Tuesday, March 22, 2011

DOTM Trailer Rated PG

There still has been no official confirmation that the next theatrical trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon is coming this Friday but the British Board of Film Classification has provided at least a little more evidence of the possibility. The Board has posted on their website that the trailer has been rated PG with a running time of 2:18. The weird part is the site has mixed information about DOTM with No Strings Attached so not really sure what to make of the reliability of the information. Sadly the site does not indicate a release date. (via TFW2005)


  1. I want it now.

  2. ummm.. why does the website say it stars Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Kline???

  3. "I want it now."

    I want a ponny... oh wait, i can turn on the HUB, and watch them now. ;)

  4. Maybe because NSA is going to be showing for the first time over there so they attached it to that movie?

  5. @Anonymous 12:00

    You beat me to it. It's the most obvious explanation. Agreed.


  6. it better be this friday it is a full trailer

  7. wait... no crusing humans... or robots? DAM!

  8. UNLESS there's a special arrangement between Warner Bros. (who's releasing, "Sucker Punch") and Paramount (who's releasing "Transformers Dark of the Moon") I WOULD NOT count on a new TFDOTM trailer being in front of, "Sucker Punch". I don't recall what over movies that are coming out this weekend that are under Paramount, but it may be in front of another Paramount movie. Just a thought.

    Also, I'm prepared to not even expect a trailer Friday. I'm sure that the Post-Production process for DOTM has been even more hellish than it was for ROTF. We shall see.

    A.K.A. Sablebot @ tfw2005.com

  9. im prepared not to see a movie for hopes of a trailer but just wait for it to be on the internet. likely the same day.

  10. DOTM will be an IMAX movie. So it is likely that the trailer will come out with an IMAX movie. March 25th was on the announcement list so its possible that is with Sucker Punch but possibly only if you see the IMAX version (smaller theatre screenings may not). But as everyone said production companies are production companies.

  11. So no trailer on Friday?

  12. The first teaser was attached to Voyage of the Dawn Treader and From Legacy...neither was produced or distributed by Paramount. Beyond Sucker Punch the next big action release is Fast 5 at the end of April.

  13. Tron Legacy I meant to say^^^

  14. Nelson posted on Bay's forum that a trailer would come in mid/late April.

  15. so now we have to wait even LONGER

  16. I hate Nelson. Why is this taking so long?

  17. "I hate Nelson. Why is this taking so long?"

    What did Nelson do to you, run over your puppy?
