Thursday, October 21, 2010

di Bonaventura: More Comedy Than Before

In an interview with IGN while promoting Red, Transformers 3 producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura spoke about 3D, comedy and action. At one point the he said the movie would have more comedy which seems to contradicts Michael Bay but he said he was "getting rid of ...the dorky comedy" so I guess that part is (hopefully) getting replaced with more natural comedy. Thanks to rumah for the link.
"[3D] captures scenes in a way they haven't been captured before and here's a different sensibility to the movie as a result" he explained. "Michael is so awesome at shooting, the question originally was how the cameras would work because they're cumbersome. Look how long it took Jim Cameron to make one movie. All those things are quite daunting, but Michael figured out how to use the cameras in a day.

"We had a day early in pre-production set aside just so he could test the cameras and see what they were like. If you look at Avatar, the camera isn't sweeping around in the way Michael uses the camera, so we had to make sure it could do what Michael does. I think people are going to be pretty wowed by the result."

"What you can expect is more comedy than we've ever had before" di Bonaventura revealed. "You can expect bigger action sequences than we've ever had before and you can expect a different character through-line for our lead because he's a little bit older and Rosie's a little bit older - there's a maturity there that didn't exist before.

"He's moved on to a new stage in his life with a job, and that's an interesting rite of passage, so I think it has the emotional elements that people are expecting of the movie, but they've moved forward in time, if you would."


  1. I liked the comedy of the first one a lot. So if it has the heart from the first movie, but with more of it, then that is cool with me. Plus more action. In a Transformers film, that's ways good. :)

  2. Okay, more comedy? Not that some humour isn't wrong, but too much humour could spoil the whole film. TRANSFORMERS is not a sci-fi comedy, it's a war, and they'd already promised to make the story darker than the other two films.

    Let's just hope the humour will at least be clean...

  3. I dunno about you but anything the Dino-bots said was comedy. Actually, anything coming outta the mouths of nearly all the robots in the cartoons was comedy. One-liners aplenty!

  4. Sam Witwicky character evolution? Maturity? It would have been true if they didn't give him a new girlfriend trying to play the G1 Carly card. It's just going to look so wrong and cheap bad writing. That is going to kill the character not making it look mature.

  5. Uh oh,
    going downhill fast... first not everything as real 3d and now more comedy? blech, the greatest critic on RotF was the stupid comedy.

  6. I just don't trust those guys (no more...)

  7. Maturity????
    Shia and Rosie= worst couple ever
    Shia and Foxy Megan= best couple ever

  8. If it's ONE thing I wouldn't want to see in this movie, it's MORE comedy. Some comedy is fine with me, but the first movie had more than enough. ROTF was basically an action-comedy B-movie (apart from the huge budget). Personally I think these kind of movies works much better when they are a little darker and more serious. This was said to be the direction that ROTF was going in, along with more character development for the robots. Well, we all know that the opposite was the case. So my expectations really aren't to high for this movie. I expect it to be slightly better than ROTF, but not nearly as good as the first movie.

  9. Based on Bay's previous statements we expectd the comedy to be more in line with what we saw in the first movie and less juvenile than what was featured in ROTF. We also have been expecting the action sequences to at least be as big as what was in ROTF. Ultimately Di Bonaventura's statement didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know.

  10. after rotf, more comedy in tf3 lol...
    one would think that bay is deliberately trying to make this worse than the previous...

    anon 10/21/2010 3:12 AM "TRANSFORMERS is not a sci-fi comedy, it's a war, and they'd already promised to make the story darker than the other two films."

    well if rotf was supposed to be the "darker" chapter in the trilogy and this one is even more darker, i cant even begin to imagine what kind of bullshit will they put into this one. robots fuckign and pissing and shitting all over the place? What could top the previous one?

  11. I'm OK with some goofyness, I love laughing. But immature jokes and toilet humor is something I just can't laugh at. Here's hoping.

  12. Maybe they'll include the Bee crash and have Bay scream at the same time "DC Cops wrecked my bumblebee!" and that will be all.

  13. Oh no! Please Mr. Bay, NO MORE CHILDISH "TOILET HUMOR"! And Simmons, PLEASE KEEP YOUR PANTS ON FOR ONE FULL MOVIE! We don't care to see your ass!

  14. This is great!!! I loved all the funny bits in ROTF

  15. I tend to take things that Di Bonaventura says with a grain if salt. He tends to hype things up and over exaggerate a LOT.


  17. I'd like to see a movie with huge alien robots that make you piss your pants but love them at the same time. I think more humor would be... kinda contraproductive.

  18. Certainly hope it's not an obnoxious type of so-called comedy or "sexual humor" between the human characters. Not to mention the bad language. While there was some in the first movie it was worse in the second. Cut the unneeded stuff out and keep the good story-telling in.

    One would hope they would listen to the viewers out in the audience.


    Just good story and amazing effects and acton scenes

  20. you'll all go see it so zip it cry babies

  21. I think the only comedy I want to see is a cameo of Di Bonaventura getting stepped on by a Decepticon.

  22. I think this is one of those cases where more is not good. A slight touch of comedy is ok but as long as it's not overdone. The fact that this guy has to say there's more comedy in this one...just scares me.
