Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brian Goldner Talks DOTM

Hasbro CEI Brian Goldner provides his perspective on Transformers: Dark of the Moon and the shortcomings of Revenge of the Fallen in an interview with MTV. They tried to get an answer from Goldner on whether they are going to continue the franchise without Bay but without success as he instead answered "perhaps he'll change his mind, perhaps he won't, but I'd rather put out this movie first then cross that bridge at some point."
Turning his attention to the forthcoming movie, Goldner agreed with his contemporaries Bay, Shia LaBeouf and Tyrese Gibson in describing "Dark of the Moon" as the best film in the series: "I really believe it is, and the reason is because we've learned so many things as we've made [these films]."

"The fact is, there's a lot of story here… but we also understand the great spectacle of what 'Transformers' can be," he continued. "It's a great marriage, but with greater meaning. The first trailer shows that the space race is a backdrop to something that had gone on in our past that nobody was aware of. In typical 'Transformers' fashion, it's all about more than meets the eye. That's the core of what 'Transformers' is: you can never judge a book by its cover. We're going to reveal to you, in much more of a thriller style than ever before, that idea of what's going on behind this whole 'Transformers' pre-history."

"If everyone had understood why each Transformer was in the movie, people wouldn't have cared how many there were," he said [about Revenge of the Fallen]. "But once they're just these robots without any real meaning of why they're there, it just became robot melee, and that's not as enjoyable as knowing something about each robot and their personality so that when they do fight, there are stakes to it. That's really what was missing. It wasn't that there were so many robots; there were so many robots that you didn't know."

"'Dark of the Moon' has many meanings. It's clearly what we know from the teaser trailer, but it's also this idea that there's darkness, a real cataclysm that could occur here based on knowing the truth of what's happening."


  1. I totally agree with what he says about ROTF. And if this means that most of the robots in DOTM are going to have personalities and an actual point to there inclusion in the movie, then I can already say that this is going to be my favorite Transformers movie.

  2. I like what I hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thank god one of the higher ups finally acknowledged that there were so many robot characters in ROTF that had no role or point to the story.

  4. This is just pure marketing damage control. Nothing more than that. Also it's pretty silly what he is saying here against ROTF.. a manager that follows negative comments on internet forums by haters instead of following the hundred thousands satisfied viewers that made ROTF a huge boxoffice success despite its flaws.. weel, it's a narrow minded manager targeting the wrong audience in a hope to get more money but the trick is not going to work.
    And even sillier is the fact that even on G1 it's not that viewers know every single transformer robot on screen, there were many that had very small background roles everytime and if a name was given it was just to sell the corresponding toys and nothing else.

  5. At anonymous 3:01AM

    What's your point? you just said a whole lot of nothing

  6. Just come across this piece of random, it's a custom Jolt and look's pretty bada$$.

  7. OK, we get it...ROTF was a mess. At this point I'm less concerned with hearing about ROTF and more concerned with hearing about DOTM. How about Bay or Nelson or Goldner telling us when we'll get a full length teaser?

  8. After DOTM they'll reboot this franchise within 2-3 years.

  9. Martinus Prime2/24/2011 7:38 AM

    Holy Mother, that is one AWESOME looking movie accurate Jolt!! With battle damage and all!!

    OT: I also agree with Goldner, he's right, good to hear someone like Goldner is saying this.

  10. Is Rollbar in DOTM?

  11. Martinus Prime2/24/2011 6:44 PM

    No Rebecca, that's a custom fanmade Jeep. They drove it through the streets of Chicago during the shoot, hoping to get it in the movie. It was never seen on the actual set. There is actually a site of these guys with the Jeep, with the same bald guy and I believe 2 others. And why would a vehicle have it's own name on his fender?

  12. Rebecca - that one got written off as a TF fan's car. He's customizes cars for a living... as Bay's man, Nelson, said at the time: "A dedicated fan decided to try his luck at having his Jeep featured in TF3." That'd make an epic transformer though :(

  13. Oops, 2 replies. Bonus!
