Sunday, January 16, 2011

Upcoming DOTM Trailer Dates? has posted an unconfirmed list of trailer dates for the next few months that includes dates for the next two theatrical trailers for Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The trailers are show to come out with "I Am Number 4" on 2/18/11 and "Thor" on 5/5/11. The dates are highly plausible because Number 4 is produced by Michael Bay while Thor is the first tent pole movie of the summer so pairing with the film is ideal. Checking the other films and their trailer companions there is little about the list that doesn't seem realistic. (via All Spark)


  1. didn't Bay say that there would be a few teasers first?

  2. That's in line with how they released trailers for ROTF...the full-length teaser was released in mid-February attached to the Bay produced Friday the 13th, the full-length trailer was released in mid-May attached to the Paramount produced Star Trek. I wonder if they will have a super bowl ad as they did for ROTF?

  3. i think to be oright,thats in line of rotf

  4. I'd be surprised if they didn't put one in with the Super Bowl.

  5. I agree, Superbowl is logical.

  6. Martinus Prime1/16/2011 1:20 PM

    Same here, I'm betting they'll show the full lenght trailer or another teaser during the SuperBowl. Most likely a teaser, bc a 30 second spots costs $2,5 mill.
    It's the best watched programm in all of the USA, it's the best way to advertise your newest film to the biggest audience, more than 90 million viewers.

  7. There will not be a Super Bowl teaser. At least as of right now. According to that article (written Dec 6th) all slots are sold out. So Paramount would have to buy a slot if someone backs out, but I'm pretty sure if they wanted DOTM to have a commercial they would already be on the list.

  8. And this proves that the Transformers franchise is dead.
    Spielberg, Bay and Paramount don't care about the franchise nor the movie anymore. Otherwise they wouldn't have ruined Transformers3 firing lead actress Megan Fox, they wouldn't have revealed the whole plot with so many spoilers, they wouldn't have cast Rosie topmodel.
    AND they would have spent money to pay Linkin Park to release some new songs for the movie, AND they would have bought the Super Bowl slot for trailer#2.

  9. superbowl,what is it?,because i brazilian guy

  10. Martinus Prime1/16/2011 5:57 PM

    WTF!!! Is that list official? Only cars, cola and food! And only ONE movie trailer, Cowboys and Aliens.
    Then the trailer dates in this article must be true, that the full lenghth trailer is coming with I Am Number 4.

  11. ''I AM NUMBER 4,maybe i think yes

  12. @ Anonymous 1/16/2011 4:28 PM:
    Shut up about Megan Fox. SHE'S GONE! She was nothing but dead weight in the movies. I feel that with her gone, the movies will be much better.
    Michael Bay is putting a lot of hard work into this. Instead of doing the choreographed stuff on the streets, he could have been lazy and done CGI explosions instead. He has been putting a helluva lot of effort into making this film. The plot for ROTF was given away pretty quick. They are taking a different approach to this one so it shouldn't be so easy.

  13. @Anonymous 1/17/2011 5:18 PM: a different approach with this one they are taking,uh? yeah, that is for sure: not paying Linking Park to release one or more new songs for the movie; revealed 80% of the plot already with filming on Chicago and spoilers; having fired the lead female actress absolutely key to the franchise; getting rid of Mikaela Banes character with a pathetic attempt at a "funny joke" that is going to simply suck; the useless 3D gimmick to increase ticket prices.
    This is a sloppy work, they ruined the franchise. Michael Bay killed this franchise. He declared multiple times that he didn't want to film this movie and postpone it, Paramount obliged him to film it immediately. He told them he didn't want to film in 3D and he declared that his filming style is not suited for 3D. Paramount obliged him to use 3D cameras and do even awful 2D->3D postconversion because they didn't give him enough money to buy all the 3D native camera he needed nor the time to do a good work. Due to 3D the CGI at ILM must be completed no less than 4-6 weeks before release date.. which means that the CGI will be a lot less detailed this time, they won't have time for improvement, they will be forced to use tricks to mask all visual defects that will be there due to way shorter available rendering time.
    Oh yeah.. they are surely going a different route with this one... absolutely. The fact is that this approach sucks and the movie is doomed on too many aspects.

  14. my god this idiot wont leave. answer me please just what is it you want, u want all of us to agrea with u is that it? is there seriously nothing better to do in your own life? can we TF fans just make goddamn comments about how we cant what to see the film, with out u having to come in an bash it?

  15. My advice, wait until the freaking film comes out, THEN judge it. Until then, stay off this blog if all you are going to do is bash the movie. Let people actually read this without seeing, "Michael Bay sucks" or "Transformers is gonna suck". And this franchise is not complete shit, or else there wouldn't be so many people following it. So stay out and please keep your bashing opinions to yourself.

  16. @ Anonymous 1/17/2011 7:04
    Okay then, let's see you film a giant blockbuster movie in the middle of one of America's biggest cities and not have some info leaked out.
    A majority of the film is shot with 3D and close-ups are the only post converted scenes.
    If 80% of the plot was revealed, PROVE TO ME RIGHT NOW WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PLOT.

  17. People, people. Cut the bashings and flamings here. :/

    Look, I understand how some people may think the franchise is dead with Megan Fox and TF2 being a total bomb- critic-wise that is. ;)

    But look at it this way, the only thing that save the TF franchise was its whooping blockbuster returns. People actually still liked it despite the poor plot. If the opposite happened, TF3 will never even happen to begin with.

    Also, when was the last time Bay admitted one of his films stinks big time? Pearl Harbor? No. The Island? Nope. So for starters, that may be a good sign that he wants to make TF3 end with a big bang and not just make TF3 because Paramount want him to. Oh, and even Shia himself was with Bay about TF2 being a dud.

    For the loss of Megan Fox, that was not surprising since she had some spats with Bay before. But on a brighter side, Bay may have brought in some nostalgia to the film as Rosie will be playing Carly- aka Sam's future wife as in the later G1 series.

    The Chicago filming may be heavily documented with theories abound on the Net, but it doesn't reveal much except that it is the scene of the final battle. Final battle for what? Who live or die? No one knows until one sees the film. Details, people. Details first before judgment.

    Oh, and for the trailers, seems like a good idea to slot them in those films. I'll wait then.

  18. Chill the fuck out guys. Talk about Autobots & Decepticons come on..

  19. lol wow yah what happined to the TF themselfs lol
