Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Angle on Trump Tower Shoot

We have already seen one angle of the filming that at Hotel 71 and involving a base jump from Trump Tower. Below are more videos that show it and the scene before it from a new angle that lets you catch more details of what occurred.

The first video is from Hammertime2015 that involves NEST soldiers running down Michigan Avenue in front of hotel as explosions go off around them and I guess providing cover for Bumblebee (not clear on that part). It looks cool and also seems to have been ended early as one group of shooters stop and the other have to be physically tagged (probably due to noise) to know that cut had been called. Thanks to sp00ked yuh for the link.

Below that is more videos from niXer101. It is the exact same Bumblebee moment as above but at another angle. The third video is same angle, same area, even same explosion, but this time without the people running in the middle of it or firefight after. I am assuming it’s either a practice run or done for the visual FX crew. The last two videos show the parachuting in and firefight sequence. I guess this part was filmed multiple times as it seems to be two different takes of the same sequence. The links to the rest of his videos are below. Speaking of links, the pics in this post are from Ain't It Cool News, click here to view the rest. Thanks to DJ BigTyme Beats for the link.

Nascar I | Nascar II | Firefight | Firefight & Explosion


  1. did anyone else notice how high some of the soldiers were firing or was it just me?

  2. Seems like he updated his youtube and added a link to his flickr as well

  3. all these pictures and movies make me wonder one thing...where is ironhide? There are a few night time pictures of him on set just parked there, but when they are filming, he isn't there...just a thought:)

  4. Very curious about the part that the trailer will play in the robot of optimus.

  5. My inside sources tell me that Ironhide, Mudflap and other Autobots die in this film.

  6. @"cypherXR 7/21/2010 1:58 PM"---your sources got any scoop on the whole plot and characters ?

  7. if ironhide dies, which everyone thinks he will, then i hope he gets an epic death near the end. and yeah, the ironhide & twin vehicles havent done anything in chicago cept sit next to the curb to get stalked by fans D:

  8. I think the transformer with the grey hair is Vector Sigma.

  9. err I mean Alpha Trion

  10. well bay just said chicago is the end of the movie and ironhide is maybe he does go out with some style?! when all hope is supreme saves the day after blast off from florida

  11. err i mean a retarded peice of shit which i hope is not actually in the film

  12. they are shooting high because transformers are tall

  13. does anyone know where filming will be next in chicago ? thanks

  14. like combiner tall idiot...not optimus tall

  15. so combiners arent transformers?
