Monday, September 27, 2010

TF3 Detroit: Final Day Report

Closing time for Transformers 3 in Detroit as production finished its final scenes in the city today. The clean-up has begun as the caravan is moving to Florida and the Space Center area for a week of filming from September 29th to October 5th. In the mean time J1000 has provided his final set report with gallery that includes meeting Josh Duhamel, news the set jet prop might be a Decepticon (more fuel for the Shockwave theory) and a continued reminder that the Transformers 3 crew continues to treat fans with nothing but respect and kindness that is appreciated. A huge thanks to J1000 for the last few weeks of images and video for bringing the Detroit shoot to the rest of us.
Well, the smoke is settling in Detroit. Filming wrapped here this morning, with some final scenes shot around the various sets. They are breaking down the sets, and going into clean-up mode, and getting ready to head to Florida tomorrow. I met a really cool girl that works with the locations department over the weekend, who invited us down to check out one of the sets. Just before we ran into here, we got to get some pics of/with some NEST soldiers, then with Josh Duhamel himself! A few minutes later, a crew member saw us and gave my son an ILM/TF3 Crew hat, and another gave him a yellow TF3 sticker like the ones they handed out in Chicago. When we met up with the girl I mentioned, she took us back on the set where the jet was filmed against the skyscraper section and bluescreen, and described some of what we would see in the movie regarding it. She said it would take place 18 floors up, when Sam would jump onto the ship, and the bluescreen would be replaced with Chicago skyline. Another crew member said "Did you guys see the Decepticon ship?".. soooo sounds like it may be Decepticon after all (unless he was mistaken). She described what a lot of the props were for, and pointed out a lot of prominent members of the production that were nearby, such as Simon (Assistant Director), the director of 3D recording, the lead sound editor, etc. Just before we left, Shia walked by about 10 feet away in costume; they were getting ready to wrap up, so we left at that point, with a bunch of awesome memories, pics, videos, and souvenirs. Everybody we met involved with the movie was extremely friendly, very cool, and very gracious with their time, and I thank them all for that! Well, that's it from Detroit everybody; can't wait to see what Florida brings!



  1. 18 stories up?! How big is this jet thingy going to be?! Or more importantly, what/who is it? I doub't they would make it Shockwave. Yes M.Bay messes with the source material here and there. But I doubt he would make Shockwave 10 times bigger.

  2. I was just thinking the same thing...maybe a combiner? how tall was devastator in ROTF?

  3. It's a flying ship; not necessarily a robot that's 18 stories tall; on the Clifford set, it was "landed" on street level, implying that we are looking at the whole machine.

  4. still leaning towards omega and menasor

  5. Yeah just noticed my mistake, sorry. Still, it frustrates me that even though we have a prop that big, it's only a part of said vehicle.I wanna see the complete thing :( I assume there's more to it anyway! Although that'll be the job for ILM.

    Massive thanks for getting all the photos/videos/set reports J1000. I feel like the only person that can't wait for TF3 so any bit of info helps the long wait till next year lol. And of course a big shout out to the website owner!

  6. Do not put up any more phoney plaques!
    Seeing the Mike Bay Plaque on the other side of the Apollo 1 support structure (With the real plaque and flowers left by Betty) irks me every time.

  7. Martinus Prime9/28/2010 7:13 AM

    I have to go with J1000 on this one, it probably will be a ship, when they the filmed with the prop on the ground, you can see 2 black spots on the liqour-building, that has to be from the engines from the prop, most likely from landing on the ground.

  8. Can someone PLEASE give me an update on when they are coming to DC? I've heard to many changes that I don't know the real answer!

  9. Preview of first Sector 7 comic issue!

  10. Josh Duhamel is so hot! :o)
