Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TF3 DC: Bayhem Arrives in the Capitol, Autobots Exiled

Despite the Bumblebee accident, the show must go on as it did last night in around the National Mall in Washington, DC. Michael Bay was able to get permission to bring his patented Bayhem to the scene with explosions and lots of gunfire as the videos below filmed near the Capital Building along Pennsylvania Avenue show. In addition he briefly spoke to a fan about the accident, joking around saying "there are always more" and "Washington cops wrecked my Bumblebee." Thanks to Eric Heise, Jeffrey from Pixel Rally and Katie for the video links.

A thread from Revenge of the Fallen, carried over with set images of an "Autobots Go Home" graphitti has hit a new level with a reveal from The Washington Post that indicates things are going very badly for the Autobots in this movie. Thanks to Richard P. for the link. Update: Politico provides a little more information including the name of the character as Dana Bash.
"While filming "[Transformers] 3" in front of the Capitol in D.C., director Michael Bay shoots a scene in which a "CNN reporter" broadcasts news that Congress has acted quickly to pass legislation that exile Autobots from American soil."
As the photos above and below show, Bumblebee is alive and well both in a trailer and on the DC streets thanks to Allison and Michael D. along with a few additional images. From the TF Parking Lot/Home Base, Allison reports that she scoped out the "Mad Max" truck and could not find any insignia to verify if it’s a Transformer or not. She did note a little dog on the front that to me suggests more terrestrial origins for the vehicle (or that its Wreck-Gar who started as neither Autobot or Decepticon in the G1 movie). She also spotted two additional Bumblebees, not including the damaged one. The rest of Michael's gallery from the streets of DC can be found here.

Update: Click here for three more videos found by TFormers that show other angles on the action.


  1. "While filming "Transporters 3" in front of the Capitol in D.C., director Michael Bay shoots a scene in which a "CNN reporter" broadcasts news that Congress has acted quickly to pass legislation that exile Autobots from American soil."

    Transporters 3? lol does someone know what movie they are working on :)

  2. Stinkin' politicians.

  3. I think the mad max truck is the fire truck in it's older form before it changes

  4. no actually it was said that megatron is the truck and tht they put blue tape over the hood ornament when they are prepping and switch it to the Mack bulldog when storing

  5. hahaha "WASHINGTON COPS WRECKED MY BUMBLEBEE!" I love that line. I was totally wrong then, he really was onsite. I'm glad he has a sense of humor! :)

  6. I think I would be a nervous wreak if I was driving any of the TF cars. Not to mention parking them in the trailer.

  7. Surely there's no way that big fuel truck is an autobot. It's been seen more with the dreads (Which have decepticon symbols) when the vehicles are mobile. Plus the general look of the thing; It cries pure evil and destruction. I just can't see an autobot having that appearence.


  9. Well, it starts to come together:

    Remember the video with the truck crashing through all the cars.
    (The Blue truck).

    Well that is a Decepticon be it Megatron or someone else.

    'The Humans' in the movie jump to conclusions (you know that stupid movie effect were no one thinks aside of the hero's) that that truck was Optimus Prime (because humans know him by know).
    Plus some other things and the Autobot go home part is started.

    Too easy. ;)

  10. does anyone know whether or not that firetruck in chicago next to optimus was really sentinel prime or was it just a rumor

  11. For some reason, I can't see Megatron converting to an Earth form. Perhaps maybe it's Motormaster?

  12. Can't imagine that megatron adapts and changes in to a truck. It wouldn't fit the character. He is to proud and to full of him self to change in to a human made vehicle. I think/hope it's Ultra Magnus, leader of the wreckers.

  13. I agree, Megatron would never take on the disguise of a fleshling vehicle. hehe As badboybilly says, he's just too full of himself.

    I'm thinking that without a Decepticon/Autobot insignia, it's part of a new faction in the TF universe we have not seen yet. I can't even really guess an appropriate name for that kind of truck other than MotorMaster. The name has to fit the image, you know?

  14. I would have to take a guess that the DC scenes take place before the Kennedy Space Center scenes and that after the Autobots are essentially exiled that they decide to go back to Cybertron, something that the American Government decides to help them with one last time. Something big must happen at Kennedy to turn the movie in a direction which leads to the Chicago battle.

  15. Just one idea, what if instead of Megatron the truck is Shockwave. He is supposed to be the new bad guy and we can expect him to be as evil as Megatron...

    I'm thinking two main reasons for this: it's obviuosly an important character to have such a big and unique vehicle, and I can't see an Autobot taking such an menacing earth mode.

    The next chararacter we know to exist (apart from Megatron for his contempt to humans) that can be as important to have this vehicle mode could be Shockwave, someone that we really don't know much about in this movie.

  16. The truck has been seen running with the black Suburbans (4 of them with police lights and decepticon logos).. I don't think it's an autobot or a 3rd party/faction. I don't think it's Megatron either, but I suppose it could be.

  17. 90% of the movie plot and characters have been spoiled already... it really seems that Michael Bay wants the movie to flop to force Hasbro and Paramount to reboot the franchise. He might fire Duhamel, Shia and Tyrese and cut their scenes as much as possible in the editing stage so to tell that what was spoiled never happened..
    The movie is a dead project. Bay clearly didn't want to do this movie and he already stated that he wants to quit the franchise and Hasbro will reboot it.. so...
    With the movie so spoiled very few people will spend money watching it in theaters given the simple fact that there are many movies being released on July2011 and none of those has been spoiled so much already.
    So which movie do you think the majority of people will go watching more? One that has been fully spoiled or one that either plot, characters or both are mostly unknown?

  18. Chris McKinney10/14/2010 5:21 PM

    I think that the tanker is owned by a human Transformer bounty hunter. It has a score card on the door, chains and spikes plus we saw in the first movie that Humans had the technology to immobilise Transformers so I bet the tank is full of that freezing gas or something more fatal.

  19. I'm with you, Chris. It even has an animal scull attached to the back of the tank. It doesn't look like a transformer to me.

  20. LOL - if Mad Max does transform, it will be interesting to see where the bull skull with horns on the back of the truck goes after he transforms.

  21. Anon @ 10/14/2010 4:59 PM:

    But I don't want to watch any other movies. I want to watch Transformers. And clearly you're talking to a bunch of us that have re-watched the movies MANY MANY times over. Not once. Not twice. More like 10 - 20 times in the theaters. OK, that's just me. haha But basically, if you think he's spoiling for us, uhhmmm no he's not. Your point of view is not the view he is getting. And clearly his view has soundtrack, sound effects, and CG. I dunno what you're seeing. Maybe it's a little myopic, if you know what that means. Might need a new pair of glasses. :)

  22. not just you i went and saw ROTF 10 times in the theaters **full price**

  23. not to mention how can this spoil ANYTHING!? oh wait you're right, that one explosion, with the red and the yellow that was from a fight between starscream and optimus, oh wait! did you see that other explosion!?! that was 2 seconds after the last one? it was from megatron and bumblebee! yup i have CGI in my HEAD! i'm so basically you're saying that's what happens right?

  24. Yeah I watched ROTF twice in IMAX and I think 10 times in the regular theaters at full price.

    The first one I watched once in IMAX and 14 in the theaters at full price. And to top that off, because I was traveling a lot in 2007, I watched almost each time in a different theater. Fun times. hehe

    I hope Paramount hosts another big TF1-2 IMAX marathon in 2011!

  25. lol yeah i went nuts for Star Wars Episode 3, that's MY personal fav. doesn't get much better then those, but i'm such a lot of you would disagree with me ;-)

  26. That's pretty funny, actually. I really enjoyed Episode 2 and 3. I didn't like Episode 1 all that much, maybe because of Jar Jar. haha I dunno, something about the First Episode was too kiddie-kiddie for me. I liked the darker tone and cool techie crap in the 2nd and 3rd.

    And YES, we can talk about Star Wars here because the effects people put SW references in the TF movies. haha

  27. lol how could they not, without star wars you dont have TF, ILM ALL THE WAY!

  28. Lol, I watched ROTF once in IMAX and 10 times in a regular theater, full price. I watched it even after visiting this blog every single day leading up to ROTF. I enjoyed it tons. I would see this movie even if I knew word for word every line in this movie beforehand. Spoilers don't bother me.

  29. where and when will be next shot?

  30. Martinus Prime10/15/2010 6:10 PM

    Hey guys, don't respond to the anon 10/14/2010 4:59 PM, it's the same ignorant blabbering idiot from a few months ago that trashed TF and Bay and loves Megan Fox.
    I just can't believe he's back, I hope the admin deletes his comment if he goes on and on again!!

    I also hope they'll do a TF marathon here in The Netherlands, I will take a day of work.

    But unlike anon 11:42, spoilers do bother me, yes I know it's not wise come on a blog like this, but hey, as a huge TF fan, I can't resist. I just don't watch the movieshooting video's.

    The Mad Max truck is defenitly NOT Shockwave, it has no reference in looks to Shockwave would be what so ever.
    I'm also with Chad on this, that's the most logical explanation!

  31. @Martinus Prime: here the only idiot seems you insulting and accusing people. Grow up kid.

  32. Martinus Prime10/16/2010 7:45 AM

    @anon 10/16/2010 6:10 AM
    Are you the same anon as 4:59 PM?? If you are, please tell, so I don't have to respond to you, if not, who are you to judge this.

    But first things first, for god sake, us a url/name so we know who we are discussing with!!!!!!

    So if you are not the same anon, you obviously didn't read this blog the last few months. Where it's obvious, cause of the use of language, it's the same blogtrasher as this past summer.
    So if you're not, I'm not insulting/accusing people, you are.

    But if you are, again, use a name instead of anonymous, and stay away, you would please many blogreaders.
    And act like a normal adult person, instead of somebody who is
    sitting behind his pc acting like loser, trashing around, cause we can't see you.

  33. @Martinus Prime: so you write here accusing people of this and that and being someone you dislike for whatever reason, you insult people and then you accuse me of insulting you "So if you're not, I'm not insulting/accusing people, you are." ... and you go on accusing others of being childish...
    Here anyone can only see you acting as a childish guy unable to have a civil discussion with anyone and so much obsessed against an anonymous user you dislike... Yeah, that is a really adult behaviour of yours there, right?

    Insulting, accusing people and whoever tries to point that out you go on whining and you keep accusing,insulting and thinking that anyone that doesn't agree with your childish acting and doesn't praise you like a little kid must be your anonymous enemy...

    Yeah, you are right.. you are such an adult person indeed...

  34. OK So the can pass a bill so the AutoBots are not allowed on US soil but we cant get rid of the damn illeagals? WTF

  35. Hey guys, did you see the car crash occured during filming of T3 in DC? Are they planning to replace that car?

  36. martinus prime so if you're insulting anonymous 2:07 and he's accusing anonymous 1:32 then sideswipe and and lionboogy were insulting anonymous 1:15 and 2:07 at the same time then that means martinus and bingo insulted anonymous 4:56 at the same time and lionboogy accused martinus and anonymous 9:12 so they all cancel each other out so grow up losers and get a life

  37. @ Anonymous 10/14 4:59 if you're worried about a movie being know before it hits the theather in July 2011, then don't go see the second half of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. The movie will be coming out in July 2011 and the ending to that movie is well known. So sit back and relax and enjoy Dark of the Moon.

  38. I would like to know why the driver(s) is for Optimus Prime and all the other autobots and decepticons when they're in disguise. Other than the fact that Sam drives Bee, but still. Who are the drivers?
