Wednesday, September 15, 2010

TF3 Detroit: Bay's Big Guns Part Deux

Yesterday J1000 provided images and video of filming with some huge prop at the Detroit Packard Plant that involves Shia and Rosie's stunt doubles. Here is part two that he captured later that evening. Of note is it seems that Patrick Dempsey's double is in the house doing whatever it is he is supposed to do. For the Bay fans, he is the guy in the white shirt and red hat. As for the four videos, J1000 reports it is 4 takes of Carly hanging on while Sam wrestling with a Frenzy sized imaginary character on top of the TF/jet prop thingy as it moves.


  1. i could be wrong, but it maybe the back of some flying decepticon in robot mode. Not starscream.

  2. Or maybe it could be the drone thing from inside Optimus's trailer?

  3. my bet is Megatron ;-)

  4. NOPE!...i bet all my money its Sam controller some kind of robotic thingy similar to what they had in Avatar....

  5. this is the biggest pics/video we've had in weeks and there's been 4 comments on each?! where is everyone? not sure who i'm leaning towards but it's big. the background is cgi so that's just part of it

  6. Hmmm.... The drone inside Optimus' trailer is an interesting theory. We rarely saw it in the cartoons.

    what do you think?

  7. shockwave or omega supreme??

  8. omega's gonna be in this movie...not sure if this is him though? might be who he battles though

  9. hey j1000 i seen u there. have you got any news on were they are going to be next in detroit? if so post it please it is hard to go find them when i am at work :( tks

  10. Your site is amazing.I am very impressed to see this,i want to come back for visiting your site.Keep doing Good as well as you can..

  11. Apparently, this thing is a very large robot which will appear in the start. I know its unlikely, but i`m going with Unicron. The producers said if they were going to introduce Unicron he would be smaller than his original size. Either Unicron or Trypticon.

    If this is a spaceship then it is Shockwave`s alt mode. It cant be his robot mode because his head (Which we saw) is too small and the scale wouldnt work. By the fast motion, i would either say this is a fast moving ship or part of a huge robots arm.

  12. look at the new postings today! sam and carly jump onto it from that platform!!! it's gotta be omega supreme's hand as he protects them

  13. It seems to be a part of a giant walking robot to me. Maybe what we see is the top chest and shoulders of the robot, and then the head will be added digitally later. If it's friendly, then maybe Silverbolt. At least it looks like two jet engines are part of the design, and Silverbolt is a plane. He's also confirmed to be in the movie.
    Just speculating...

  14. Martinus Prime9/16/2010 6:58 PM

    The heads they use on set, are not the actual 1:1 size, you do know they use them only so the actors know where to look at when they are talking to the bots.

    But, if Sam and Carly jump on it, it's defenitly a big ass Autobot, that's for sure!!!
    And Silverblot could very well be possible, like anon 1:26 said, cause of the jetlike parts

  15. seems like sam is fighting something (sure is CGI)and carly es triying to help him.

  16. @Matrinus Prime:
    Yh i know it isnt actuall size just i dont really think they could have much interaction between a robot this size and the humans. They also use the heads to show the cast where the robot is and roughly how high it will be. This thing must be the size of a skyscaper atleast if it is a whole robot (Because it is rumored to be the robot that tips a skyscraper)

    If this is only a hand or gun then the full robot would easily be larger than Devastator. I doubt Shockwave would be that size. With the G1 Series he would be normally the same size as Megatron.

  17. I hope not unicron.

    It is the exhaust of a jet, nutting else as far as I see.
