Friday, November 26, 2010

Transformers 3 With Real 3D Problems?

A report from suggests that Transformers: Dark of the Moon is starting to have a problem with 3D footage for the film which has entered the editing and CGI phase of the post production process. Ironically, they are not talking about the critically panned conversion process but the actual real 3D footage that Michael Bay filmed, calling it nearly useless as it "looks like shit." The information comes from "insider" sources which general prove to be unreliable so usual grain of salt caveats apply.
Our post production insiders are telling the IESB that Michael Bay is doing some scrambling trying to salvage the footage that was shot. "The 3-D looks like shit and we don't know if we will be able to use all of it the way it is," our insider tells IESB.

"Avatar set the standard very high for 3-D films and even though some of the best people in the 3-D business were brought aboard for TF3 but with Michael's quick, aggressive style of shooting without any real past experience has caused hiccups," our insider added.

To end on a positive note one of our sources up at ILM have told us that the FX work looks insane and that the story and plot is far superior to the two previous films. Which is great since I love the first Transformers film...really didn't care for Revenge of the Fallen.
While I could see some footage having problems just as a result of the film making process, I find it hard to believe all it is rubbish mostly because Bay did have a 3D video set up on set that allowed him and his team to review the 3D footage as they filmed it. I find it difficult to believe they would not have noticed problems early on and made corrections accordingly. Thanks to rumah for the link.

Another reason do not believe the report is because of Alberta Film Classification website (via TFW2005) has posted a running time of the first trailer (but sadly no premiere date) that indicates a running time of 2:24 and a PG rating, which guess means someone has at least watched it. I think if there was footage problems, getting a trailer prepped would not be high on the to do list as one is not really necessary at this time (but sure wouldn't mind it). Thanks to Teddy for the link.


  1. i will believe it/bay ruined the franchis he knows the film will fail he's just trying to cover up with this 3D and this rosie will fail

  2. @ 11/26/2010 10:32 PM
    Fuck off hater

  3. This is a ridiculous report as they can watch all the footage on set as its shot in 3D. I'm sure we will hear from MB pretty soon on his site about this so called "report".

  4. well if the problem is real lets just hope for the best or all they can do is put the very best of ILM and CGI for the regular version M.Bay knows very well this is the last one and it gotta go with tumbs up at least 9 out 10 so lets just way for trailer and see the progress. TF G1 forever !

  5. Well I plan on watching it in 3D at least once, but really going to heap a load of theater-watching on the 2D version. So, whether or not the news is true or false, really not much of an effect on my wallet. haha :)

  6. Hahaha. Ok. What else could happen at this point? First Meghan Fox gets fired, then the accident which left somebody with permanent brain damage, then Bumblebee gets wrecked, and now this? Oh my goodness... XD

  7. It's surley fake, like the most news.

  8. its good to hear about this failure with 3d. no need for that shit.

  9. It's highly likely to be the truth. Obviously now Paramount and Bay will either tell nothing or just negate everything.

  10. Hey there!)
    According to the [url=]British Board of Film Classification[/url] trailer will be in 3D (to see "3D" mark you just have to enter "Transformers" in advanced search (you also have to put a tick on "Trailers")), so this "production leak" makes me laugh.

  11. Little-Jackob11/27/2010 4:57 AM

    Did I say something wrong?
    That was just the link on British Film Classification site, where's said that trailer will BE in 3D, so IESB's "exclusive" news is no more than moron's writings.

  12. "Hahaha. Ok. What else could happen at this point? First Meghan Fox gets fired, then the accident which left somebody with permanent brain damage, then Bumblebee gets wrecked, and now this? Oh my goodness... XD"

    your forgetting no IMAX lol

    but hopefully it will have the best action scenes and stoy then the rest wont matter

  13. @Little-Jackob: the trailer being in 3D doesn't prove anything. They could be using postconverted 3D or a few usable seconds that look good out of the claimed 40minutes+ native 3D shots.
    What is for sure is that if there are troubles with 3D then Paramount managers will oblige Bay to cut a lot of scenes and the movie runtime might become really short down even to 90-100minutes instead of the 150-160minutes it should have been. Paramount managers won't allow scenes that don't look good in 3D to be released for 2D only, which means that they will just put everything in the trash can and move on with what they got trying to make the result watchable despite how much stuff is missing and how many money they already wasted.

  14. Paramount don't care about quality, they forced transformers 2 into production without a script, and alot of the cgi wasnt even to the standard of the first film,

  15. so they will release even the bad cgi

  16. Transformers2 CGI was way better than the first movie and it's still the best mechanical CGI to date.

  17. Martinus Prime11/27/2010 8:12 AM

    Same here LionBoogy, but I'm not going to watch in 3D at all, so they won't get any of my money for the 3D, haha! :)

    Like others said, it'll probably be fake, but I'm secretly hoping not. I'm against 3D all the way, just like most of us. Avatar did'n set the bar very high at all. Even Resident Evil Afterlife looked better.
    So I'm hoping the 3D fails bigtime, so that they have to cut the hole 3D process and just releasing it in 2D. One can only dream, for that to happen :).

    Didn't Bay allready said 2 years ago that his style of filmmaking is to agressive??!!

  18. @Martinus Prime: unfortunately Paramount managers won't allow the movie the be released in 2D only and that's the reason why they will oblige Bay to cut the unusable scenes even if that would mean trimming the movie runtime down to 90-120minutes or so. Paramount managers will force having the movie in 3D to sell more expensive tickets at any cost, they don't care if the movie will suffer and that despite how much it was already spent on CGI for any unusable scenes in 3D, they will keep thinking the movie will get an higher boxoffice gross regardless as long as it is in 3D.
    That is not true but it's what they think and that's the reason why this movie is already ruined.

  19. 1st off, a mod over at said its B.S.

    2nd, fox is a terrible actor, she's a nobody that got fired after calling the boss names, which i would have fired also. its not meganformers is Transformers..
    quit beaten the damn deadhorse retards..its people like you that run this stupid ass country..

  20. I'll take what IESB's word over Bay's anyday. Bay has already lied about this film before, and when someone claims to be on the isider he just acts like a dick and insults them. IMO, he's just trying to cover it up.

  21. Nelson here...

    Recently a web site reported that Michael Bay’s Transformers 3: Dark of The Moon was having problems with their 3D shots. Not so, says the man himself:

    Wow, I read these morons on the internet who think they are in the know. "We have have problems with our 3D????” Really? Come into my edit room and I will show you beautiful 3D. There has never been a live action show that has pushed the boundaries of 3D like Transformers 3. We shot the entire movie with 3D cameras. I actually loved shooting in 3D.

    I will give full details of my process and why I liked 3D in the next week right before the Transformers announcement piece comes out on Tron and Narnia.

    And don't watch this movie in 2D, we made it for 3D.


  22. I love you Michael Bay!

    oh yeah and Transformers owns TROTF

  23. i just find this laughable because the whole time they were filming and all the behind the scene reports and news reports were praising the quality and the way Bay was using 3D cameras. they all commented that the footage was great and will be a new way to watch 3D, since it is all live action 3D and not all CGI like Avatar. I think this will be the best film yet, a way to wrap up the franchise and apologize for the lack of story in ROTF

  24. I'm always hesitant about new technology being tossed around like it's the greatest thing. Which is why I think I'd trust Michael Bay's judgment about 3D. He's more of a common man where if you don't quite harness it right, it can come off as stupid-looking. But if you get it right, it'll definitely kick you in the ass and it'll feel great! First I have to see what it looks like in 3D and then I'll see if it garners an extra 1 or 2 or more 3D viewings.

    I'm still on the ball about it, but I'm not going to make a hard case against 3D. I'm willing to give it a chance. I just want the most bang for my buck.

    When it comes to TF, oh you can best believe I'm saving up for that whole MONTH of TF viewings right now. haha

  25. err.. [correction] on the fence about it...

  26. Current stereoscopic 3D is an outdated failure and a gimmick that multinationals managers are desperately trying to sell people worldwide to steal money from them.
    True solid 3D will come with holographic displays and projectors that the industry already has very advanced prototypes of.
    Some advanced 3D holographic projectors are already in public is in Japan for Holographic Vocaloids live concerts and the results are already stunning to say the least despite technology still being at not very high resolution:

  27. "I will give full details of my process and why I liked 3D in the next week RIGHT BEFORE THE TRANSFORMERS ANNOUNCEMENT PIECE COMES OUT ON TRON AND NARNIA."

    So did Bay himself said that the first trailer will be attached with Narnia and Tron?

  28. @ anonymous 11/27/2010 5:36pm..umm well didnt you just answer your own ?..

  29. Our post production insiders are telling the IESB that Michael Bay is doing some scrambling trying to salvage the footage that was shot. "The 3-D looks like shit and we don't know if we will be able to use all of it the way it is," our insider tells IESB.

  30. guys have no clue..period.
    iesb people are idiots.
