Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DOTM Game Shockwave Full Body Render

It seems while High Moon Studios was updating their Facebook page with a tease of Shockwave, they also went ahead and updated their Transformers Video Game YouTube page with a full body image of the big bad. The image is from Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Game but if previous games are any indication, the design is from Industrial Light & Magic's files on the character so really for the first time we now have a solid approximation of what the one-eyed wonder will look like in the movie. Thanks to FFN and NHLfan for the link and image.


  1. Hell YEAH!!! He is going to kick some serious autobot ass haha

  2. This movie needed Unicron and not just a "Megatron on steroids" that Shockwave is all about.
    Without Unicron this movie can't work.

  3. anonymous 6:46: shut up...doesn't need Unicron to succeed....

    Shockwave looks pretty cool. I think this movie is shaping up to be pretty badass!

  4. the robots in this film to be a very cool,but i dont´t like of the designers of the wreckers i see its in toy fair and be horribles

  5. can anyone fotoshop that image? remove the rating in the top left and maybe add in the "ON 7.1.11 EARTH GOES DARK" on it....It wud make it look so much more epic

  6. Colorless character, but in Cybertron modes their colors are more metallic.

  7. SHOCKWAVE yes! i concorded with you the wreckers shes horribles

  8. @2/15/2011 8:39 AM
    i'm with you, but if someone does do that make sure you keep the frame ratio, then i got me this years wallpaper

  9. the wreckers and shockwave this gonna be the favorites in the film

  10. Here you go,


    I've done a simple photoshop with "EARTH GOES DARK ON 7.1.11".


  11. That picture is awesome. Good job and thanks!

  12. I like it but he reminds me of Megs. Also, he needs some color like Purple?

  13. Awesome stuff Khaizie Prime thanks for that

  14. Wow I like how Soundwave now looks. the one eye suits him.

  15. That's Shockwave...

  16. You can see him in the trailer from the superbowl. He's all the way at the end of the road when Prime is flying in at the end of the spot, and then it actually looks like he impales him and then throws him to the ground. Frame by frame it.

  17. I think, I just shit myself

  18. To Rebecca: Idiot, that's Shockwave, not Soundwave.

  19. Oh be nice. They both begin with an S and end with WAVE. Rebecca could have just mistook them.

  20. that looks really cool and menacing!! When i saw pics of the toy i was a bit worried, but wow... I hope he will kick some serious ass in the movie! shockwave+megatron VS optimus+sentinel prime. Epic!

  21. This is Shockwave's Cybertron mode, I'm sure when he reaches Earth he will look different, more purple

  22. Yeah, I was thinking he wouldn't be as purple as the toy but would have a metallic-purple hue to him. Looks pretty bulky, very powerfull. Definitely harass.

  23. Anonymous said...

    :To Rebecca: Idiot, that's Shockwave, not Soundwave."

    Relax U Nerd...Rebecca could be a little girl for all you know....jack ass ! Grow the F*** up !

  24. thats a one eyed Megatron

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Sorry friends, having tech problems.

  27. I'm confused. Isn't Shockwave & Soundwave the same? Btw he looks like a robot version of Ravage.

  28. @Anonymous 2/15/2011 5:45 PM: Exactly, a real disappointment. A one eyed Megatron is the right definition.. rather disappointing cheap design, they just tweaked Megatron 3D CGI model a little bit..and this would be the main Decepticon of the last movie of the trilogy? Really.. Michael Bay surely doesn't care about the franchise, he didn't even want to include Unicron in the last movie.
    Michael Bay did too many mistakes with this third movie, it's a real mess what he did after the first two excellent movies despite what many can say. This third movie is highly likely going to please long time haters and disappoint long time viewers/fans since the first movie... which is bad business wise...

  29. its Gundam!!

  30. Anonymous 6:40 PM: Michael Bay does care about the franchise, but lets be honest he's a movie director not a artist designer or anything that results in making this render of Shockwave or any of the transformers. He even admits that the 2nd was nowhere near as good as the first in a lot of ways and to put someone as planet size as Unicron would take up too much of the films budget and time

  31. ok...I grew up with the transformers in the 80's G1 era. I was always under the impression that the decepticons were the "military hardware" and the autobots were the workers..or something to that extent. So it stands to reason that the original military hardware which is your megatron general type...starscream air commander type and shockwave etc...and so on, would be of similar design...just like here on earth as we can spot military hardware here on earth with one glance, simply because of its appearance. I love G1 80's...my childhood cannot be changed...im an adult now and its just cool to have this stuff in the movies again. Its great to "nit pic" on details,argue and debate...but I say we enjoy it for what it is, like it or not, its just like how a movie is never as good as the book...we can never top our childhood imaginations, so we are gonna have to settle for what we got. You guys all rock !! ...now back to the arguing and nit picking shall we ... :D !!!

  32. I tried changing the coloring of the edit that the one poster made to violet and it looks cool but dont know how to put it on-line for people.

  33. I did the same thing...



  34. @Shane;

    Looks gr8 !!! Very cool!!!

  35. They added a teaser for the game now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh_fIoQIGww

    You get a good look at Megatron (looks the same as ROTF in the teaser tough) Shockwave and Bumblebee, bumblebee seems to have guns and shit in his car mode now, wonder if he has those in the movie aswell or just the game?

  36. where are the Soundwave pics, I hope he gets the same time on screen as shockwave?

  37. Martinus Prime2/16/2011 8:57 AM

    Are you kidding me? Don't you know Transformers at all? Do some research please!

    @anon 2/15/2011 8:54 PM:
    I'm with you, I'm also an 80's kid and now 33. It is what it is, but I'm very happy and pleased to see the Transformers in live-action on the big screen.

  38. its actually close to his g1 design... big ass gun as his right arm, and a regular left arm

    this shows a comparison of the movie version toy model & the cartoon model..

  39. Rebecca - Shockwave and Soundwave are two different characters. Somewhat similar names, but different.

    Everyone else - please be nice to Rebecca. Not everyone knows, and not everyone follows Transformers as closely as many of us. Yes, she may need to do some research if she wants to be more interested in it, but she probably has other more important things in her life too.

  40. OK, I'm sorry for calling Rebecca an idiot.

  41. he impales sideways not shockwave..

  42. its confirmed that hell be much more agressive than megatron.

  43. also the names of the wreckers have been confirmed.the blue one topspin looking like his g1 conter part. the green one roadbuster.and the the red one leadfoot looking like g1.

  44. Shockwave isn't simply a one eyed Megatron. He is smart, logical, and I don't expect him to be just like Megatron in the movie. Megatron works off his emotions and hatred towards the Autobots, while Shockwave is more logical and ruthless. I am not saying they won't have their similarities, but Shockwave will be a different character for sure. Spoiler alert: Shockwave kills Bumblebee and one of the twins(just kidding, I don't KNOW that but got a feeling). And I hope Starscream kills Megatron and does not die in this movie. If Starscream dies that would be lame.

  45. shockwave looks aswome and for rebecca that's SHOCKWAVE

  46. As we have seen from Michael Bays transformers no robot actually dies , so don't worry or hope

  47. To anonymous 2/19/2911 1:47 AM:
    I 'm sure Bumblebee will survive. His car mode was shooted for scenes after the battle of Chicago is over.

  48. mad, that is f#*king awsome
