Tuesday, January 11, 2011

DOTM Toy List Proves Sentinel Prime?

In a new post about the first wave of Transformers: Dark of the Moon toys from DOTMToys.com (before the domain disappeared) potentially proves that the red Rosenbauer Panther airline fire truck seen in Chicago this summer is Sentinel Prime as the rumors at the time indicated. The listing shows that Prime will get a Voyager release with trailer and the name of Raodbuster (yep with typo), Air Ride, Barricade, Crankcase, and "New Villian" (yep with that spelling) which I assume is Shockwave. The screenshots are from an unknown source so this all remains rumor especially since the typos do not exactly lead confidence to their legitimacy. The recent spate of toy leaks may eventually prove this information one way or the other. (via Seibertron)

Speaking of leaks, Yahoo Auction, Japan has revealed the toy of the final Wrecker, the Green Impala. Not much in detail but once again shows that all three Wreckers at least have Transformer modes for the toy line so not a reach to assume the same for the movie. (via TFW2005)


  1. http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/3350/tf3arkrender.jpg

    Save this before tflamb pulls it again. We don't want a CAD order thrown at this place.

    Keep up the wonder, fans.

  2. Wonder whether Barricade, Arcee, and Jolt are just remakes or if they actually have some role in the movie. Arcee was supposed to be dead, Jolt hasn't been seen during filming as far as I know, and Barricade was never in the last movie. Wouldn't mind seeing those characters again.

  3. Whoa, that render's bad-ass! Don't think tflamb will be pulling it!

  4. I wonder why Mudflap is not listed...

  5. Martinus Prime1/12/2011 6:52 AM

    Dude, that Ark-render is indeed bad-ass awesome!!! I'm curious if it's in the movie.
    The name Air Ride is plausible for the Chevy Suburban "Dreads".
    And I think Crankcase is a cool name for the Ferrari.

  6. Ark Render is insane. Air Ride has to be a Autobot name and Crankcase is Decepticon, look at the lettering all Autobots have a T/F DA and Decepticons get a T/F DD. But i do agree Crankcase would have been a cool name for the Ferrari

  7. The arc is Omega Supreme?

  8. Martinus Prime1/12/2011 9:10 AM

    I didn't even noticed that, blind ass that I am ;)
    Maybe the Ferrari is called Roadbuster? Or maybe one of the Wreckers, inspite of it isn't called "sponsored car". Roadbuster is a good name for a Wrecker.

  9. Given the mis-spellings.. could Air Ride be Air Raid? Aerialbot

  10. just a little research will provide that in all refrences to the wreckers the autobot roadbuster is a member everytime. so safe to say he's one of the stock cars.

  11. Also.. the DA before the number seems to indicate Autobot where DD seems to indicate Decepticon.

  12. http://www.shootfortheedit.com/forum/showthread.php?8354-Magnus-(Spoilers)

  13. My predictions are:

    The firetruck is Ultra Magnus.

    The ship in the trailer is Omega Supreme. (Pulling from TF:A). Since it's crashed, and presumably everyone on board dead, the robot in the trailer could be Sentinal Prime, and if he's inactive it would flow with ROTF making at the time Optimus the last LIVING Prime......that is until Sentinal is reactivated.

  14. Maybe the SP is an OP repaint? Or the list was a planted list to figure out who is leaking info?

  15. I doubt Leader Bumblebee is real. And if it is i dont want it.

    The New Villain is probably not shockwave, as he was confirmed ages ago so they would just name him.

    Roadbuster (Not Raodbuster) Is probably one of the three wreckers.

    Sentinel Prime might be the Firetruck (Based on the colour scheme and size)

    Ultra Magnus Is probably in his "Leader of the wreckers" style meaning he might not take an Earth form.

  16. The fire truck is not Sentinel Prime. SP is the gold bot and he stays in his true form. Magnus is the fire truck. Also the toys are clearly marked on the list as to DA- DOTM Autobot and DD- DOTM Decepticon so Crankcase is Decepticon and Air Ride is mis-spelled it's Air Raid

  17. ^^^Where did you get Ultra Magnus from??? And how do you know that SP is going to stay in his original form for the whole movie?

  18. Ultra Magnus is in the movie. And SP looks too bad ass in his true form not to stay that way. Much like Megs stayed in his Cybertronian form for the first 2 movies. UM will take on Megatron in the movie.

  19. Chad has the right idea... like I said UM will be in it as well as SP.

  20. Martinus Prime1/12/2011 5:50 PM

    Great find anon 2:48PM! The worksheet spoilers indicates it can't miss that the firetruck is Ultra Magnus.

  21. Counterpunch1/13/2011 3:03 AM

    Good to know the Aerialbots gonna be around! Air Raid would be cool. And there will be an Autobot military helicopter too! Wonder who will it be?
