Saturday, March 19, 2011

Early DOTM Theatrical Trailer Description? (Updated)

If the report below is true (hope it is) then it does seem that the first theatrical trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon will be attached to Sucker Punch. "Ambi889" over at the TFW2005 forums found a description of the trailer that someone on IMDB saw a sneak preview of Sucker Punch. It lacks details probably because the trailer sounds a whole lot like the Super Bowl TV spot where just a lot is shown in very quick segments. The information that comes out of IMDB before a movie has been released can be highly suspect so consider this a rumor. Thanks to Chad for the link.

Update: It has been a while but Michael Bay finally did another forum drive by and shot down the trailer description saying, "Guy is lying through his ass." Still no confirmation that Sucker Punch brings us a new trailer.
"Ok ok so I just got to see an advance screening of sucker punch at the theater that my uncle's manager of and every year I get to see advance screenings so today I saw sucker punch (and it's actually pretty good. I mean, the visuals are amazing but the story is good also) AND THEY SHOWED A NEW TRAILER FOR TRANSFORMERS 3!!!

I really wish I could watch it again because it all went by so quickly but basically it opens up with Sam looking for a job and Carly's like "oh I can help you with that something something" and then she see's Bumblebee and is like "is that your car?" and he's like "yeah" then I can't remember exactly what happens after that but it shows Simmons and he's talking about the moon trip and how there was top secret stuff about the ship that was there then Optimus is like "i believe I know what that is" then it shows the guys on the moon looking around SENTINEL PRIME wakes up and crashes out of where he was staying and the astonauts look at him then I can't remember exactly what but Prime says something about the decepticons looking for a new leader and then we see this giant ship in space where SHOCKWAVE is! Then Sam says something to Carly real quick; then is shows the autobots (bumblebee, red car, Ironhide, ratchet, optimus with trailer and I think even the twins were there!) then Lennox says something to Eps about how they have to keep their mission together or something like that AND shows Sentinel prime (i guess with his firetruck mode since he was red) walk and hold his sword, the SUVs chasing I think the army guys, the WRECKERS drive and transform in front of SENTINEL then I think it shows Megatron (with a hood-thing on) point his gun at something, LAZERBEAK grabbing sam and taking off with him, some explosions, Bumblebee I thing protecting sam and carly from a giant explosion, then it shows Shockwave turn around and say SOMETHING damn I can't remember what though, then Optimus and Sentinel are back to back fighting random decepticons and then it shows the title! HOLY SH!T it was so awesome I wish I could see it again if I had known it was showing I would've recorded it for sure! but oh well and also this is 100% REAL I am not lying! honest!"


  1. omg this sound so epic dude cant wait for the trailer

  2. I can't wait for Sucker Punch now!!! Next week hurry up!!! (if this is true)

  3. well un-officialy the trailer is set for march 25th so let see if the wait is worth! On the other hand if thats true, if that description matches with the real shit... It will become the best trailer of the 3 movies period!

  4. Keep in mind, it might not be showing at all of the Sucker Punch showings, trailers for these things aren't always the same.

  5. I can't wait #teamcarly

  6. I'm curious of how Shockwave sounds.....

  7. Hopefully this means no power glove, he is being flung about by Lazerbeak! :D

  8. very cool men i just want with is be a true

  9. ^^ "very cool men i just want with is be a true"

    lol wha?? ^^ anyway, if its true, then its sounds like this trailer is going to be a great one to slow down and pick through !! Can't wait !!

  10. aww i wish there was a clip of soundwave. oh well, sound awesome anyway!

  11. Even if this isn't true, the trailer will still be awesome! I believed it all the way up until he said 'I'm not lying, honest!' Hopefully it is genuine information though.

  12. "some explosions"
    thats the only part i have a hard time believing.

  13. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I"M GONNA SEE SUCKER PUNCH FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I hope this is true, Sounds epic. :)

  15. IT'S FAKE!

    Bay just posted this...
    "Guy is lying through his ass."

    in a thread about this thread on SFTE...

  16. Needs to see info on Soundwave


  18. i heard michael bay confirmed this idea was better than his own.

  19. well there will be another trailer of next friday.

  20. I really hope there will be a DOTM trailer attached to Sucker Punch or released soon one way or the other.

  21. :) Anonymous 3/19/2011 10:14 PM

    this movie will honestly be as ridiculous as any Bay movie ever made

  22. they showed a decepticon d charger on the set at the begining of production i havent seen it since

  23. The charger probably dies early on the movie

  24. @Anonymous 3/20/2011 5:27 AM: The movie is screwed since Bay fired Megan Fox and ruined plot and main characters continuity and consistency. It's not a trilogy anymore. If Natalie Portman got fired from the Star Wars trilogy that too wouldn't have been a trilogy at all. It's just as simple as that.

  25. Holy Stream of Consciousness, Batman! That description sounded like it was dictated by an eight year old on speed and transcribed by an Austrian bodybuilder on 5 cups of espresso...

  26. @Anonymous 3/20/2011 2:37 PM
    Totally agreed with you, for me this is not a trilogy anymore, and about Natalie Portman's thing, I have to admit it,if they got fired her, I would have killed someone.

  27. Dark Knight did fine without Holmes, get over it needledick #teamcarly

  28. At least in Dark Knight they keep the same character (Rachel)not other girl, and it was after a movie not two. And rachel character died in Dark Knight, Mikaela not died in ROTF, I think I THINK, her last scene was a kiss with Sam over a motorbike, Am I wrong? Did I see other movie?

  29. It's incredible that people still goes on about the Dodge Charger. It was so obvious that it was just the car of some fan. Just an ordinary car with a G1-styled Decepticon logo.

  30. @Anonymous 3/20/2011 4:20
    Teamcarly, REALLY??? so I guess you are teamspike too, so we have to replace Sam character too. No wait! now you are gonna say that Sam's character is based in Spike's character well then I say Mikaela's character was based in Carly's character too so....
    By the way, teamcarly? WTF? do you think this is twilight, team Jacob or team Edward? get the hell out of here

  31. people breakup all the time ..It won't be so hard to believe that things didn't workout with Sam and Mikaela..let's face it Sam is a smart kid and has a bright future and Mikaela is a pretty girl that isn't very smart that works on cars..they aren't going to work just a high school crush let's move on...the character change will be perfect to me in this situation because it is so believable...most of you people on here are young and wouldn't understand...In high school we date people before we find ourselves then Senior year in college before you go out into the world and finally start becoming your own person we realize that person may not be for happens all the if they explain it like that everything will be fine trust

  32. Nope not team Spike. Just over proFox people, according to Megan's people she wanted nothing to do with this film so fuck her. Move on, get on team Carly cause Fox isn't coming back. You're a moron who slows down progress and for the record I have never and will never watch Twilight.

  33. @Anonymous 3/20/2011 5:58 PM: It's dumb cheap bad writing there. Better Michael Bay shows Mikaela Banes being killed by Decepticons or the movie is going to suck despite anything else. Any other options sucks, it's just stupid and ruins the trilogy. You can't get rid of a main character like Mikaela Banes at the third movie and replace her with a new girlfriend thinking that it's going to be fun to watch. It's not. It's going to look dumb and just plain stupid. If Bay doesn't give a real purpose why Mikaela Banes is no more the result is going to be that Sam Witwicky character will look a plain dumb idiot as much as the director that did this mess.

  34. Don't see the movie then anonymous 6:29! No one cares if you do or don't, you sound so mad it's funny. Hahahahahhahahahaha

  35. Team Carly????? WTF???? ha ha ha what do you think is this, a war?
    @anonymous 3/20/2011 6:12 Megan didn't want to do this film? You know her and she told you? no right,and that's why she did transformers 1 and 2 and she was on the set of transformers 3 at the beginning with that white dress and black jacket because she don't want to be in it?

  36. Here's something that sounded off when I read the so-called trailer description: why would a trailer for a Non-Warner Brothers movie, be in front of a Warner Bros. movie? That alone, even before Bay said anything was suspect.

    A.K.A. Sablebot@tfw2005

  37. Jenny keep on being a moron, Megan's people tried to spin this cause she's a loser. We all know she was fired but her agents and managers claim she walked away from the third installment, I'm not gonna cry over her or the plot. What's done is done. Progress! I'm embracing Carly and I just want to see the bots kick some con ass. Grow up and lose some weight. You're too mad and too fat.

  38. @Jenny, I saw that pictures too, she was on the set of Transformers 3 before Michael Bay fired her.
    And this is a picture of her in the make up set of Transformers 3, this is how Mikaela Banes had look in this movie:

  39. Lol @ Jenny typing fake replies to herself

  40. I'd like to contribute to this argument but i only know proper english.

  41. @Anonymous 3/20/2011 7:36 PM: embracing Carly? The Carly characters is the dumbest idea ever seen, way dumber than the lead actress replacement on The Dark Knight after Batman Begins,geez! At least there they killed the character after having demolished her completely and ruined the mood of the first movie, the bond within her and Bruce Wayne/Batman... BUT now on Transformers3 they are going to tell the dumbest thing ever seen.. that Mikaela Banes dumped Sam Witwicky, practically spitting on face of those who watched and loved the first two movies, and even trying to and expecting that to be a smart funny movie that viewers should enjoy. That is just plain dumb writing suitable for telenovelas and not a big budget movie franchise that should be ending its first trilogy.
    Add to that the fact that the topmodel that Michael Bay chose for the Carly role is not hot at all and she clearly can't act a little bit...
    What should anyone embrace? The demise of the mood, plot and main characters after the first two movies? Embrace the best way to turn an excellent franchise into a silly joke?

  42. Megan spit in Michael Bay's face and brought this on us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think Rosie Huntington Whitley is way hotter than the botched Fox. You sound so mad, build a bridge and get over it.


  44. Dude Sam has helped save the effing world twice, i think he can find himself another damn girlfriend. people are such morons. lets just forget about the autobots and decepticons. transformers has been about megan fox

  45. Oh Megan Fox the actress that went from A list to Z list. You're right we need a Z list actress to save the Trilogy. Right.....

  46. Michael Bay is not a good liar. Hahaha...

  47. @Anonymous 3/21/2011 12:17 AM: Megan Fox did what Michael Bay wanted on the first two movies and delivers Mikaela Banes character perfectly, otherwise Bay and Spielberg wouldn't have selected her in the first place. She is hot but they were the ones that created her sexy symbol status to promote the franchise, it's Michael Bay that looks nuts by firing her not the other way around.

  48. All this pissing and moaning about how the movie is going to fail because Fox isn't in it anymore. "It destroys continuity" WTF people!! When the first movie came out eveyone cried about how it focused too much on the humans, and not enough about the Transformers. Now that we have a film that looks to me to be heavily Transformer centered (more vehicles have been spotted for this one than any previous film) all people are complaining about is that there needs to be more story about the humans. I have the perfect solution for Bay, start out the film with Sam's parents talking about how he'll get over it, and there are plenty of fish in the sea, or whatever typical post breakup advice you want. And thats it, done. This movie is titled "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," not "Mikaela Banes: and Some Robots That Look Like Cars"

  49. @Rob 3/21/2011 9:15 AM: Transformers2 had even too much transformers screen time.. it needed more humans-transformers interaction but most of the scenes that they filmed they didn't finalize and probably we will never see in a director's cut/extended release.

  50. @Rob, this is all a fake argument to troll users.

  51. will poeple just get over megan fox!i watch it for all the characters plus carly is a g1 character

  52. @Anonymous 3/21/2011 5:23 PM
    But Sam is not a charater from g1 so... should we replace him too? not right because his character is based in Spike and Mikaela's character was based in Carly's, so basically this is bullshit.

  53. @Anonymous 3/21/2011 5:23 PM: it's a retarded trick trying to play the G1 Carly character card. Other than long time fans 90% of the general public that turned the first two movies into a huge success don't know and don't care about who Carly is and other than little kids everyone else from teenagers to viewers are going to be pretty pissed by the lack of Megan Fox, from those wanting to watch her in some sexy pose to those that liked the romance and bond between her character Mikaela Banes and Sam Witwicky. The trilogy is no more. This can't be a trilogy just like Star Wars couldn't have been a trilogy if they fired Natalie Portman.

  54. as for the the twins bay said they where going to be basicly gone.they didnt bother me.but what he means they might not act a fool like in rotf.

  55. I came to the conclusion that the red car we are seeing is Sunstreaker and not Hot Rod....There is absolutely no way that a character of his magnitude can be overshadowed by the presence of Sentinel Prime or even Shockwave...and based on the footage we seen and plot details, the red car's role is going to be of little importance, Hot Rod would a have to be THE feature in any film he is in, we all know that..and that's clearly not the direction Bay has taken in this movie

  56. there is no telling who the ferrai can turn out to be hot shot.

  57. Anybody ever figure out if this was the real deal?

  58. hahaha I remember when I wrote this back in spring XD
