Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ken Jeong's DOTM Role

At about this time last year, we learned that Ken Jeong was going to be in Transformers: Dark of the Moon but we never learned the details on the part. CraveOnline was able to corner the comedian and find out absolutely ...nothing except that it is a small role. I suspect his role is something simliar to Rainn Wilson's in the second movie, a kind of brief comic relief for Shia to bounce off of. The TF3 portion of the interview is below, the rest can be found here as he discusses Community and Hangover 2.

CraveOnline: Do you get a cool role in Transformers 3?
Ken Jeong: Yeah, it’s a small role in Transformers but yeah. I had an out of body experience working on that one because I just couldn’t believe I was [there]. Still, that was not a thing where oh, I’m going to be a part of a blockbuster franchise like Transformers 3 or even now Hangover 2 for that matter. So I can’t believe I’m a part of these franchises in any way. It was amazing. Michael Bay is brilliant and it’ll blow your mind.

CraveOnline: I’ve been on Michael Bay sets including Transformers 1. He keeps things so riled up, I see how it can be misconstrued, but it’s high energy.
Ken Jeong: He doesn’t like things to wait and neither do I. You want to keep moving, you want to keep the pace, you want to keep the energy. That I respond to because Todd’s like that too. Because you want that comedic energy to stay fresh. Especially on movies when there’s huge budgets and huge effects, you worry about spontaneity being lost. Yeah, Michael Bay just kept everything going.


  1. As usual NO GOOD NEWS!!!!

  2. ^^^3/26/2011 3:16 AM

    Let me guess Kup... you remember times when new trailers showed up every day for a year before the movie premiere, and yet there still was a lot of new, never seen stuff in it, eh?

  3. This franchise doesn't need MORE comic relief. Pretty much everyone in these movies are comic relief. The decepticons, Optimus, Ratchet, and (i dont want to say it but) Mikala,and the older army guy were pretty much the only serious characters in the first two movies. Almost all human characters are jokes (Sam's partents, his roommate, Simmons,the d-bag who was against the army, army guys, Sam's teacher, the jocks at the college, etc). Most of the autobots and some of the decepticons (Ironhide is all one liners, bumblebee doesnt talk but makes jokes with his radio and pisses on people, The twins and wheelie i dont even need to explain, the doc and other small bots are pretty much oneliner jokes that shouldnt be in the movies, Devs with balls which alone wouldnt be bad but with so much comedy what was the point, and Jetfire was pretty much a big joke with only a few serious lines).

    But I guess we need comedic relief from all of the comedic relief.

  4. Even Sam is a jokester until hes getting shot at. Thank god hes getting shot at a lot.

  5. @ anon 3:16...Just stating my opinion,you can take it for what its worth.......EH!!!!

  6. Why do people follow this blog that have so much hate for these movies? Must not have family, friends or an outside life. I understand why my eight year old comes here. Because he likes Transformers.

  7. Hopefully Ken Jeong's role in DOTM will actually be much of ROTF's "comedic relief" wasn't funny at all. Bay is a master at staging big action set pieces and creating high concept drama but sometimes he just goes too far with the comedy...when he holds back, as he did in The Rock and in Transformers he's at his best, in my opinion.

  8. I agree Winton and Mike your 8 y.o shouldn't be on this site. Deal with it.

  9. @ Mike and people against "Haters"
    Just because a person doesn't like what a production company is doing with Transformers doesn't mean he or she arn't fans. I love Transformers and I pay attention to this site because I am a fan. I've been following this site since before the first movie came out and have had so much fun finding out new info on the movies ever since. Having said that, I am a fan and I have a higher standard for these movies, LIKE MOST FANS, than the once in awhile fan or the regular movie watcher who just wants to see a stupid robot movie with explosions. Im not saying I want the ole rehashed Gen 1 or anything like that either. What I want, what i think all FANS want, is
    1.Set of movies that fans can be proud of.
    2. Respect for the characters we've loved for years. And well writen new characters that we can love for years to come.
    3. Bot dialoge that isn't just one liners
    4. Serious characters and plot. Shouldnt be a SciFi comedy. Should be Scifi Action Adventure

    Did I enjoy the first two movies and watch them a few times each in the theater? Yes. Will I do it again for DOTM? Yes. Does that mean I think they are great movies? No. They are good movies but not great. Are the financially Successful? Yes. So was Titanic but you aren't going to have all the people on this site saying that Titanic is better than any of the TF movies. So I don't give a damn about finacial success as a fan. I want a trilogy that could rival LOTR or Star Wars, But I'll have to wait til someone else who actually gives a damn about the franchise to make it.

  10. agree with Kup, this news is dry. where are the leaks that give us a bit of insight into the films?

  11. off topic....but after Michaels done with vote is for JJ Abrams. I like what he did to Star Trek...and I'm not a huge Trek fan

  12. @Anonymous 3/26/2011 7:38 PM: Steven Spielberg can direct Transformers movies by himself alone if Hasbro re-confirms its agreement with him. The opening scene of the first Transformers movie was co-directed by Bay and Spielberg, surely Spielberg hasn't lost his touch and if he really wants to he can do much better than J.J.Abrams and Michael Bay.

  13. 9:43...I say the more creative minds on board the better. I know Steve would rock TF, but, I say the more the better. I really like the screenplay / script that Orci and Kurtzman did for Trek, however why didnt we get as good of a story line with Orci and Kurtzman in TF? It seems like the stories were as simple as some of the cartoons as far as plot line goes.

  14. I would love to read the original screenplays for the first two movies and see what they were supposed to be before Bay and Co got their hands on it. If they are out there can someone give me a link. Because the difference between script/screenplay for TF and Star Trek comes down to this i think.

    Star Trek was either written well and Directed well. Or written poorly and JJ Abrams is just that awesome.

    Transformers was either well and butchered by Bay. Or it was written poorly and Bay isn't as awesome as JJ Abrams as far as making a story work.

  15. Don't say gook you shithead, get off here with that bullshit. That 'gook' has a ph.d, you're a fucking moron.
