Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Ark is Omega Supreme? (Updated)

A render of The Ark posted anonymously in the comments of this website has led to speculation that the ancient Autobot ship could be the alt mode of Omega Supreme by an Italian Transformers website (translation). The validity of the render is unverified but it is missing the logos and copyright info that often accompany these types of leaks. While the image is pretty neat looking, it has to be taken with a grain of salt as it almost seems like a merge of two different images. I doubt the Ark has an alt mode and its part in the movie will mostly be the extent it is used in the moon landing sequences. Still it is an intriguing idea.

Update: To no surprise, the art is not Transformers related. As pointed out in the comments, it seems the design is from this website which has more images of similar design that are not Transformers related. Worth checking out just because the person's art is pretty radical but neat looking.


  1. Looks to much like the concept art of devestator down to the positioning.

  2. kinda doubt it's real but that would be pretty bad ass.

  3. Agreed with the Devastator comment. Image looks like it has been carefully rotated to a position in which it stands upright instead of crouching like Devastator. Fan art? Definitely. Concept art? Likely. Legitimate and official? Highly unlikely.

    Take with a HUGE grain of salt guys...

  4. looks like the bastard son of Jetfire and Devastator....if they could breed that is.

  5. I don't even know where to start. But it definitely looks badass. :)

  6. Would be very cool if this is real. In the animated series Omega Supreme was the Ark.

  7. his legs look like barricades sorta
    his arms remind me of devastator
    and the thruster things on the front of what I assume is his chest look like the jets on megatrons tank.

    I think its fake :/

  8. No one would be wasting so much time producing a complex fake. This is an early concept design probably, they might have modified a lot from it on the final CGI model.

  9. i have to agree with Anon 11:44

  10. Good point, maybe lazy design work then :P

  11. I think it's fake. Would be bummed out if they create another gorilla type bot.

  12. I think it's a fake because the Italian site says that this site is the source of the image..
    Maybe someone wanted his work on this site in order to have a reliable source..

  13. Well, remember the concept art of an aircraft carrier transforming for the 1st movie, or the 2nd in which the Fallen was to be a kind of giant submarine machine that would attack the aircraft carrier...

    Maybe Bay will finally use this idea that has been around since the beginning. Or maybe is just a fake, or this is a concept art for something related to the movie, just not from DOTM itself (much like the concept art from the videogames).

  14. It's been proven to be fake already as it's somebodies "fan art"

  15. Tunguska event look it up.

  16. Omega is sporting some boobs there!

  17. it's fake ladies

  18. That's fake. Those are bumblebee's legs, just made to look shorter. They didn't bother to change anything but shorten them. look closely.

  19. If it's not transformers related, then why does he have Bumblebees legs?!

  20. This....could actualy be true,I wouldn't be surprised,Bay might put the big guy in to make up not putting in the Dinobots,this gu would be just as big as I don't know maybe.....Orga from Godzilla 2000?

  21. In transformers Animated (tv series)
    the spaceship in wich the autobots crash lands is Omega Supreme. only late in the series Optmus becomes aware of the transformer within.

    In transformers war for cybertron (The Game). optimus is aware of omega supreme Prior to leaving Cybertron in the Ark wich connects to Season one lore. Ratchet patches up Omega supreme after the end battle if memory serves me right.

    The Ark is featured in Transformers Beast wars wich dates in the time after the ark has crashed on earth and before the season 1 kicks of in the far future. autobots faction is called maximals in these series. optimus primal as leader.

    Im missing the link where the ark and omega supreme fit in with all thses different lores.

    As to the Movies: The autobots fly in in special vehicle modes be4 assuming there earthly vehicle modes.

    Basicly The core lore is ignored wich makes it hard to form one solid idea about the transformers worl and characters.

    Some Food for toughts imo
