Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Countdown To Trailer Carly Image

A new movie still is up on Apple Trailers to continue the countdown to the release of the trailer on Thursday at 7PM EST. Before it was Shockwave, this time it is something a little less spectacular with an image of Carly. Not a knock against Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as would say the same for any other human character but I watch Transformers for the Transformers. If the comments are any indication, there is a vocal minority *cough*trolls*cough* that seem to watch the film only for the human (aka female) characters and do not find the Transformers that important to the films. Each their own. Hopefully the last image will be more TF goodness.

On a related note, Katie R. reports that Entertainment Tonight is planning to have a Dark of the Moon report to along with the launch of the trailer. No teaser yet on ET's website but I don't recall the last time ET wasn't used to help market Transformers when a trailer is released. If anything I am surprised they are not getting a "sneak peek" for their Wednesday episode. Thanks to Sam N. who provided a DVR pic that confirms ET's plans for Thursday.


  1. I love Rosie Topmodel!

  2. any word on what those lips transform into?

  3. God damn it!!! I can't stand her face, I swear, what the hell I'm gonna do when she appears in the screen? close my eyes? FUCK MY LIFE!!!

  4. come on yall qiut complaining get over it.

  5. @ anonymous 4:48 PM
    In others web sites people talk about her lips and her nose all the fucking time but I think I'm the only one who has notice her different sizes of eyes, I mean one is bigger than the other, I don't care a damn about the "eye candy" because I'm a girl and I like Shia Labeouf and that's why I want to see him with a girl as beautiful as him, just my opinion xD.



  6. yep thats what im trying to say.

  7. I love her. :)

  8. Rosie looks like a tranny.

  9. @Deceptifreak 4/26/2011 5:23 PM: so you are gay loving gay men trying to look like women?

  10. @María 4/26/2011 5:03 PM: you are not the only one. More I look at her and more I ask myself "how the heck Michael Bay managed to cast such a barely average girl that is not hot and can't act?" Really.. just because she is a topmodel.. she is among the worst ones around. He had plenty of options, he always cast hot looking girls in his previous movies.. BUT this time he failed completely.

  11. I love Rosie. She's much better than Megan, so get over it!

  12. anonymous 5:17PM are you the same anonymous 5:25 PM? If you are, there is any chance we have to contact ourselves?????

  13. I think she's hot personally...taste is so subjective, I'll never argue with someone else's taste in women.

  14. Eww this Tirelips looks so...eww. :ugly:

  15. In 2 days we get 2 minutes and 20 seconds of transformer goodness :)

  16. my cock is much bigger than yours

  17. She's really pretty, I wish I could get with someone half that pretty

  18. I'm sorry, but this girl is just... eww... What's wrong with her lips and nose in that picture? They just don't look good. Even my guy friend says he can't look at her in the Victoria Secret catalogs. And he's a total pervert! Lol.

  19. So far, I am not impressed nor do I think she's THAT good looking. Seriously! Why not have gone with somebody who looks great and can act fantastically? Somebody like...say...Natalee Portman. Oh wait. She's too smart for Michael Bay's taste. Probably way smarter than him and Bay only digs hot DUMB chicks.

  20. she has a wonderful personality and completely blows megan fox away she also looks great in that white dress, in this seen she just looks a little ruffed up wev'e all been there

  21. aw yall SHUT UP.

  22. So ET is not even going to do a sneak peek preview with some new footage and some behind the scenes interviews like it happened with the first two movies...
    Well.. that is another bad sign for Transformers3 movie. It does look really cheap. It seems that Spielberg left the project completely and they are only trying to cash in as much as possible with the least effort.
    This is not a trilogy anymore. The franchise is dead. This movie is going to look bad.

  23. I like Shia hes been good throughout the movies but I beleve Megan fox is a fake all she played in the movies was just some girl the roll was never big shes just along for the ride and look pretty that was it. I beleve that the love interest should have been Carly from the very start not only a love interest but Sam's best friend who he knew from 1st grade I believe it could have made a better story and the person who I believe who could have done it was Shia's co-star from Disturbia Sara Roemer. Not only shes very pretty but she was real and acting between them was real not like shes too hey look at me and all of that. I believe Sara could have done a great job. All they are just doing now is hiring hot girls just to look hot. Don't get me wrong I don't know Rosie and I haven't seen the movie we just have to see so maybe she'll be good.

  24. Rosie is gorgeous, those lips are so sexy. All the queers and fan girls hate on her mad cuz she's kissing Shia and has a sexy body. She's got a hot ass too.

  25. Anonymous 4/26/2011 8:43 PM : I really hope this movie kicks as much ass it is shaping up to do just so it will be proven that truly are as fail as we all think you are. go away troll. I really wish the website owner would just block your isp.

    As far as Rosie goes I really don't think she's that good looking. Maybe her acting will still suffice though but whatever I don't watch these movies and let one potentially bad actress ruin it I mean let's be honest Megan Fox isn't that great of an actress either.

  26. Anonymous 4/26/2011 8:47 PM I agree Sara Roemer would have been great! She was a good actress and she was good looking. I think her and Shia had good chemistry in the movie

  27. That is the ugliest transformer ever!!!

  28. rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie

  29. yep, and she's getting ready to kill shockwave


    OP is a damn idiot. Who writes this shit? I like Optimus and I like Sam. I'm somehow a bad person for being more interested in some human characters than some Transformers? Lol, no.

  31. Sarah Romer is ugly and she's probably 30 now. Rosie is in the movie, deal with it.

  32. If someone says "the sky is blue" shortly thereafter @Anonymous 4/26/2011 8:43 PM will say it's because Bay did the worst mistake he ever did when he hired Rosie Model.

  33. I am now dumber for reading these comments. I am thinking of a scene from Billy Madison now.

    "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

  34. Rosie has some big shoes to fill, not that Megan can really act BUT i'm sure she would've been better than Rosie will be and lets face it Megan is way hotter than Rosie....I just had to get that off my chest NOW bring on the trailer!!!!

  35. Rosie is so damn fine she could kill me. Why you judging her off one picture? She looked fine as hell all summer in them dresses and on set. She's shaped like an old glass bottle of cola, sexy chick!

  36. I've seen several pictures of Rosie and I don't find her that attractive. That being said I don't care much about the humans. I just want to see the robots.

    IMO: Sarah Roemer is hot!

  37. Let's face it 10:25 taste and types are subjective, your thoughts on Megone isn't fact. I too prefer Rosie.

  38. Rosie, Rosie -I wanna take you away
    Rosie, Rosie -I'm gonna make you mine someday


  39. Rosie's looking up at Shockwave in that scene.

    "Oh My Dearest Shockwave, please be gentle with me. My tender fleshling body cannot handle all of your strong metal prowess. I weep tears even now because I do not know if tonight will be filled with pain or pleasure. Maybe both. Hopefully we can bridge the gap between humans and alien robots with our mutual love and respect for all living beings, both foreign and domestic.

    P.S. Shia sends you his love too. He's walking a bit lop-sided today because of what you did to him last night, but he'll be okay! <3 <3 <3 "

  40. Lionboogy you are effing killing me.

  41. You know, if Rosie is the worst actress ever picked by Michael Bay, then somebody please explain to me why my pecker is the size of a totem pole every time I see her in a scene wearing those sexy tight skinny jeans?

    Guys, guys. Rosie has a NICE ASS. And those LIPS. Yeah I know what I'd like those lips around.

    I guess I have to admit I look forward to this movie because there's more to her than meets the eye! kahahahaha *ducks*

    This public service announcement has been brought to you by Shia's aching buttcheeks.

  42. Those lips would look nice stretched around my huge meat rod I'd give Rosie a huge blast of my creamy yogurt all over her plump little ass.

  43. Paramount employees and Rosie's agent all emotional trying to push their topmodel tranny...

  44. All of you saying she looks good in all that dresses we saw in the set, THAT'S NOT FAIR, Megan never wears dresses in the first two movies, I bet this chick will wear dresses all the time in the movie, that way Michael Bay will ready to show us "eh look how hot is she, forget Mikaela Banes" and I'm not saying she's not a great body, for me she has a PERFECT body, but in a movie the most important thing is a FACE.

  45. ^ ROFL, you're terrible

  46. *referring to 2:46AM guy

  47. Uhhhh Megan DID wear a dress in the first and second movie.

    She wore a freakin MINISKIRT in the first movie.

    And in the second movie, the scene when Sam confronts Bumblebee about going to college and Mikaela changes into a summer dress to remind him about their relationship.

  48. @lionboogy
    I don't know what movie you saw but Megan didn't wear a dress in TF1,miniskirt? I'm talking about a dress, and in TF2 that's right only in that scene, to remind him their relationship, you're right sorry.
    And what is that? a freakin MINISKIRT, in the scene when she was walking and then appears Sam in bumblebe's car??????? that was the best scene ever, at least for me, I've never ever seen walking someone like that, that was soo hot and is a girl who are telling you.

  49. Technically speaking a miniskirt isn't a dress. But it isn't pants either. However, the very fact that a miniskirt and a dress give a man easy access to her proud little panties adheres to the simple fact that Megan Fox is a foxy chick that turns boys into Horny Trolls.

    That's probably what happened to some dudes on here. Maybe a few lesbians along the way.

    Hopefully Rosie's luscious lips and nice tight ass accentuated with her voluptuous curvy hips and flowy blond hair give credence to her equally sexy English accent. That accent alone is such a bonerific turn-on.

  50. Rosie could wear a potatoe sack and I'd wanna knock her block off. She's so hot bro I don't know why you think clothes make any difference. I'm not thinking about Megan sorry your brain can't grasp that

  51. I'm done arguing with "guys" on this site about Rosie and Megan. It's so hard for you guys to believe there are people out there who don't like what you like and you want to make your point known to strangers, u aren't changing my mind. Rosie all day and everyday. Have fun cryin over spilt milk

  52. Exclusive image number 3: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/attach/7/3/8/6/3/Transformers-3-Dark-Of-The-Moon-Trailer-Countdown-Day-3-Exclusive-Image-3_1303894866.jpg One of those whale-looking ships along with Decepticon Hover Drones.

  53. If you dont like Rosie FINE thats your opinion you faggot! Do you ever say something positive about the movies? NO! Negative fuckhead! And yes Im a Paramount employee you got a problem with that!


  54. @Anonymous 4/27/2011 8:32 AM: then this proves that you Paramount employees are really desperate and need to be fired. You can't even have civil discussion with people, you act like little kids which is a shame indeed.
    You will have to face the result of your bad work on this movie as well as the other failure that is Thor.
    Paramount managed to screw both movies completely.

  55. thor? thor got extremely positive reviews dumbass, u dont know anything about this damn film, again, why dont u just complian 2 micheal bay himself, OR just go send your ramblnig 2 paramont, itself, they have website get your annoying ass out of here dont u see we cant stand u ANYMORE GET OUT

  56. dude thor had a 96% aprovel rating idiot

  57. @ anon 2:09pm

    mental wards have high-speed internet now??

    ...or maybe he just "gussied up" his moms basement until his hospital "bed" is ready :Z

    one thing worse then a troll...and thats a paranoid schizophrenic troll...who thinks everyone works for paramount. ( para-mount + Para-noid)= nut case lol !!

  58. yall all get a life idiot tolls. go jump of a brige.

  59. You Paramount employees are really silly indeed. Thor positive reviews are just paid reviews with bribes, the same 20th Fox did with Avatar but the problem is that the trick is not going to work well with Thor. Paramount is going to face its mistakes.

  60. Hey Paramount you really messed up all of transformers, both movies are hardy good. One thing is that you focus too much on the humans, and you always make Optimus Prime look bad like it only takes Megatron a few seconds to take him down, and so many loop holes like what happen with the twins during that fight with that big ugly thing. Come on now their are so many things you can do and this is all you can I know you can do better than that.

  61. ^^ ok lol...this troll is funny...but in a stupid way lol

  62. i requre that nobody comments after this due to trolls.if any noob comment i will have you baned.

  63. this comment is just for the trolls guys.

  64. ya know what trolls get a life.

  65. You know there's this new movie called "Troll Hunters" up on Apple Trailers and I TOTALLY thought of that dude! haha

    He's an annoying little prick, but you know, he's almost like family now! I want to hug him and kick him in the testicle sack at the same time! <3 <3 <3

  66. ^^ Its spelled "proof" not "prof" ~facepalm~

  67. So Transformer fans that want a quality movie are trolls. Glad to know that we are all supposed to sucks Bays d*ck and not have an opinion. So if we who want our beloved Transformers to be respected are trolls then fine. Im proud to be a troll. Its better than kissing Bays ass like you mindless turds who will accept anything you are given.


  68. ^dang dude lol

  69. this is getting out of hand

  70. @Anonymous 4/27/2011 6:56 PM: I absolutely agree. But be sure that there are many Paramount and Bay employees monitoring forums and blogs like this and they are the ones insulting anyone that dares point out flaws.
    Which only shows how afraid they are of the mess they did. They know this 3rd movie is messed up. Transformers2 was demolished by competitors employees instead, attacking and nitpicking flaws that just weren't there at all. But now it's Paramount itself insulting people that dare to complain about production issues.
    It's a very bad marketing tactic that is going to backfire.
    Just like it's going to happen to Thor, another disappointing Paramount production they messed up rather badly with.

  71. optimusfucksu4/27/2011 7:33 PM

    an thor already came out, annnd had positive reviews, people liked it so did critics, an i reaaaaly dont see how the hell paramount messed up with thor, if u know how they messed up, please tell me

  72. optimusfucksu4/27/2011 7:37 PM

    annnd plus, thor opened up to just 1% more than marvels most popular property, iron man, soooo please tell me how thor messed up

  73. caint we all just get along!!!

  74. @Anon 6:56pm

    "..want our beloved Transformers to be respected"

    ugh..what??? Dude GET A LIFE !!! You want fictional characters invented by a toy company that comes in a gazillion forms and different generations from the united states to Japan...to be "respected" LMFAO !!!
    What you are really trying to say is that you want a Hollywood producer to recognize and respect what ever the hell transformers meant to "YOU" as a kid!!...now how the hell can any one person know what when on in that big dumb head of yours as a child??????
    Grow up and enjoy the damn movie or hate it...but cut that "respect" sh!t out already will ya :Z

    Listen I grew up with G1...people often act as if G1 was perfect and the standard to pick on these movies...when thats a bunch of crap too. Go back and watch them again as an adult...jaysus there are times when the artist fu@ked up the colors even...and optimus was blue for three or four frames !! Story lines were far from complete...but had good character development. MY POINT= G1 was AWESOME because we seen it through our CHILDHOOD EYES get it !...and our imaginations were running wild...no movie or new cartoon can ever compete with that...so let it go ffs ! If you want to sh!t on these movies then find a better reason then comparing it to your childhood !!

  75. ^
    Thanks for telling those G1 losers to get a life!


  76. ^^^NOW THAT WAS DEEP!!!!
