Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Possible Trailer Description

It seems that working at a theatre just might havea few benefits as ElectricPrada09 provides a description of the first theatrical trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon . While there have been fake descriptions before, this one has the benefit of being proven true or false in trust a few days when the trailer premieres online at 7PM EST on Thursday. I altered the spacing some just cause.
I will try to list off what I saw in the best order I can.

• Trailer starts off with a up close shot of the moon with Earth in the background. I see what I can only guess is The Ark making a rough crash on the surface of the moon, followed by little bits of what we've seen with Neil Armstrong in the announcement trailer.
• Quick flash of a aerial view of a city around dusk. I'm guessing Chicago.
• What looks to be the same building the Autobots go to after their first mission at the beginning of ROTF. You see Optimus, Ironhide and someone else drive in. It then pans out and you see the rest of the Autobots drive in, the red Ferrari included.
• Next is a couple flashes of Sam and some government people. A lady telling Sam if he discusses what he's about to see that they will all lose their job.
• Then we see Optimus getting in the women's face basically saying along the lines "Since you humans have not told us anything about or pertaining to the moon and the contents on it, we are all screwed". Except of course what he says sounds way more badass and foreboding. Bumblebee and Ratchet are also there in bot mode.
• Then, the real stuff starts. We see a giant blue beam in the middle of what I'm assuming to be Chicago shoot up to the sky. It then shows the moon and the ships we've seen attacking Chicago plus the drone type Transformers coming out of the ground on the moon. Then they start running towards the "fish looking motherships", which are also on the moon. Followed by the drones phasing out of the blue beam that's in the city. So teleporting essentially. I'm guessing it's some sort of space bridge type device? Then they start creating chaos on Earth.

Then everything just gets fast and amazing.

• We see a 2 second clip of Shockwave. The same clip that is in picture form that was released today that's on the homepage.
• Sergeant Epps basically telling Sam that they can't do this anymore.
• Sam holding a handgun pointing at someone saying "WHERE IS SHE?!" I'm assuming he's pointing it at a human and is asking about Carly.
• Extra footage of the flying suit soldiers falling from the sky.
• A little extended clip of the laserbeak scene. Just shows laserbeak basically doing a barrel roll then opening up his wings to start shooting at the white car.
• A bunch of invasion type scenes showing Chicago being attacked.
• Sam and Carly inside a phonebooth. Sam yells "Optimus". Almost exactly like he did in the ROTF forest scene. Then it shows the jetpack scene we all love of Optimus tearing through all the Decepticons.
• And my absolute favorite part of the trailer. We see Bumblebee come out of a drift around a corner, drives up a broken part of the street that is ramp like, transforms at the same time, launches himself in the air, puts both his feet on a side of a building like Prince of Persia/Assassin's Creed, jumps off the building, does a kickass twist in the air and catches a human in each hand that I'm assuming is Sam and Carly. Absolutely amazing.
• Then we see Sam and Bumblebee up close to the camera and Sam is messing with Bumblebee's mouthpeice. Maybe his voice is back, I don't know.
• Optimus saying something noble while Sam and Agent Simmons are on what looks to be like a bridge. Simmons legs also seemed to be injured. He's in a wheelchair.
• Next and finally is the absolutely stunning shot of the giant tentacle transformer climbing up a skyscraper all the human charterers are in. Drilling all through it, then basically hugging it until it topples over while all the human characters are falling down the building while it's falling over in half.
• I did not see Starscream, Megatron, Sentinal Prime, Soundwave or The Wreckers. I assume Bay isn't letting everything out of the bag yet, which I think is smart. It seems this trailer was trying to focus on the whole invasion aspect of things first. Then show more footage of the Transformers themselves later.

I'm sure there are still a few things I have missed out. I only got to watch it twice. Also the music in the trailer was completely badass. I don't want to hear anyone saying it sounds like something else. Because it doesn't. It was really freaking cool. I will try to answer any and all questions if you guys have them.

If you don't believe me then that's fine. But you will see I was telling the truth is just a couple of days. And remember, when you do finally watch it Thursday or Friday, do yourself a favor and bring a box a tissues and a change of pants. You will be unprepared.


  1. Badass, this movie needs to come out yesterday!

  2. This sounds a lot more legit than the previous description that made rounds. I want to see Optimus get in that woman's face (Marissa Faireborn?) more than anything else in the trailer. Hopefully this is accurate. Eeee, I'm so excited!

  3. So... they even re-used the Bumblebee scene from the first movie with him saving Sam and Carly now like he saved Sam and Mikaela... Geez!
    Just pathetic. It seems we are going to see a lot of the same scenes just in a different setting with re-touched lights and different camera views and that's it.
    It's going to be worse than buying "Game 2" finding out that it's no more than "Game 1 v." ... sigh!

  4. I think this is from the same guy that wrote the previous description. I think it's BS. But we'll soon find out now, anyway.

  5. @Anonymous 4/26/2011 5:36 AM: I really hope so although I think we are going to be really disappointed.

  6. Hey guys I know this is nothing about the "trailer description" but I want to say it, these days I have been looking for Rosie Huntington information in internet to know her a little bit and I went to Rosie's fan facebook and she has 16.504 fans and I was like wow her popularity is increasing and for curiosity I went to Megan's fans facebook and I was like: NO FUCKING WAY!!! she has 23.229.109 fans I mean 23 millions???????? How is that possible???? For me it means 23 millions of people who will not go to see TF3. What you guys think?

  7. the losers above are sad miserable nerds

  8. 21 million of 23 are just people who want to tap her...so it doesnt matter

  9. @Anonymous 4/26/2011 6:14 AM: tell that to Michael Bay and Paramount CEO. They haven't figured it out yet. They think that the topmodel is going to turn Transformers3 into a success. They are wrong.

  10. I want to buy some troll-be-gone. The two trolls aboce are probably the same person trying to act like two different point in a sad attempt to have some support it's thoughts. So sad

  11. Ok now for curiosity I went to all facebook of the girls of Victoria's secret and Megan has much more than all the models together. Damn it!! I know Megan is hot but that much????

  12. give me admin privileges so i can delete some posts please.

  13. Well if it isn't the troll. Do you ever give up? You dont like Fox ok you just want to fuck her just like every Fox fan!

    Damn that description gave me a brain-orgasm! I hope it's legit. Im tired of fake descriptions.


  14. I'm actually super excited because i forgot all about Dempsey's character and how its not just Sam running around dodging robots but actually human vs human action this time. Brings a deeper connection to what he's fighting for and it's nice to hear that Carly will be playing a huge role in the movie which will be a nice change of pace from Megan fox being dragged around.

  15. Well the description sounds legit, I mean in one of the previous posts, which shows the Michael Bay interviews, he was talking about a scene in which a tentacle transformers is climbing up a skyscraper and destroying it (allegedly he had this idea in the gym)…

  16. I hope for this tenticle robot they give it a name and like an identity as apose to it being just a random mash tenticles...but then based on Devastator in the last movie...I duno

  17. hey buddys i found one site i think he is braziliam site it has have one post of 20 february is on the script of dotm is very like to what we know today and until further th site is GUIFORMERS.blogspot.com come and see

  18. We all know the tentacle robot is in it, but this trailer description is just made up. There is absolutely nothing completely new in it. How can he remember everything in such detail? Everything he refers to is based upon something we have already seen or heard about. I just know that the new trailer is going to include a glimpse or two of something new that will get everyone buzzing. They always do.
    And I also recognize these guys writing style. It's definitely the same guy that wrote the other fake trailer description.

  19. its not fair to compare the number of fan on the facebook of rosie and megan..megan become hot after Transformer 1 in 2007 and now 2011 after 4 years she got 23millions fan...you must wait until 2015 for rosie facebook fan and after that we can compare this two hot properties based on 4 year!!

  20. I think the guy with this trailer description is bull&$@#ing, and the way it's written reminds me of the guy who claimed he saw a new trailer at a sneak preview of, "Sucker Punch", several weeks back. While some of it sounds plausible, I'm highly skeptical. And will some of you stop this Rosie vs. Megan bullshit? Who gives a damn!!!!!!!! Anyway, I'll check out the trailer online on Thursday night to see for myself.

    A.K.A. Sablebot@tfw2005.com

  21. So... they even re-used the Bumblebee scene from the first movie with him saving Sam and Carly now like he saved Sam and Mikaela... Geez! ------That didnt happen in TF1 tho

  22. @Anonymous 4/26/2011 11:53 AM: what the heck are you talking about? You obviously never watched the first Transformers movie. When Sam and Mikaela fall off of Optimus.. they are being chased by Sector7 and black helicopters... who gets them,uh? It's Bumblebee to the rescue there..
    So if the trailer description is true the movie is going to include the same rehashed scene,which would only prove that the whole production is pretty cheap.

  23. http://transformersmovie.eu/dark-of-the-moon/galeria New image of Rosie and bumblebee banner without text

  24. I'm sorry but that is not re-using scenes..

    ROTF had the exact same scene of the autobots arriving comets in TF that is re-using..

    And my absolute favorite part of the trailer. We see Bumblebee come out of a drift around a corner, drives up a broken part of the street that is ramp like, transforms at the same time, launches himself in the air, puts both his feet on a side of a building like Prince of Persia/Assassin's Creed, jumps off the building, does a kickass twist in the air and catches a human in each hand that I'm assuming is Sam and Carly. Absolutely amazing.

    Doesn't sound like what happened in TF..
    So there is absolutely NO re-using a scene here..

    Just saying.. LOL

  25. the next exclusive screen is just stupid carly


  26. that sucks. I wanna see the robots

  27. aw shutup you just trying to pull our leg like the last time.

  28. If I never see or hear the word "Topmodel" ever again, it'll be too soon.

    Based on all the information we have, I've still got a pretty good feeling Rosie will deliver the goods... We'll find out in a few months.

  29. @Bilal

    Fuck!!! There is any any any any chance she doesn't have that face in the movie all the time??




  30. @María 4/26/2011 3:39 PM: you are absolutely right, Rosie is a huge mistake and it shows already. Despite her agents and Paramount employees trying to push her.. they did a big mistake casting her for such an important role. She doesn't have the looks, she is not hot, she is not beautiful, she is pretty average looking.. despite being a topmodel. And it has already been confirmed that she can't act at all.

  31. i agree, rosie is great. can't wait to see her in the new film. i know some friends her are going to see TF3 just for her, never even saw the other 2 transformer movies.

    Bay seems to know the trick to pulling in new customers to the franchise.

  32. @Anonymous 4/26/2011 4:09 PM: what are you Rosie's agent? Geez! You are so silly, really. Your statement there is a joke.. Who do you think you could sell your precious Rosie to?
    Going around telling that "you got friends that are going to watch the movie just for Rosie and didn't watch the first two" ... Who are they, Rosie's own friends maybe? Her relatives? Your friends and relatives being you her agent?
    That is just pathetic. Paramount must be really desperate in trying to sell the Rosie topmodel.. They must be really afraid by the simple fact that despite their efforts she is absolutely unknown and 98% of those looking at her for the first time think that she must be a bad joke or something.
    And Paramount and Bay must even more afraid of people comparing her to the fired actress... which was a beauty indeed that Rosie can't compete with.
    Bay cast the wrong girl this time. Rosie is a failure.

  33. in the same boat as anon @ 4:09, expect theaters to be crowded this time around.

  34. Oh... man....Oh man...OH MAN!!!!!!! I cant wait any longer!!! I've been following every shred of news I can find since the theatrical release of ROTF!!! I can't stands no more. This is going to be the most badass of all badass movies!! Ugh July is still 2 months away :( Although it will be worth the wait!!!

  35. This movie is going to underpeform badly as much as Paramount's upcoming Thor. Transformers3 is not much better despite Paramount effort to sell both products like they were excellent ones. They aren't.

  36. WTF, you guys are such dipshits. How can you judge a movie when you haven't even seen anything else but photos and a couple of trailers... :/ Seriously, and then again... how can you judge Rosie's performance when you could only possibly see a few seconds or so of her acting in the trailers??? And another thing, the title 'Transformers' says it all, it's about the transformers, not some hot whores posing on screen... Megan, in my opinion, sucked at acting, it's so easy for any hot female out there to act sexual, and by sexual I mean constant moaning as if having sex, constant posing like in TF1, etc. So far, I love what I'm hearing from TF3 news & updates, rock on Transformers!! :D

  37. BTW, if any of you reply to my comment above, I will be sure to respond as soon as I can.

  38. you are right noobs keep complaining about the movie and yet to see it.

  39. In what time te trailer came out ? East or P time?

  40. dude above me couldnt have said it better. If you dont like the movie or if your complaining about megan not being in it then why come on the blog site to talk shit? you really dont have anything better to do with your lives??? sheesh just let the ppl who are excited to see this movie debate and discuss what is yet to come. if u agree with me say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  41. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes

  42. Hell yeah Ahhhhh :p

    Can't wait to see the trailer and the movie. I'm not going to see it for Rosie and I never watched the other two for Megan. Those roles could've been played by any tight little Hollywood starlet with little to no acting ability.

    Here's a question: anyone have any thoughts on the big tentacled bot? Has anything like that ever appeared in any of the various gens?

  43. Some say the tentacled bot is called dweller...you can look it up on transformer wiki.

  44. if the description matches with the trailer... it would fucking worth it! Now, the scene on bee jumping and stuff, i think it's conected with the robot tentacle falling off the building scene. what'd you think??? oh and for the heaters... if you don't like the movie, the characters or anything... that's your problem... but don't make stupid comments about it because it's pointless

  45. Paramount employees trying to sell Rosie as the golden goose are really silly here... She is ugly. She looks like a tranny. She can't act. She wasn't needed. There was no need to give Sam Witwicky character a new girlfriend. It's the dumbest thing every done in a trilogy. Just plain retarded.

  46. sandworm is THE DWELLER. is g1 youtube.

  47. http://youtu.be/89_JKPH5Hak . is episode of transformers gi monster tentaculo,

  48. sou do brasil. esse é o episodio do transformers g1 com o bot tentaculo(sandworm). http://youtu.be/89_JKPH5Hak

  49. Honestly, I couldn't care less about Megan or Rossie. Both women are gross looking. After ROTF, I am going purely for the amazing action scenes. Couldn't care less about the story. If it turns out the story is great, then that's awesome. But I'm just gonna keep my expectations low for the story and hope the action is amazing.

  50. Hahaha, for all you guys saying it's fake I laugh at you. You'll see I was telling the truth and then you'll feel dumb. Yes this is Electricprada90 and I could care less if you don't believe me. If you read, dude even said other people have confirmed my claims.

  51. Real or not ...
    its pretty accurate of "trailer description" , its not overly exagerated...
    it makes some sens.
    anyways fake or not, we'll have to see tomorow...

  52. i take that back then old buddy your claims do seem accerate.they did say the bulding will be sawed in half with some snake like tenticle monster and the humans get a ride from the top of the bulding to the ground.

  53. "Then, the real stuff starts. We see a giant blue beam"

    i think hes right, he stated this b4 the spaceship screen cap released

  54. the descriptoin is right agent simmons in a wheelchair

  55. Wait I think he is right the scene with Optimus and Sam with Agen Simmons on the wheelchair he stated that before the picture was released today!

  56. Martinus Prime4/28/2011 5:05 PM


    I saw the trialer in spanish on Peru twitter, posted by someone on last article of this blog"Countdown To Trailer Sam & Simmons Image".

  57. @GUNOTKILLA4 4/28/2011 6:06 PM:
    Thanks for agreeing with my comment :)

  58. I was really surprised by this trailer it's not what I expected at all. The first thing that struck me was the tone was much darker and the story was immediately much bigger, it doesn't just seem to be a fight between the two groups of robots that drags in some of the humans, this is going global and the scale is much bigger.

  59. You were so effin right!

  60. Yeeaaahhhh bitches, for those of you who kept talking shit about ElectricPrada09, y'all were and still are wrong, the trailer description matches the trailer that is now available to watch... so what now douchebags??! XD & if you have something to say against this then it's obviously a load of bs comin' from your assholes! BTW Trailer is awesome! Can't wait to see the movie.

  61. Idk about you guys and ladies that just saw that new transformers movie but I did and it blew my mind. There was so many connections to other movies like star wars, tron, spider man, death race, black hawk down , gi Joe , priates of the caribiean, fast and furious , green lantern, men in black, a team, matrix, hitman, and alot of video game scenes and objects used in the movie. Like call of duty when he shoots the guy on his bck on the bridge Like he did in the movie or halo through out the moive like ships and weapons characters or star wars ships how once they got to the center it all startled to shut down and distruct like it hid on halo the spike granade too in one scence towards the beginning the ropes in the air like spider mans web , the big worm off of spider man , chopper going down like black hawk down, how we teamed up with some of their kind like you had to on halo, the one guy that one in the wheel chair like off of x men , scenes from the campaign on some games , things that have taken up to this place like twin towers and the navey seal trip not too long ago trips to the moon umm..... how those four divers that jumped out of the plain did blue angle formations and how the military went about things they did like that's how it really happens overall though they story behind it comes at the end when they talking about try military and make a comment that u can't quote off the top of my head but it talked about how we have been through alot as a country and that no matter what happens our militray will be there to fight for us and defend this country no matter what happens which is true and think alot of people take that for granted and they dnt think about what some of those guys go trough on a daily and weekly basis but that's just some of my coments and thoughts on the movie
