it's safe to say the action sequence they're filming will far surpass anything shot for the Dark Knight.

  24. the comic is base on the movie and evreything so far in the movies are in the comics for the movie..just look at the pics with patrick and shia figth patrick looks like he is being control by something and him and shia are looking at the sky something big is coming dude something huge and im not joking.... just hav some fate on bay on this movie...

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  26. I think its safe to say that the 3 nascars are autobots.

    Perhaps update the cheat sheet for them?

  27. I'm not saying Unicron is wrong, I'm just saying I dont think Bay would make his movies after comics, I understand the comics making stuff up from movies but not the other wya around. that's just my 2 cents.
