Wednesday, February 09, 2011

DOTM News: Three Toys, Video Game Dated, Next Book

Three new pieces of news in relations to Transformers: Dark of the Moon licensed products. The first is the official release date for the Transformers video game has been announced by Activision. The game will be released on June 14th, 2011 with the usual scheme of a next gen version for PS3, XBox 360, downgraded version for Wii and Autobot and Decepticon editions for the Nintendo 3DS.

Another piece of news is writer Alex Irvine has announced he is working on the sequel to Transformers: Exodus but would not reveal details. Considering Exodus, War for Cybertron and the movies are considered part of Hasbro's attempt for unified canon (think Star Wars); it may provide insight into the movie. The full interview with Irvine can be found at

Last bit of news is images of three Dark of the Moon toys - blue Wrecker, green Wrecker, and helicopter. Of note is the helicopter is an Autobot but still not known if an actual character in the movie. As for the Wreckers, it interesting that I could not see a faction symbol on either character. Makes me wonder if the theory they are human inventions in the movie's plot doesn't have legs.


  1. Actually the Green Wrecker does have an Autobot symbol on it's shoulder from this picture.

  2. Screw the DOTM video game...when is WFC 2 comming out?

  3. WFC 2 will be released sometime in 2012. they announced it a few months ago.

  4. When did they say that the movies were going to be considered canon? I was under the impression the the book and WFC were considered canon with the TF: Prime cartoon, but nowhere that I have seen has said anything about them being involved with the movie universe in any way, shape, or form. The writer of the book said that he borrowed a couple things from the movies, and the interviewer mentions that he didn't know where the book was canon (movies or cartoon) But when the book was released everthing that was stated was that the book and game were going to tie into a future cartoon. Which has since been shown to be TF: Prime. The cartoon does borrow some visual cues from the movies but as far as everything I've seen it really has nothing to do with the movies at all. Even Orci has stated that in the early interviews about the show.

  5. Blue maybe BLUR
    Green maybe MIRAGE

  6. Martinus Prime2/10/2011 9:01 AM

    The car-altmode of the green Wrecker doesn't look like it does in the movie at all!!! What is up with that??? In the movie it has no front fender what so ever. And where are all the grey cybertronian parts???
    The blue Wrecker looks a bit better like counterpart in the movie.

    I hope big time the helicopter is in the movie! Bc the toy looks awesome. I hope it's Springer.

  7. To comment above, Hasbro got lazy with the third line just look at ultra class Optimus.

  8. The Blue Wrecker has an autobot symbol in it's alt mode. You can see it on the picture of the lot from about 2 weeks ago.
    It's on the back tail/spoiler.

    The helicopter is probably not in the movie, but it's head and face (white with blue face shield) reminds me of Ultra Magnus.


  9. Green wrecker looks cool, blue wrecker just looks wierd


    how do you get ahold of the moderator for this blog? super hero hype is posting a michael bay update. confirms Sentinel Prime.

  11. I don't remember the movies ever being considered part of Prime continuity. It only has a similar past event like the movies.

  12. Anyone seen a package leak showing thse toys names? I swear to cheeze that AMP car is either Wheeljack, Lockdown or Breakdown. But that's just MY personal opinion.


  14. This might be old news, but the blue Wrecker is Topspin, the green one is Roadbuster, and the helicopter is known as Skyhammer. Still unsure if the latter will actually be in the movie.
