Friday, November 05, 2010

More Legal Related Bad News for Transformers 3

Two new legal related stories have broke today regarding Transformers 3. One is a personal injury lawsuit and other involves potentially using a gun runner as a consultant for the film.

WGN and Chicago Tribune is reporting that William Kennedy is suing Paramount Pictures and others for $150,000. The paper says, "Kennedy alleges that a temporary control panel in the building where he was working, at 2558 W. 16th St., was "negligently wired" to supply 220 volts. He claims nobody warned him before he plugged in the 110-volt grinder." The accident occurred on July 25th and alleges he suffered "severe and permanent damage to his arm." Paramount has not commented on the story and doubt they will until after it is resolved as that is the standard advice any lawyer gives to clients. Thanks to rumah and Katie for the links.

The other story is a touch more bizarre. It seems Transformers: Dark of the Moon may have unintentionally hired an alleged gun trafficker as consultant for the film. From MovieWeb:
Petty Officer 1st Class Nicholas Bickle is a thirty-three year old rogue Navy SEAL who was discovered to be supplying AK-47s and handguns he allegedly smuggled in from Iraq and Afghanistan. It was also discovered that one of his unmanned accomplices was keeping live C-4 explosives hidden inside his house. While this was all going on, Bickle was working on the set of the currently in-production Transformers: Dark of the Moon as a Navy SEAL consultant and extra.
For unknown reasons the tone of the article suggests that TF3 production should have been aware of his history and not hired him. Or something. If not for the Transformers 3 angle, doubt this story would have even passed local news muster for a five second blurb. Suffice it to say, Paramount and Michael Bay have not commented on the story and hopefully will not bother as it ultimately has nothing to do with them. Sadly these two things, along with the tragic extra incident and the Bumblebee accident, give the impression of a trouble set. The end result is next year's promotional tour for the film is going to be an interesting one for Bay and the cast. Thanks to Mauricio for the link.


  1. oh come on bay

  2. Every movie has tons of problems like these. The only difference is, unless it's a gigantic major blockbuster like Transformers and other such movies, we never hear about them because nobody really gives a shit.

  3. I'm pretty sure that 85% of the movies ever made have had issues like this at some point. The only reason these are making light is because we live in a media saturated-blame everything-everyone culture that gets more and more invasive and inquisitive each day. This is nothing new. I'm sure that 3 years from now when TF4 is no doubt being made or rebooted or whatever, there will be a giant scandal made over whatever background character actor said to a classmate as a child. Does it matter in the end? No.

    Lets enjoy the movie. The End.

  4. my friends are real movie heads some-times they one of them said that Avatar (James Cameron) had many problems but no one really knew because it was on a secure set in who-knows-where... the entire movie was blue (or green) screen on a large scale, so probably a movie-making warehouse?

  5. i agree 100% with Luke

    "Anonymous 11/05/2010 9:41 PM" its not Bay's fault to go f*ck yourself

  6. Martinus Prime11/06/2010 12:29 PM

    Like others said, these thing are normal, but the second thing has nothing to do wtih Paramount or Bay.
    This old rogue navy seal has to be prosicuted by the U.S. government for his illegal deeds!

  7. This has nothing to do with the actors or michael bay so i don't see how or why this would ever come up in the press junkets when the movie is being released. none of the actors were even there the day she got hurt or probably had any contact with the weapons guy so this is just dust under the rug to me...

  8. ps. ^^^^ the guy claiming he got shocked by a control panel is just a giant pussy and i hope he brings it to court and ruins him for the rest of his life lol

  9. I called this bullshit.Another latin assholes trying to get money to eat tacos.Fuck them

  10. ok lets relaxe here guys we are all on the same page when we say that people might be trying to F*ck up this movie by giving it the world's largest amount of lawsuits... and the dude who told me to F*ck myself, grow up!

  11. Anonymous 1:24 PM, I don't know about you but for me "William Kennedy" doesn't sound like a latinamerican name at all.

    Probably this guy is just hoping to get enough attention of the media (specially with the problems that TF3 have experienced before) to force an off-court settlement to get some free money.

  12. I agree Anonymous 1:41 lets not jump to a conclusion that this guy is Latian-American until we see a picture or a video of this guy lets keep our wild theories to our self until this all makes sence (hopefully....)

  13. I think no more anonymous posts should be allowed, and that if you're going to say something, you should identify yourself or shut up. :)

  14. Agreeing with Jeffery and Luke..

    At first I thought that these legal issues was a bad sign for TF3, but now that I think about it, it makes sense that this is a major part of filming.

    And since TF3 is well known, we'll know every detail up until the release date, as opposed to small films.

  15. the only bad related news for Transformers 3 is that Micheal bay is directing it

  16. lol ha i love how people hate

  17. Man, it's already mid-November and I can't believe some interesting hasn't leaked about the movie yet! News is getting boring.

  18. It would be nice to have the money that Bay has, but man, it would suck trying to please so many of the unpleasable fanbaby's out there always letting us know how miserable they are.

    America...the land of frivilous litigation victimizing those who actually get out there and pursue the american dream by bustin their booty.

  19. I'm a little curious how he got a 110V plug into a 220V outlet. All the kitchen equipment I work with uses 2 ditterent plugs and you would have to really modify the 110V to fit the 220V.

  20. soooooo the dude might be lying about the electrical problem....

  21. Either he's a complete idiot and somehow managed to get a 110V plug into a 220V outlet, or the crew wired a 110V outlet to have a 220V current, which wouldn't make sense because anything that draws 220V is going to have a 220V plug. Personally I would call Shenanigans on this one, but... uh... I wasn't there... so I can't comment or speculate.
