Saturday, October 02, 2010

Duhamel About Rosie Casting

Shia LaBeouf and Josh Duhamel recently spoke with MTV while promoting their respective movies of Wall Street 2 and Life As We Know It. In both cases they had nothing but glowing comments about Rosie Huntington-Whitely who replaced Megan Fox on Transformers 3 and some of the Chicago footage they have seen. Thanks to Katie for the links.
"I think there's positives and negatives to her not being [in the movie]," said LaBeouf, who was at the Toronto Film Festival to promote "Wall Street 2." "It's awesome that we get the discovery again. I think when everybody's vetted and everybody's been through these wars, then that discovery of the first film is nonexistent. It's kind of beautiful in that we get a new set of eyes, a fresh set of eyes for the audience to vibe with. So you get the discovery again, which is something that wouldn't happen if Megan came back."

LaBeouf said she's "doing great," though there's little he could do to prepare her for the experience of working with famously fiery director Michael Bay.

"You can only do so much," he laughed. "Fight or flight. A tap on the back and a 'Good luck!'"

"I've seen about 10 minutes of it — just the stuff we shot in Chicago — and it's pretty awesome," [Josh] revealed to MTV News.

"It's all in Michael Bay's head, so you never know what the film's going to turn out like, but judging by the script and what we've shot, it's, I think, every bit as good, if not better than, the first two," he declared.

"It's the best movie we've made out of the three, by far," LaBeouf gushed. "I'm super-proud of this movie, man. ... It's balls out. This is the best movie we've made, period."

"I think she's doing a great job," Duhamel shared. "I love her attitude. I think she's a good actress. I think she's perfect for the part."


  1. What the heck is Shia talking about? He keeps repeating "you get the discovery again"... that is pretty silly indeed.
    Not only it's a very bad move by Michael Bay to give Sam Witwicky a new girlfriend (and the general public doesn't know Carly character from G1 mythology so it's a dumber move) .. BUT... we already know that the human population knows about Autobots and Decepticons, they are not hidden anymore...
    So? How could Carly character played by Rosie topmodel give viewers a new discovery of Transformers like Mikaela Banes did with Sam on the first movie when they got helped by Bumblebee and then met Autobots?
    I hope Michael Bay is going to get it in the editing stage and will cut all wrong scenes.. because it really seems that they wasted a lot of money on wrong scenes here... messing up with plot and main characters for no real reason...
    Does Michael Bay want to turn this movie into a flop or what??

  2. Hold on now! Let's not jump to conclusions before the first teaser trailer has even been released! I say: if it's good, fantastic-let's party. If it's bad-... *shrug* oh well. At least the first two were fun while they lasted.

    Besides, you're just talking about the scenes revolving around the humans. In my opinion, the humans aren't even really necessary. If the acting is really that bad, you can always just fast-forward through the human scenes and skip right to the giant robots. ;)

    signed: NIGHTBIRD
