Friday, February 18, 2011

Blitzwing in Transformers: Dark of the Moon?

Thanks to "oni" here is a possible new screenshot from Transformers: Dark of the Moon that shows of a yet unseen character named Blitzwing. The character is from Generation One, one of the first triple changers with alt modes of a jet and tank. He was also in Transformers: Animated, with the same triple changer alt modes. Judging by the wing span and the treads on his arms, this movie version shows a strong possibility of continuing the triple changing tradition for the character (but then again it does look nearly identical to the G1 incarnation which is a little strange). With a motto of "Destroy first, think later" hopefully this character, if in the movie, will be part of lot of the action. This new "cast member" has not been officially confirmed in any way so tag this a rumor.


  1. I hope this is legit! It looks awesome!

  2. where did that come from?

  3. Was this a leak from Paramount? He is not in the 30sec Super Bowl ad.

  4. That's a fake. Not detailed enough, and too G1-ish.

  5. yeah, was the source authentic, how do you this is an actual Micheal Bay CI image?

  6. I call fake on this. And by the way, if it really is from the movie, how do you know this character is called Blitzwing? What's the source?

  7. @"That's a fake. Not detailed enough, and too G1-ish."

    I agree. Look at how detailed the other robots are, and you'll see this isn't anywhere near that level of detail. IMO, it looks to be more suited for TRANSFORMERS PRIME than Bay's film. So, I call BS.

  8. it's either a very good bit of fan art... or a early CGI model leak...

  9. I heard there is suppose to be a new trailer debut today. Is there any truth to this rumor??

  10. Fake, althought, Those are Eurofighter Typhoon delta wings and it seems to be from a Spanish Airforce Craft.

  11. Yeah, Michael Bay forgot to let us know that a new trailer for the biggest movie of his career is coming out in front of a movie he's producing and therefore has a financial stake in.

  12. Two notes, this image has not been authenticated so it is possible a fan creation especially since it does strongly mimic the G1 look of Blitzwing (I am adding a ? to title to emphasise rumor aspect of this).

    Second thing, there isn't a trailer this weekend. I Am Number Four is out and we would have got reports by now if new trailer attached to the film.

    Also, the Paramount marketing plan is to leak trailer release a week or so in advance, give Entertainment Weekly a "sneak peak" that the show pumps for a week, and then work with AICN, Collider and the like to have interviews and set reports come out the same week the trailer is going to be aired by EW and put online. None of that has happened, so no new trailer.


  14. Darn! I was counting down the days until I Am Number Four opened in the hopes of seeing a new Transformers trailer. Where the heck is it?

  15. Looks like it's from Transformers: Prime. Look at Bumblebee either backflipping away or being thrown by Blitzwing. That's his look from TF:P.

  16. Saw I Am Number Four today and no trailer. But, the movie was good and worth seeing even without the trailer.

  17. it is fake..simple

  18. If it's real, it's very low-poly / unfinished, or it's a test frame to see how it looks. Totally wouldn't rule it out. There'd definitely be a lot of test frames & sequences before the final shot is done.

    I found the Fallen looked a very different in two trailers for TF2 - one earlier trailer and one later one, giving me the impression that they still massage the robot designs after animation keyframes etc are done (or it was just a one-off revision). It's the shot where the Fallen teleports into the desert, appears outta nowhere.

  19. @Anonymous: That's his arm, dipsh!t, not Bumblebee.

  20. For some reason I think that this is real, it's just not the finished product, that's all.

  21. low-poly, unfinished.. fake?? Geez.. are you for real? In which world do you live in guys? No, seriously.
    There are only two options here in the real world: 1) Viral marketing "fake-wannabe" picture to let people talk and speculate about the movie more, ILM or Digital Domain could have created it by Bay orders just for the marketing campaign and this won't be used and officially they will tell that it's a fake or say nothing at all; 2) It's a frame from the actual movie far from final rendering but it will be in the movie (look at Devastator CGI model on early trailers before the movie Transformers2 got released and you will how it was far from final rendering and didn't even look really solid but almost cartoonish in parts!)
    No one would be putting so much effort in creating any complex CGI model or concept art or 3D design or books and scripts for anything, being a movie or a videogame, whatever. It takes a lot of time, effort and knowledge to create that complex stuff, it's no joke, and no one would be doing that for free just to get some people on forums telling that what he/she released is a fake. If you really believe any of that then you live in your own fantasy world far from reality.

  22. I cant beleive how retarded some of you are

    It looks so fucking fake, any noob on his computer could have made that bullshit, look how simple it is

  23. takes effort?

    my little sister could have made that peice of shit in microsoft paint

    stop being such a bitch, its clearly not from the film, i know you want it to be, but its not just get over it

  24. Let's see YOUR portfolio then, Picasso.

  25. @Anonymous 2/18/2011 8:00 PM: no effort and your little sister could have made that? Yeah..sure.. because your little sister can create complex 3D models using Maya2011 in a professional way.. sure.. Does she work at ILM perhaps?

  26. actually as someone who dabbles (Compared to ILM) in 3D, to make something like that.... it takes a flipping long time... there's no doubt that image isn't a fake one... it's just whether or not it's for the movie or not..

  27. blitzwing looks cool but too g1 insh 55 percent chance hes in the movie

  28. Oh, hi, Transformers: Prime.

    You guys might want to chill out a wee bit. It's just a movie.

  29. The dude who thought bumblebee was in that pic...Bahahaha...what the hell are you smokin' dude??? LMAO !!!

  30. @Anon 2/18/2011 9:49 PM

    Shhhhhh !! adults are reading...

  31. Looks like a fake screenshot.

    And I surely hope it is a fake. I'd hate to see Blitzwing as part of the cast of Bay's shitty movies.

  32. maybe it's from the game?

  33. not one to complain about rumors, i love them. but this is so fake its insulting.

  34. I dont think this picture is real. Looks like the Wheeljack piece that was out at one point. Looks cool.

    I think it would fit real nicely into the movie if it was actually Starscream. Just how Megatron has to take a new not exactly new looking earth mode to hide in the jungle country.

    Having said that i still doubt its for the movie.

  35. oooooooor maybe this is one of the airialbots that have been rumored

  36. Shenanigans!!!!!!!

  37. looks real to me. I bet everyone $10000000 its in the movie

  38. @Anonymous 2/18/2011 9:45 PM: are you a little kid or what? Because the CGI videos you are referring to found on Youtube are either those of viral marketing campaigns from multinational groups or promotional stuff or professional CGI designers that create some complex videos to get a better job in multinational groups if they don't already have one or they recently lost it.

  39. " Because the CGI videos you are referring to found on Youtube are either those of viral marketing campaigns from multinational groups or promotional stuff or professional CGI designers that create some complex videos to get a better job in multinational groups if they don't already have one or they recently lost it." learn how to use punctuations tard.

  40. Wow! So happy to see Blitzwing in this movie! Cant wait...

  41. You know, if I had been administering this forum, I would have deleted all the posts with the all the abuse and swearing in them. It's not nice to read. I really can't understand how people can display such amounts of anger from discussing such trivial matters. Their probably just children, i guess.

  42. ^^ They're*

  43. So fake its not even slightly amusing

  44. a total fake

    -no source
    -ugly parts ugly cgi
    -if hes leaked, its only he have? joke seriously
    -2 vehicule in this robot??? tank and plane? no sense
    -if bay dosent give a robot look like a plane to starcream, is not for this robots he give a look plane

    its a fake

  45. Hey guys, completly unrelated but I found this cool gallery of toy fair pics if you are intrested ( p.s. not my photos

    I think it's fake (Blitzwing I mean) as much as I would like him to return!

  46. Hey, let's hope it's legit. It would be cool to see an Spanish Air Force Bot lol

  47. wow...the grammar police would have a field day here (self included), LOL j/s

    I think the above picture has to be either some concept or pre-production design, from either the movie, or the game perhaps. I bet the cutting room floor of these production places have loads of these designs...some of which may never see the light of day !
    I am anxious for the NEXT TRAILER!!! :D !!!!

  48. My next guess for the teaser would be with Rango, it's paramounts next movie

  49. 1. it looks like fan art (most probable)
    2. it might be something made for marketing, or an early design (doubt it because it just looks terrible, most of the early designs looked much better)

    3. it definately wont show up in the film it looks fake as hell

  50. "Blitzwing" is probably a Duocon (Flywheels)

  51. I think it's a GoBot

  52. Gobot.... You just won the thread.

  53. Reason it looks fake is because:
    1) Why would Bay give Starscream no wings in robot mod but give "Blitzwing" actual wing parts in his robot mode.
    2) CGI is indeed weak compared to the recent trailer released. They're hardly any details on the robot.

    Now everyone need to know that there was a 20 minute footage released so this can be from it.

  54. Just because everyone seems to think it's will be real..

  55. just going to say... if it was fan art, the artist would more than likely have shown a complete robot in the screen. And by the way... its a first rendering of the transformation you are looking at.

  56. IF supposivly, this is blitzwing from the film, this CGI design is a sad excuse

    I would love it if it was Blitzwing (and i'm hoping the character will appear in the film) but this is just poor CGI compared to the other 'formers from the film franchise.

    and besides...i noticed something else, who ever sent this pic out on the web, apparently knows its name already? come on

    -Oh, and the guy who wrote:
    Just because everyone seems to think it's will be real..
    -dude, shut the **** up, you apparently cant tell the difference between real and fake movie CGI

  57. @7d7: "this is just poor CGI compared to the other 'formers from the film franchise." .. what the heck are you talking about? Re-watch Transformers2:ROTF trailers with Devastator unfinished early rendering and you will see that it was just exactly the same.. it looked mostly 2D and not fully solid 3D.. it wasn't final rendering for a reason. As in this case it's just a fast low-precision rendering test, no more and no less.

  58. @Anonymous...
    unfinished rendering?
    hmm, nope, he was rendered dude.

    the only parts of those trailers i saw that were not rendered completly was when The Fallen appeared out of no where and everybody fell backwards (if you see the film, the autobots are present in that scene; in the trailer, Fallen is the only robot in that scene)

    Devastator was finished in the trailers..

    fyi, that blitzwing CGI..FAKE

  59. Devastator was not 100% finished when Bay first showed us, there was no foreground components in that scene... the truck and other stuff he sucked in was later added and Devs was not a finished 3d render in the trailers. I know because I worked on those very renders.

  60. also, I want to add to my post above... look at the arm and hand in the frame. See how it has the blurred effect to it and the rest of the picture does not? that is because this picture was taken from a first render transformation in progress and the arm is in motion.

  61. I think this 'Anonymous' person has multiple personality disorder.

  62. @Anonymous 2/19/2011 6:40 PM/6:43 PM: so are you an ILM or Digital Domain employee? Or were you an employee of those? You wrote that you worked on Devastator CGI but it's unclear if you are working on current CGI... Accepting what you wrote as true.. are you here on your own or did Bay and Paramount sent you to give some hints? :-)

  63. I would hate for Blitzing to be in this as there is too much G1 influence in these cool movies. Enough with the G1 characters already geez

  64. What if its a screen shot from battle la

  65. Battle Los Angeles doesn't have transforming robots resembling Transformers models..

  66. pause 1:52

  67. ^ You've got really bad eyesight.

  68. so are you an ILM or Digital Domain employee? Or were you an employee of those? You wrote that you worked on Devastator CGI but it's unclear if you are working on current CGI... Accepting what you wrote as true.. are you here on your own or did Bay and Paramount sent you to give some hints? :-)

    To answer your questions. Yes I worked on Devastator's CGI and I am from ILM. Still work there. All I'll say is no one sent me but there are a lot of people here and on other sites that could not spot real or fake if their lives depended on it.

  69. ^ Do you think the Blitzwing is real? Or I guess you would know?

    I think it if it were real it wouldn't still be on the Internet.

  70. @Anoymous 2/19/2011 9:57 PM: it's called viral marketing for a reason. Studios use that kind of marketing tactics to generate hype on upcoming products, being that videogames or movies or other stuff. Or do you seriously think that so called fake early movie scripts like those of Transformers movies were really all fake,uh? Nowadays too many people are so gullible that marketeers love to manipulate them with some viral marketing tactics which includes releasing true unfinished business designs,scripts,models,concept art and at the same time either negating them telling "it's fan made is a fake" OR just ignoring those completely so people all over the world will keep speculating and that generates more hype and that is exactly what marketing guys want to achieve.. generate noise to promote the product, the movie in this case.

  71. it could be fake but if is real must be Silverbolt i can just tell by the shape of the head...

  72. lol silverbolt? you dumbass its blitzwing telling by everything, the plane parts, the tank parts, the everything

    but anyways its fake

  73. I cant beleive its been nearly four years and people are still getting fooled by these terribly simple fan images, seriously guys its not going to be in the movie, not looking like that anyways

  74. @Anonymous 2/20/2011 10:21 AM: no fan can made that for free and no one would create any complex CGI model just for fun. You are so gullible really.

  75. @Anonymous 2/19/2011 9:37 PM: you are absolutely right, indeed the majority of people are so out of mind thinking to be the smartest ones around that due to their own ignorance can't see even the obvious in front of them. Well, surely studios marketeers enjoy them because these people are kinda easy to manipulate

  76. "if" this is an "early" render of blitzwing for the game or could make sense considering the close past history b/w blitzwing and shockwave / jus sayin...

    although it would take someone who knew what they were doing to make that pic ( i don't care what anyone says, that pic is not that easy to replicate) it does seem FARRR from complete or finished...even the chest area is just made up of squares an sh!t...time will soon tell if we have been had or not I guess lol

    C'MON with the next trailer already !! :D !! lol

  77. Think it is supposed to be Blitzwing. I do see the Tank's Canon Barrel in front of the Sun Flare. If it is for the movie, I don't know, but I would like to see other camera views of it to see what it looks like in whole. (real or fake)

  78. its definitily fake

    first its not detailed enough

    second in would have been removed by now if it was real

    third this has to be fake cause how could you have goten it?

  79. could be fake but if is real must be Silverbolt i can just tell by the shape of the head

  80. I believe this is a character named "Ice Pick". If you look up Transformers Dark of the Moon Ice Pick it brings up a toy that is a snowmobile. If you look at the toy especially the treads on the back and the arm treads you can see that this is probably the case.

  81. I say this time he looks different from starscream :)

    Yes this is no fake by mistake! his design is different from starscream. I CAN SEE TANK-TREADS on his upper-torso!

    go out there and go crazy! [angry at starsream for a change heehee :D]

  82. Found on another site a film crew in back of a Air Force C-130 cargo plane with the ramp down filming a British EF-2000 fighter plane up close. This plane's wing matches the wing shown in the picture above. here is a picture of the plane's wing from another website.

  83. German robots for the Win! C:

  84. Check out the BLITZWING video at
    It look pretty cool.

  85. If it's real, I wonder if the addition of Blitzwing might start to become too many Transformers in one movie, much like the atrocious Revenge of the Fallen. While I would love to see Blitzwing, there's no point if there's only enough screen time to get Shockwave a sandwich...

  86. Very fake look at this, you can thank me later

  87. Well, it LOOKS real, but look at the facts: 1:I have watched the DOTM movie about 6 times, and never have I seen this in ANY of the movies. 2:If anything, this is ROTF Starscream. 3:Look in the credits of DOTM, it shows the people and who they voiced. There would not once be blitzwing in it. I sat through the credits at Harkin's Theater to see the clip of ROG (rise of galvatron) after the credits.
