Sunday, November 14, 2010

Transformers 3 At The United Nations

Principle photography may have completed (aka lead cast completed their work) for Transformers 3, but that doesn't mean filming is finished. According to On Vacation Locations and Inner City Press, Transformers: Dark of the Moon filmed in the General Assembly auditorium on Saturday.
The middle section of the General Assembly hall was full of extras, in suits and native dress, while a camera on a mechanical arm panned the crowd and then the three faux speakers on the rostrum. From the photo booth on the GA's third floor, Inner City Press heard stage directions, saw the vote tally board lit up.
On Vacation Locations mentions that Dame Judi Dench was spotted but I highly doubt it. Based on the description it sounds like part of the "Autobots - Go Home" plot point that is rumored to include Congress making their presence illegal in the States and now seems to include the UN too. Does that mean Transformers get banned from the entire planet? Or maybe it is for the end of the film and the Autobots are given planetary wide amnesty?


  1. quote...
    "rumored to include Congress making their presence illegal in the States and now seems to include the UN too"

    If the UN scene is about making them illegal on the entire planet...
    No wonder the movie is called "Dark Side Of The Moon" the Autobots had no other place to go.

  2. I wonder what happens to get the Autobots exiled from the US and perhaps the entire planet?

  3. M.Bay said once that this movie will have a touch of G1 so this could be part of the UN giving the autobots the chance to stay as long they finish their war with the decepticons this maybe at the middle of the movie, anyway i think they will leave earth at the end just like headmasters war was over and they just toke off to their own shit :p

  4. Is the guy in the left picture Iqbal Theba? The awesome actor who plays Principal Figgins on Glee?

  5. who cares about that guy ?

  6. Anonymous 3:48 good thought

    Anonymous 7:31 good thought

    I think that the goverment knows about a little secret on the dark side of the moon. It's rumored that the movie will include a flashback scene. Maybe it icludes Apollo 11 landing on the moon. The astronauts must have seen something, perhaps they saw Shockwave! The title explains that there is something on the dark side of the moon.

    The autobots getting banned from earth thats why they visit a space center. It was rumored the space center scene was somewhere in the end. Maybe something happens on earth a big Decepticon invasion which will lead to the final battle in Chicago(final battle was rumored to be in Chicago).

    Or the autobots leave earth in the end. Perhaps they dont get banned from the planet and they decide to leave.

  7. Chilly's Thoughts;
    I have been working on a theory of my own, may be a little far fetched: Idea is that there is a time travel-Decepticons go back in time using machine (Dark Side) on Moon and change earth history to make Decepts good and AutoBots Bad, that's why all the "AutoBots Go Home" signs. That's why Bumblebee has Datsun mode, that's why they utilize the 60's era Mission Control, somehow AutoBots from 60's era travel to the moon to destroy the machine before it goes into service in this century. When that is accomplished-come back to this era to finish off the remaining Decepticons!! Told you all lil far-fetched....

  8. Chilly's other thoughts:
    This why the filming in United Nations/Congress without principal characters-not needed since this is 60's era and none of them except for Sam are in this era-FireTruck being Rodimus Prime would then fit this profile-comes back through time to help battle Decepts in this time period, since he was around in Gen 1 and could help out Bumblebee.....

  9. "I wonder what happens to get the Autobots exiled from the US and perhaps the entire planet?"

    Watch Transformers 2 again. There are hints.

  10. "Is the guy in the left picture Iqbal Theba? The awesome actor who plays Principal Figgins on Glee?"
    It sure looks like it. His career has blown up, so I wouldn't be surprise if it was him.

  11. who cares about him asshole...

  12. well i dont care what the UN pple will say because i already know they'll bite their tongue and the autobots will protect earth soooooo

  13. I believe I saw Mr Michael Bay walking past me on 9th Avenue in the Meatpacking District of NYC, midnight the night before this was shot. Prior to that I'd seen two impeccable Bumblebee replica Camaros, but sure if the Camaros were related to Bay at all. I'd just arrived from Australia, so it was a pretty awesome start to the holiday.
