Friday, September 10, 2010

TF3 Detroit: Fire and Transformers (Updated)

Transformers 3 production continues in Detroit and here are pictures and two videos to go with it. The Transformers spotted on set include Ironhide, Ratchet, Prime with Trailer, Decepticon truck, the Wreckers, Sideswipe and more. That doesn't necessarily mean they are all being used as part of the whatever is being filmed at the Packard Plant as this is roving filming caravan that brings everything they need for the duration of the entire schedule, not necessarily what they need at one particular location.

Below are pictures from J1000 (thanks) and a few images and pictures that posted. The rest of their huge gallery can be found here. The two short videos from the site show the crew working at the nearby Packard Hotel including a friendly wave from Tyrese Gibson.

Update: Added five more pictures from J1000 with his son of Decepticon armored car and a Chicago police car, corrected a typo on his name (sorry), and added his video of some of the sizable smoke cloud being generated by the set.


  1. The 'Cons took my money!

    But this film definitely has mine.

  2. In the thumbnail of the first video, the guy in the white shirt by the street sign is standing right where MB and I were standing when that pic was taken of me standing with him. He was talking about adding that American flag to the motel there with his crew (which has been added, as you can see).

  3. wait. so is the chevy a con?

  4. I'm almost willing to bet that the Decepticon security truck is Payload. Who else could it be?

  5. Martinus Prime9/11/2010 7:36 AM

    I think the securtiy truck isn't a transformer at all, I think it belongs to human allies of the Decepticons.
    I don't see Ironhide anywhere? I do see the dark blue Mercedes though.

  6. It's puzzling why some of the vehicles have this elaborate decepticon markings on them. Maybe the decepticons have somehow managed to sway the public opinion in their favor, and maybe the rumored assassinations of humans have something to do with this (cons disguised as autobots). This could explain why BB seems to have gone into hiding disguised as an old Datsun for parts of the movie. If this is the case, it could be that the security truck and the dark SUVs are simply human vehicles in alliance with the Decepticons. But on the other hand, if the cons are accepted by the humans, then they might as well be flashing their logo in public.

  7. i like most of "Anonymous 9/11/2010 9:31 AM
    "'s theory so far :D and im with "Martinus Prime", wheres ironhide? i havent seen any pics of him in Detroit so far :(

  8. Hi, everyone)
    Have you see the "russian transformers"? it's not a spam) only two guys make it, they have only two digital photocameras for this

  9. i can beleive the security truck might be a human-decepticon trust rally transportation unit
    but the chevys are definitley decepticons
    and who elese thinks maybe those two decepticon assassins might be some more of soundwave's mini-bots
    i know thats not what they are officially called, and i do know my TF info, i just don't know all that much about soundwave's guys

  10. I believe that many of you are thinking too much into this decepticons alliance with humans, yes its a possibillity, but you're already making yourself an idea with very little information and as soon as the movie comes out you'll be dissapointed because things didn´t played as you believed it would be (and therefore should have been)... The same thing happened with the two previous movies and yet for the third time I read here many people making the same mistake again.

    After all the decepticons have never really been that much inconspicous about their allegiance in the previous movies: Barricade sported a very clear decepticon symbol and the "to punish and slave" slogan, Starscream tatoos in the second one, Mixmaster with a huge logo in the drum and the head of the dog, the Volvo excavator also had a decepticon logo in the side, etc.; so far for T3 we have a Chevy Tahoe with a small and simple logo on the side and the Armored Car with the decepticon symbol as part of the "Allied Security" logo (very much like Barricade police emblem) and thats all, nothing special about them... specially comparing this to comments like that of Anonymous 9/11/2010 9:31 AM "It's puzzling why some of the vehicles have this elaborate decepticon markings on them".

  11. yay, I see Bumbleebee! :o) I do have a question about the emblems though. I've noticed in the previous 2 movies that when Bumblebee's in his bipedal mode, he has that autobot emblem on his forehead. Judging by the yellow and red color scheme, it looks like it would be on the exterior when he's in his car mode. The problem is, I haven't been able to find it. You can see it on all the other Autobots, but not on Bee. Anyone else notice this?

  12. Reply to anon 09:31. It's just speculations, you know (i guess you know the definition of the word "maybe"). That's what's fun about this site, trying to come up with different theories to what's gonna happen in the movie, and reading others. I certainly ain't gonna be disappointed if it turns out to be completely wrong, I actually expect it to be. I'll be more disappointed if we actually figured out the whole plot of the movie before it was released. Having said that, I think a lot of the plots on this website was much better than what they actually came up with for ROTF.

    But I agree with you regarding the decepticon logos. Based on the examples you listed from the previous movies, it doesn't seem to be very significant. It's just the Bay way, I guess.

  13. Hey! the picture of the building was in the first film. where optimus is running over it and the hilacopter goes down

  14. i think the security trusck is going to be sixshot. and the suv's are runamuck and runabout

  15. the reson why ironhide is not in detroit is because he died before then
