Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Transformers 3 Filmed in Israel?

A tweet from Tyrese Gibson yesterday to promote his new book "How To Get Out of Your Own Way" reveals that Transformers: Dark of the Moon filmed in Israel at some point (no idea when). In the tweet he posted, "I was in Israel and this was the very moment God revealed to me I should write a book!!" along with a picture of him leaning against a wall in his Epps costume. Just in case don't believe that isn't his outfit, be sure to check out Tyrese in costume (think minus the vest) when he was filming during the summer. Thanks to a source for the heads-up.

Update: Comments are reporting a picture is from Revenge of the Fallen. That is plausible since production did film in Jordan which is very close to Israel with the character wearing essentially an identical costume. Net result is until see the credit scroll that lists some of the shooting locations, file this one under unproven rumor (so will not be added to the cheat sheet). I don't keep up with Tyrese's non-Transformers life so unable to verify how long he has been working on the book. Two years for a self help book seems a bit long but he has been busy.


  1. dude that was for ROTF....he was in Israel and that is when god revealed the book writing thing...so he went ahead...took him two yrs to complete and now he's promoting it,,,,,that pic ainthad nothing to do with dotm...sttuuuuu...

  2. Ouch :Z ! ...thats gotta be embarrassing ! > Snafu <

  3. I'm done with this pathetic blog.

  4. @ anonymous 4/06/2011 1:07

  5. OMFG man...I am from israel,I was amazed to see this page title and it's sucks if that is just a rumor!!!!

  6. @Anonymous 5:15. Know your stuff before you talk. Israel was never used or filmed in for ROTF.

  7. Hey hey hey! U guys r being so harsh. Just one mistake! This blog inspired my new blog! Check out my at www.transformers-mtmte.blogspot.com and u guys shouldnt be so harsh about! This is a fantastic blog! I always check it out!

  8. "Know your stuff before you talk. Israel was never used or filmed in for ROTF"

    ...pay attention buddy...dude never even said that Israel was used or filmed in...he said thats where he was when he got the idea for the book :D !!

  9. at Anon 4:03, Anon 5:15 was saying that the above pic that shows Tyrese in Israel was from ROTF and as "Michael" said, and I think that may have been Bay himself, "Know your stuff before you talk. Israel was never used or filmed in for ROTF" meaning the above pic of Tyrese in Israel may indeed be from DOTM filming.

  10. ^^obviously you still don't get it (face palm) lol

  11. @Michael 4/06/2011 2:38 PM: so here it is Michael Bay confirming that this blog is owned by him and Paramount..

  12. ^^ dear mentally unstable person who keeps accusing everyone of being Bay/Paramount employee's,

    Im pretty sure you have it mixed up, as Optimus Prime owns this site, and Bay/Paramount runs the free world...get your facts straight !!! :D

    Don't you realize that you, yourself, are just a mere figment of Bay's imagination?? Just listen to the voices in your head...they will tell you all about it :D !!

  13. ROTFLMAO!!! Michael is the 4th most common American first name and you guys automatically assume it's Michael Bay??? Like he'd really take the time to troll these forums.

  14. I did a video news update based on this report but thankfully I didn't mention that it was for real about them filming in Israel

  15. You employees are trolling on forums likes these on the 'net. And whoever dares to point out the obvious gets insulted by you acting like a gang instead of professional employees.

  16. so what if employees do come on here and give out some info?

  17. ^^you are right...so what if they do come on forums ??

    ...actually that would be friggin' awesome, they could just leak all kinds of cool info anonymously and plead complete ignorance as to how it leaked...hehe

    *******:D YAY FOR BAY/PARAMOUNT EMPLOYEES!!:D*********
