Thursday, August 05, 2010

"Arise, Rodimus Prime"?

A new theory for the name of the Autobot fire truck suggests that he is Rodimus Prime. This rumor provided was by crew around the Transformers 3 parking lot. The rumor even goes so far to suggest he is Prime's father. Considering Megatron was called Prime's brother in the 1st movie the idea of family connections is not too far fetched. Of course that could be figurative "brother" as that thread has yet to be followed up on. This does make me look at the red TF head more closely though. As usual time will tell if this and other theorized names (Ultra Magnus) are accurate or not.

In the meantime, thanks to Chris R. for his gallery of 60 pictures from the Transformers 3 lot with the core "cast" of Transformers vehicles and also another look at the Twins vehicles that Bay says isn't in the movie (yet got moved from LA to Chicago). The set includes Prime with Trailer, Ratchet, Sideswipe, both Twins, Bumblebee, and more. A few sample pics are below, the rest can be found here.


  1. Unless they really want to pay no attention to the continuity they've created, which in RoTF stated that Optimus was 'the last Prime'.

    So unless The Fallen and the Matrix Primes were talking nonsense... it's not Rodimus 'Prime'.

  2. Rodimus potentially Prime's father? I actually thought the other day that the fire engine could be Hot Rod in an older vehicle form but blew it off because to me I still think the Ferrari would be a better choice for him. I wonder if even he could start out as Hot Rod and gets that vehicle form later on?

  3. I think the whole brother thing was figurative myself.

    Bay and company could easily choose to ignore that Optimus is the last Prime being that he said before he would like each movie to stand alone. Would it really be that far fetched for them to ignore some of the stuff that's been previously said?

  4. come on guys we all know that M.Bay can't fuck hes last movie doing that to the story there is no way that fire truck its ultra magnus and its more like it that the ferrari its hot rod, so far for my point of view the story its gonna be about energon remenber that energon its the life for the transformers and maybe and this movie they are runing out of it M.Bay did give us a pitch of the story “There will be a nice crescendo ending,” so you can tell that some of the good guys like ratchet ironhide will die in battle about the new datsun thats maybe a new car for sam youll see that BB its now with the rest of the autobots why ? simple to not risk sam's life again maybe that explain the disco ball and the bee from BB its like when you miss someone you have to have something to remenber this person in this those things from the car... anyway guys still more shooting on the way and a lot of new transformers to come with. WHEELJACK

  5. The black decepticon Tahoe on the cheat sheet is in fact a Suburban. I thought so from the earlier pictures from Milwaukee the longer wheelbase, now one of this group of pictures has a rear shot that shows the nameplate on the hatch. Blacked out though but it is there.

  6. TristimusPrime8/05/2010 8:13 AM

    The word brother was to the fact that they were both transformers not siblings, and I believe the scenes with the fire truck take place before the scenes with the Ferrari, so they could hurry up and finish the people scenes, now the fire truck being rodimus, could be true, but being Optimus' father is just ludicrous, but let's just hope he's Ultra Magnus, because if it is Rodimus, that means the Ferrari is cliffjumper windcharger or some Bay creation, plus that red head on the stick was shorter than the traffic signals, way too short to be that enormous fire truck, which is about 1.4 times bigger than Optimus

  7. the armored car decepticon is named onslaught

  8. alright did anybody notice in that gallery there is some type of big - scummy looking vehicle next to the fire truck? the front of it is covered but you can still tell its a character, who the hell is it?

  9. I'm still thinking that the red ferrari is sunstreaker, sideswipe's brother. Sideswipe was originally a red ferrari and they made him the silver vette - I'm just saying that's not out of the realm of possibility. It seems like the tiny red ferrari is too small to be hot rod. I dunno. The fire truck I'm hoping is Ultra Magnus just because they have to do some serious 'splainin if they make it Rodimus Prime - unless they did something lame like just calling him "Rodimus" and dropping the Prime so they wouldn't have to get into it.

  10. @TheChief

    Sideswipe was originally a red Lamborghini. Your argument is invalid.

  11. that guy that's covered up? motormaster! i've said if we see another truck and there's two in these pics we will see menasor...maybe they are stunticons and not wreckers? bay is throwing us off. why is just the cab covered? doesn't want anyone to see the decepticon logo? food for thought

  12. Anonymous said...


    Sideswipe was originally a red Lamborghini. Your argument is invalid.

    1) I said "it's not out of the realm of possibility". A simple statement putting some thoughts out there. Like what everyone on this site is doing.

    2) Mistakenly interchanging "small 80's Italian sportscar A" with "small 80's Italian sportscar B" is hardly an argument invalidator.

    3) The more important part of my "argument" was that the ferrari was kind of small to be Hot Rod.

    4) Hot Rod was never a ferrari OR a lamborghini, so I would say my argument is more valid than your inference.

    5) The videos of the cars driving around showed the vette driving immediately with the ferrari - a very small indication, but one nonetheless, that they are sticking together.

    6) They bring in a "futuristic" version of the vette for Sideswipe in RotF, but when they bring in Hot Rod in TF3, they make him an 80's-90's model ferrari instead of the future car that he's supposed to be? I don't think so.

    My argument is mostly that the red ferrari is most likely not Hot Rod, but more of a bit player like Sideswipe was in RotF - whether he's Sunstreaker or not.

    Anything else, Anonymous?

  13. TristimusPrime8/05/2010 12:35 PM

    First off sunstreaker was cool but he has a lame name so he would never fit into the bay universe,
    and why in the worl would motormaster be an old sewage truck
    also Dempsey is a race car driver:

    and stop and think for a second, i want the fire truck to be Ultra Magnus....but wait its a Rosenbauer Panther...RP....Rodimus Prime...RP...??? just think

  14. i think that it is possible to have rodimus "PRIME" in the movie and manage to explain it somewhat reasonably. in ROTF the fallen and the primes claim that optimus is the last prime, but since rodimus would be arriving to earth in this movie it cuould be possible that the autobots believed he was dead but in reality he isn't, then comig to earth in aid of the autobots....just a thought tho

  15. we won't see "Hot Rod" in this movie. Not by that name anyway. Hasbro lost its copyright on that name years ago. All other incantations of this character have been called Rodimus Major. Im gonna throw out Omega Supreme for the firetruck, since Bay doesn't care to stick to G1 alt modes, colors, etc.

  16. im hoping that they kill off the twins half-way through the movie...then they wouldnt be in the rest.

  17. to the comment above me ^

    obviously they dont if chicago is the place of the final battle scene.. and theyre there..

  18. almost everyone will die at the very end
    the datsun isn't bumblebee
    Simmons has teamed up with NEST, and uses some old S7 info
    The fire truck is Rodimus but its not the head you saw, the head belongs to the ferrari
    the twins have drastically changed, even to liking point
    Starscream is out for himself against both the autobots and decepticons
    the autobots are not as solid a team as before until the end
    there will be detailed scenes of cybertron

  19. the fire truck could also be inferno

  20. @ CrewDude - are your statements fact or fiction?

  21. Leo Spitz is back and he works with simmons as a tech guy

  22. For max: Nelson told that the fire truck is not Inferno. And for this page: Filming returns to Gary (city in Indiana) at 23rd August. Last time there was filmed, when Pre-shoots began at April.

  23. CrewDude, are you a member of the TFilm3 crew that you can reliably provide this information?

  24. @CrewDude

    quit puffin smoke. its bad for ur health.

    1. i always liked the twins

    2.if this true and u arent fired u will be tomorrow. (put its not so "pish posh")


  25. @CrewDude: any scoop regarding the actress that was fired which name can't be said anymore? What really happened on set.. will another actress be used for some flashback explanation of Mikaela Banes character departure? Will Mikaela Banes die on the movie?

  26. I bet the firetruck isnt rodimus prime, even tho bay hasnt stuck with they character looks he sticks with the mythology of the character. That firetruck doesnt fit what hot rod/ rodimus is about he is young flashy hot headed and rush's into battle like a rebal without a cause does that firtruck make you think he is going to rush into anything even rodimus prime was still hot headed and reckless at times, and as nelson said fandom will faint when they find out who it is, no will faint if its rodimus prime will faint if its ultra magnus but he is the only other character that should is as big or bigger than optimus

  27. @shamroxxx you do realize they could have just brought the vehicles to chicago even if they do die halfway through. they could just be there to throw ppl off. or who knows, perhaps they do make it. We'll just have to wait and see

  28. isn't the ferrari a 458? that came out this year not in the 90s

  29. @ The Chief,

    80's ferrari? that ferrari is brand new. 2010 italia. took the place of the F430 actually. step your game up.

  30. I wonder if the old BB Datsun has something to with the fact that this movie's genesis has something to with the 60s Cold War space race. Perhaps we're seeing flash back BB.

  31. @ anonymous above me
    if you read the comic prequals
    BB doesn't arive that early
    but it wouldn't surprise me if there was a flashback with bb, but the cars wrong for a flashback, it probably is sam's new car, like the guy near the top said,
    and i highly doubt the fire trucks rodimus, although the part of him being a long forgotten prime might be real
    also i think crewdude is just a fanfic-er

  32. this is the guy from above
    even though i think crewdude is a fanfic-er
    he might not be wrong with some of those things

  33. Martinus Prime8/05/2010 5:17 PM

    Nice, nice, nice, all this speculation, I love to read it.

    Maybe the Twin cars are just the cars of people that work on the movie and told by Bay to put them next to the actual movie cars.
    But if they are in the film, I bet they are much more serious or grown up, cause of the black upgrade paintjob.
    They could still be killed off halfway the movie, we haven't seen any footage where the Twins drove through the streets of Chicago.

    I'm hoping and betting th firetruck is Ultra Magnus.
    I'm very curious who the militairy truck is, it has to be a Decepticon, also hoping for Onslaught and further on....Menasor.

    Oh yeah, Rodimus as Optimus's father, how stupid would that be!!! Every Transfan knows that that is not possible, ever!!!
    The person who brought that rumor has no knowlegde of TF.

  34. I hope it's not Ultra magnus...I never really liked him that much. despite whatever copyright there is against the name Hot Rod I would still be willing to bet that it's him. No matter if they call him Rodimus or any of his other names.Hot Rod is the only other character I can really think of that would actually get me really excited to see them. All the transformers are cool but the main ones I liked have already been shown.

  35. Optimus Primes father? Please don't go with the Austin Powers storyline Bay.

    I dont think much can happen in the third movie to make it anywhere near as bad as ROTF, so I'm quiet sure this movie will be atleast decent.

  36. "I think fandom will faint when they find out who this fire truck is. It's going to be like when people saw Optimus Prime for the first time--with flames"

    I will go out on a limb and say they incorporate this firetruck as Grimlock to be Prime's 2nd in command. No evidence or rhyme or reason as to why, other than the old writers (Kurtzman and Orci) saying it'd be fun to incorporate the Dinobots. Of course, having living and breathing Dinosaurs is a tad unrealistic in 2010.

    What would piss off the fans more than taking the iconic Grimlock and turning him into a firetruck?

    Personally, I love G1 but think it's ridiculous that some people are so tied to G1 incarnations. I would be all for making Grimlock a firetruck. I think Grimlock was one of the few Autobots bigger than Prime. So why the hell not?!

    Debate away.

  37. ROTF was good in it's own right. Was ist as good as the first. No. By no means was it a horrid a movie like some make it out to be. To each their own opinion though much like I like the twins and other's don't for some unknown reason. They were funny :)

  38. I grew up watching G1 and while yes I certainly understand that they can't be as boxy as they were back then I do however think little tributes to them are at least deserved.

    Grimloke as a firetruck though? Nah I would pass. Part of what I liked about Grimloke and the dinobots was that they had more of a primitive attitude about them that I don't really think could be expressed as fluently in things such as a firetruck

  39. Martinus Prime8/05/2010 6:12 PM

    Grimlock as the firetruck would definitly make some fans faint!!!
    I'm with you Alex, I am also open for that, it would be cool to see a powerful Grimlock as second in demand and bring some destruction to some Decepticreeps.
    Even better, I think that I would be a bit more satisfied if the firetruck is Grimlock instead of Magnus.
    I would be satisfied eitherway.

    Do you guys still think we're going to see some Aerialbots or even Superion? Since Avery is confirmed as Silverbolt. And would the Concorde that was in the same museum as Jetfire maybe be Silverbolt?

  40. what if the firetruck is silverbolt, it is an airport fire truck after all...

  41. Me Grimlock, me fire truck

  42. going along with what martinus prime said... i'd love to see some aerialbots, and throw some seekers in there too! thundercracker and warpath would be awesome

  43. I've been watching this comment thread all day and I have to chime in with a couple things. First, lets look at a some pics and vids.

    These 2 pics clearly shows Sam and Patrick Dempsey's character with the Datsun. So PLEASE stop speculating that the Datsun is Bumblebee in the past.

    This video clearly shows that the Datsun has Bumblebee's crystal ball and bumblebee air freshner (or whatever it is) on the rear view mirror. The car is yellow with black racing stripes. It's not proof, but more evidence points towards it being Bumblebee reformatted and IF it is, that makes Crewdude a liar and any information from him should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Now onto the firetruck being Rodimus Prime. Again, as it's been said, TF2 established that Optimus was the last living Prime. I really don't want to hear the dumb argument that Bay said that the movies "stand alone" and that means that there doesn't need to be continuity between them. I don't believe that's what he meant. In fact, I believe he said that in response to whether there would be a cliff-hanger at the end of TF2 that leads into TF3. He just meant that each movie would wrap themselves up in the end not leading to cliff-hangers. He didn't mean that there wouldn't be continuity between them. It's like any TV show that has each episode be a story, but the overall arc and continuity remains from episode to episode.

    So with that said and assuming that the stories we saw in TF1 and TF2 are still valid, the only way for there to be a Rodimus Prime would have to be something similar to the animated TF movie where Optimus Prime passes his spark (can't be Matrix of Leadership if we keep the continuity from TF2) over to another Autobot to make him a Prime and that would also mean that Optimus would have to die......again.

    Otherwise, the firetruck is more than likely Ultra Magnus or Silverbolt. Nelson's comments lean me more toward Silverbolt because the fans wouldn't have a negative reaction to it being Magnus and if it is Silverbolt, that means he's not a plane and not an Aeiralbot which we'd all love to see in this movie.

    One more thing.....I would bet there will be no Gestalts in this movie. Bay tried it once and more people than not complained that Devastator didn't look close enough to the original and looked more like an ape with balls. Gestalt's been done....probably look forward to something different and bigger.

    Just my 2 cents since I don't post here much.

  44. What a long winded boring post. Speculation is all well and good but no amount of speculation is really any good until the movie hits. As far as the "stand alone" thing goes. I think it just means he can end the movies there and be fine with it. It's not really an argument when the person is just trying to add to the topic. Again there's not telling what bay will do but I highly doubt Silverbolt is the firetruck.

  45. I would agree with the "no gestalts" reasoning from The Chad but how would we explain the giant blue foot we saw? I know we don't really know anything and that it really could be anything, but if we're taking it for what it looks like, the proportion compared to everything around it makes A LOT bigger than OP. It could possibly be Omega Supreme or someone like that, but I have a feeling that Bay will be responding to the fan reaction that Devastator was a gorilla instead of a humanoid-shaped bot, and will be doing one this time around.

  46. To anonymous @ 10:52pm:

    Are you the guy who said BB was in the flashback? Did my simple logic step on your toes? Did your retort add anything to the topic? Not really. No amount of speculation is really good until the movie hits? Ummm....that made a lot of sense. Because, you see, once the movie hits it's not really speculation anymore, is it?

    Oh, and news flash.......I'm allowed to speculate just as much as the next guy. The only difference.....I don't play the role of the anonymous trash talker.

  47. Bay never said the Twins weren't in the movie, his exact quote from that USA today article was "they are basically gone." Which means they will have small parts and maybe just be background characters like jolt since they already have there cgi models to animate.

  48. I like the idea of Grimlock being the firetruck. The firetruck looks big, strong, but is slow, just like G1 grimlock. Only difference is, now he is not a Trex ;-)
    I know that the chance of Grimlock being the firetruck is very small, but i really want Grimlock in the movie. He is just a fantastic character to see on the big screen. I really hope that his robot mode is close to G1 so that you can see that is is indeed Grimlock. Aahh sometimes dreams can come true hahahaha

  49. Are you the guy who said BB was in the flashback? Did my simple logic step on your toes? Did your retort add anything to the topic? Not really. No amount of speculation is really good until the movie hits? Ummm....that made a lot of sense. Because, you see, once the movie hits it's not really speculation anymore, is it?

    Oh, and news flash.......I'm allowed to speculate just as much as the next guy. The only difference.....I don't play the role of the anonymous trash talker.

    Nope actually I'm just a random viewer of the TFLAMB web site. I made my comment because I noticed you decided to step on someone who added to the conversation at hand. I really don't want to hear the dumb argument that Bay said that the movies "stand alone" How is that any different than me saying your "logic" as you want to call it is long winded and boring? The point I'm trying to get across to you is don't call out anyone else. if you don't agree then just make your statement but there really aren't any dumb posts as long as the person is actually trying and that's what needs to be understood. You are entitled to speculate very true but does it do any good? does it offer any kind of validity to the subject? no. it is part of the fun but I'm saying speculate without making it seem like a lecture. and I don't need an account. Like a lot of people here I'll stop viewing the website once the movie hits. Why have an account that I won't use but for a few months? You can say I hide behind an anonymous screen name but really it's no different than you who have taken the time to create the account because in the end were all hiding behind the internet.

  50. Well sir, what you call "calling out" I call doing my research and using already posted videos and pictures to express my opinions as to why I think otherwise. It's what we call in the internet world discussion and debate. That's the whole point of forums and blogs. To express your opinions. Did I flame anyone out of malice? No. Did I belligerently stoop down to calling people names? No. I believe if I would have stepped over the line the admin would have said so or deleted my post. If my opinion disagrees with you, then feel free to come back with your own evidence for your theories. Otherwise, if you simply don't enjoy people disagreeing with you, then you can start your own blog and disable the commments, that way nobody can have a chance to.

    I never said people couldn't speculate, but if I find evidence to the contrary I don't mind voicing my opinion as to why I think they are wrong using the evidence at hand. And I would expect no less for someone to do that at me if I speculated something and someone had evidence to argue the contrary.

    But what I do know is that I'm done debating with someone who #1) called me long winded then posted something long winded, and #2) accused me of calling people out when your whole retort towards me is pretty much doing the same thing.

    Oh, and there is an option to display your name without having an account. So your point is moot.

  51. i have a comment: this is stupid. it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this article at all

  52. Agreed. neither of you are getting anywhere at all. Just drop it please. Neither of you are in the right here and both of you have made mistakes against each other. Arguing in forums and blogs...pathetic. Let's keep it to Transformers that's why all of us dorks are here anyways

  53. what makes you think I'm a sir?

    #2) accused me of calling people out when your whole retort towards me is pretty much doing the same thing.

    ready to say two wrongs don't make a right then?

  54. @Shamroxxxx, Maybe the truck from Duel is Motormaster as a nod to Spielberg? Good find, if it turns out to be more than a set prop.

    Here is the Suburban I refered to in the earlier post. The backup next to it don't have the namplate on it for some reason.

  55. It should be Ultra magnus. Cause in the book "Transformers Exodus", Ultra Magnus is the leader of the Wreckers. Would make sense...

  56. Let's start a campaign to make Grimlock the firetruck!

    Forgive me if I'm incorrect but somebody above had commented on the potential for Grimlock to be the firetruck due to his lack of speed but undeniable and raw power. I am in complete agreement with this analysis.

    Again, I have no rhyme or reason to support my theory involving Grimlock as Prime's 2nd in command with a firetruck alt mode. I just thought it would be a fresh name to throw out there because for every Ultra Magnus and Silverbolt rumor, a few fresh names from old G1 makes for even more interesting debate! Additionally, Nelson also said we'd shit our pants and throw fecal matter at Michael Bay when we found out who the firetruck was, to which I feel "dishonoring" Grimlock's legacy as a t-rex would behoove the hate towards Michael Bay. (I personally think Bay has done swell with the films).

    The firetruck as Rodimus Prime is a possibility but I believe I saw a video in one of these thread blasts that had the Ferrari, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Sideswipe, and the firetruck which may nix that theory. HOWEVER, the Ferrari could be a completely different character other than Hot Rod, which may loan credence to Rodimus being present in the movie as the firetruck.

    This is all fantastic. It's really awesome to see others who are just as interested in the film's speculative nature!

  57. The firetruck could be Rodimus Prime. It could be a take from the 80's movie. It could be a possibility that the Ferarri may be his soldier form or something.

    I do kind of like the idea that the firetruck could be Grimlock. He is one of the characters people have been wanting to see (not like a firetruck obviously) but they are saying it's someone people are going to be excited about.

  58. In response to Jan's comment on Ultra Magnus, she is correct. I am currently reading Transformers: Exodus, and on page 118 it says, "By the end of the Siege of Hydrax Plateau, the leading members of Ultra Magnus's unit have already become known as the Wreckers,...." So if the Wreckers are in the movie as has been confirmed, then it one would assume that their leader would be, too. It has been and always has been my thought that this behemoth fire truck would be Ultra Magnus.

  59. Optimus is the last decendant of the original primes, however the word "Prime" is also used as a title, so Rodimus Prime could work.

    As for the theory this is Sentinel Prime, it might also work as Sentinel Prime could be similar to his Animated counterpart and be with the Wreckers (Instead of the elite gaurd)

  60. i will guess if they do use the firetrunk it should really be called Inferno,since they taking some things from the G1 series and he the red firetrunk.

  61. i say should be named inferno if uesd, he is the fire trunk from the G1 series

  62. i think the fire truck might be omega supreme because during the 60s space race russia had the "MAZ-543" which carried Scuds and other ICBMs ,they are roughly the size and look similar to the fire truck,they are bigger than trucks/semi's/optimus prime, maybe he changed his apperance to a fire truck at the end of the space race or cold war the same way bumble bee did in the first film, hes also the only autobot able to leave a planet and fly into space (well G1 anyways). maybe the ferrari is sunstreaker, seeing as he and side swipe were lambos, sideswipe was red and is now a silver corvette, bumble bee was a vw beetle

  63. The Fire Truck is Inferno I think! The ferrari is Rodimus/Hot-Rod, There is a big odd truck that I would think would be Ultra Magnus, Omega Suprime, or some one new! The Wreckers ar Ultra Magnus Unints so you would think that Ultra Magnus Would be in it! Right? And It has been ofishaly said that The origonal G1 Bad Bot Shockblast is in it! It would be awsome if grimlock, and some ariel bots would be in it!
