Thursday, April 28, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Theatrical Trailer Is Here (Updated)

The theatrical trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon was leaked early (such as to, thanks Benn) which has lead to the early release of the trailer at Apple Trailers in glorious HD. As it proves, the early description from ElectricPrada09 was on the money. On a related note, I was able to verify that the official twitter account for DOTM is @TF3Movie. Because was dinged by the copyright police, instead of uploading to my account, thanks to Frederico for the 1080p video embed (below) of the trailer.

Update: has posted the trailer along with links to download the 720p & 1080p HD versions of the trailer.

Update 2: Hit the links below for lots of screenshots from the trailer with number of pics in parenthesis.
Seibertron (x247) | TFW2005 (x89) | CinemaBlend (x105)

Official Synopsis:
When a mysterious event from Earth’s past erupts into the present day it threatens to bring a war to Earth so big that the Transformers alone will not be able to save us. The movie stars Shia LaBeouf, John Turturro, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Patrick Dempsey, Kevin Dunn, with John Malkovich and Frances McDormand.


  1. so long i have been waiting for this trailer... now it has leaked early...and i didn´t watch it. you know why? because i can force myself to wait 3 more hours to enjoy it in its whole hd beauty...

  2. epic and

    ps3 ftw

    ngp ftw

    psn ftw

    all the other system sucks



  4. Download it with JDownload, copy the link of the site and you'll be able to download all the trailers/spots in the various sizes (:

  5. OH

    My GOD.

    It's up on Apple Trailers NOW, guys.


  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^he's not lying!!!

  7. downloadin' with f*ckin' jdownloader ^^^^^ he`s right

  8. omg epic epic epic

  9. i just watched it..........
    i need some new shorts!!!!

  10. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. OMG soooo amazing! Cant. Stop. Watching.

    K.. first look at a new autobot at 0:45? "Einstein" perhaps?

  12. that was epic!!!!! I can't wait!

  13. :) im Benn ahahah im just happy my name was mentioned on this blogg :D :D :D hahaha

  14. ....I CAN'T SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. omg...Optimus is really pissed...Bumblebee is the best.

  16. Let Carly/Rosie fall.. let her fall..let her fall.. many will tell on that scene everyone hoping Carly dies and leaves. But Bay was dumb enough to cast such a pointless topmodel surely not hot that can't act instead of a real actress.

  17. I don't have any beef with Rosie being in here, but I do think it would be cool to see her fall there. No main human characters have been killed off. I'm hoping to see that change with this one.

  18. See here. Youtube is still processing the video, but it's now available to share (:

    Frederico Silva

  19. BEST TRAILER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait! 2 more months!

    On a side note I agree with Anon 6:07pm Let that ugly itch fall!!!

  20. Blog Owner, you can post now the video (:

    Frederico Silva

  21. michealbay's youtube account has it

    you may embed it from there

  22. It seems like Starscream has been destroyed on the roof in the scene were BB catches Sam and the other guy.

  23. Man, Optimus must be pissed if he is just letting the humans save themselves for part of the battle......stupid humans, I trust the autobots, I would trust them with my life, my ferrari, my dog, my house, my transformers figure, and my PIE!

  24. Shockwave is so awesome.

    And Carly is pretty. Haters gonna' hate.

  25. Holy Sh@t. I just noticed an EPIC SPOILER ALERT in the new trailer. Plz mention this. When bumble bee jumps and catches these two guys, from a decepticon that looks like it's about to be destroyed or already did, and that decepticon is looks like STARSCREAM, notice his shoulders, looks exactly like him. Also my name is Youssef El Said

  26. I had to slo-mo the 1080p version to inspect each and every goddam frame. Especially for Bumblebee. hahaha

    I am so lame.

  27. FYI, Bumblebee transforms, runs up that wall to the roof to catch Sam and Lennox. It's pretty clear in the 1080p.

  28. WHOA!!!!! Looks like there's an epic fight on the Moon, Optimus is PISSED and wants nothing more to do with humans (maybe "karmic payback" for when Sam didn't want to help in ROTF), seems that the company Sam works for may be behind keeping Cybertronian secrets, maybe even kidnapping Carly. I also heard the Woman Optimus tells, "You made a grave mistake" is Marissa Faireborn from the G1 Cartoon. Looks like all hope is lost.

    Now, while my interest is piqued by the cool visuals, I'm still very cautiously optimistic-Bay sure as hell knows how to make breathtaking visuals and heart-stopping action sequences. Will he be firing good on all the other cylinders (story, character development, pacing, and the like)? We'll see come 7/1/11. Sablebot out.


  29. It looks like the autobots are leaving earth. If look behind Optimus you see a what looks like the ARK

  30. at 45 seconds! The blue Mercedes Benz! I can't make out the face though... But I saw his robot form!

  31. That ship Optimus is standing in front of has a NASA emblem at the bottom of the screen...

  32. Unfuckingbelievable!!!

  33. You can see the to twins (or whoever they are) at the end of the line of autobots driving into the hangar, behind the blue Mercedes. Also, you can see the blue Mercedes in robot mode, it's clearly the Einstein-bot.

  34. Hi it's "Youssef El Said" again, also another thing or two, which are really hard to spot, at the 0:45 second, you see a new autobot, probably it's Q a.k.a Einstein. Another thing, at 1:22 seconds, that building with all the electrity around, it was where Sam faced Patrick Dempesey on one of the fallen towers, looks like that tower plays a key role or something like a teleportation bridge. Also to remind everybody to look carefully at 1:48 sec, where u see Starscream getting killed. Plz mention me, and post ur comments about my statements.

  35. Dweller took down a WHOLE FUCKING BUILDING!


  36. Anyone else notice the poor human who's about to get crushed by the building at the end? 2:19

  37. noticed how the music is in sync with optimus' spins when he rips through the decepticons? it gives the scene more awesomeness if it ever was needed

  38. The trailer was alright, it had a right amount of badass-ery without giving too much away.

  39. The scene where OP flies in with the jetpack has been slightly altered. In the top left of the picture where you previously saw Shockwave, we now see Longhaul and another big robot I can't identify. Also we see that decepticon ships have been added to the clip where the soldiers jump out of the Ospreys.

  40. Did you guys notice at the end when Optimus is talking to Sam that his armor/plating is different??

  41. And I'm guessing that the Autobot behind Optimus at 0:45 is Brains. Going by the weird shell like thing over his head representing a brain, AND since he is the smallest Autobot. Bay said he was small.

  42. Carly is pretty what? The Rosie topmodel playing Carly is ugly as hell. She clearly can't even act a little bit. She makes you vomit instead of getting excited when she is on screen. Michael Bay could have put any ugly fat woman there playing Carly and nothing would have changed.

    Megatron- RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!

  44. Really disappointing trailer. What the heck is this a clone of Skyline movie with Transformers added to the mix? The worst movie of the trilogy. Transformers2 was way better.

  45. Syline? NOT EVEN CLOSE! More like Battle LA but BETTER!

  46. At like 1:30 im pretty sure thats Megatron, you can only see half of the body, but it looks like megatron just died and shockwave took over...

    Also, it really seems like they gave away the ending when Optimus is talknig to Sam and Simmons, kind of upsetting if that turns out to be the actual ending.
    Really badass trailer, my favorite parts were the decepticons coming out of the moon, and when bumblebee rescues simmons and sam from starscream.

    They diod say that Sam was going to fight starscream.. and he had a weapon of somesort on his hand, that was obviously it, and bumblebee rescued him, and simmons was there apparently, probly why he has a broken leg, from that fight...

    Anyone else agree?


  47. the troll is back!!!

  48. The music was great and so was Shockwave. The rest was meh. Seemed to focus mostly on the epic tentacle thing, but that's not transformers in my mind. I though the trailer for the last Transformers was far better but the movie was pretty bad in my eye. Though I did love the first movie and the trailer with that. I'll be passing on this one in the movie unless it gets good ratings on rottentomatoes or something.

  49. RY, I also thought that could have been Megatron before Shockwave. If we have a look at Megatron's new robot mode, we could probably figure that out. And that is Lennox and Sam being saved by BB, not Simmons.

    For some reason, I just love when the Decepticons come from the moon to earth and are running. Gives off such a neat invasion feel.

  50. If that is megatron under shockwave, it looks like shockwave cocked his gun back and then aimed it at Megatron..


  51. It is cool how some of us can tell this movie sucks worse than TF2 and that Rosie can't act based on this trailer. Good eye guys.

  52. ok one question: so, in transformers prime, the autobots use a space bridge to travel around... so, why the fuck is it bad in the movie??? let me get this straight... IT IS AN F'ING MOVIE, IT´S MAIN OBJECTIVE IS ENTERTAIN AND TO GIVE US A JUMP OUT OF OUR IMAGINATION!
    on the other hand that was a hell of ride in just 2 and a half minute... i cant imagine the entire movie! anyone knows the how long will be this time?

  53. the troll is back!!!

  54. Youssef El Said

    That scene happens to fast to make any kind of call if a robot is being killed or not.

  55. someone is going to give starscream a kick in the nuts... i wonder who???

  56. Luis Cotovio4/28/2011 7:47 PM

    Waiting 2 months just got a lot trickier. Awesome trailer. If the movie lives up to it, it might just be the best of the trilogy.

  57. Carly is so hot and Ironhide is the man! Is that Lenox and Sam falling off the building?

  58. Guys guys guys... I got this. This is the gist of the movie right here:

    "Our entire operation in the 1960's was in response to an EVENT."

    "If you breathe a WORD of what you've seen here, you will do time for treason."

    "You've LIED to us. You've made a grave mistake."

    "Years from now, they're gonna ask, where were you when Rosie and Megan duked it out in nude mud-wrastling match?"


  59. At time 2:03 scene where Prime is talking to Sam and Simmons looks like a space ship and Prime's speech seems like a good-bye. That maybe the ending of the movie or they may be thinking of leaving Earth during the middle of the movie. Kinda like Megatron's Master Plan Part 1 from the original 1985 series, where Megatron frames the Autobots and the humans believe they are evil not the Decepticons, so the Autobots are found guilty and banished from Earth.

  60. ^^^Dude, I was SO thinking that! Nice to know someone who remembers G1.

  61. Rosie is pretty when she was crying. Shia is such a pussy.

  62. I hoped to see sential prime...

    and I really hope that there will be another "forrest battle" with optimus in this one!!

  63. If you pause it right @ 1:47 you can see it is Prime ripping SS to shreds.

  64. you know the movie will not end with optimus all pissed at humans and left for dead. It wont happen. Optimus will leave in the middle to 2/3rds of the movie and something will happen to bring the autobots back and we will see Primes entrance where he flies in and cuts up the decepticons.

  65. Micheal Bay I take back alot of things I said this could blow me away.

  66. @Anonymous 4/28/2011 8:02 PM: Rosie looks dumb when tries to act crying there. She is too ugly to attract viewers and she can't act a little bit.

  67. dam, we haven't even seen megatron, soundwave or sentinel yet, EPIC!!!

  68. like dude said above me.. i think optimus & the autobots leave at the end of the movie

  69. I love how the music starts when optimus prime starts destroying those decepticon. I can't wait

  70. When bee rescues sam and the other person, You can see the Power glove on his left hand.

  71. Epic one!
    At 1:58, looks like flying bots slicing some cons in air. That would be fucking awesome

  72. the desriptoin is right

  73. i think the other person BB saves isnt Rosie... look close its another guy

  74. I really hope the movie knocks it out of the park. I hope the writing is good. you know the special effects will be second to none, same with the action. I want to see Bay back and I want good writers attached and time for Bay to knock it out of the park on future movies.

  75. Love that the twins are in it

  76. yup ^^ i agree too !!

  77. AWESOME!!! and i want that song from the trailer!!

  78. Giant squid thing... Trypticon?
    Omega (ark) vs Trypticon (squid/tentacle thing)?
    Just saying.

  79. @4/28/2011 7:52 PM

    Yeah, I remember that episode - I'm actually watching my G1 DVD Boxset right now, (I've rewatched all 98 episodes and am rewatching TFTM right now) and I HATED that G1 episode, as it seemed that the humans were way too stupid and too gullible, allowing the Decepticons to fool them like that. I couldn't believe it, but the end of that episode was pretty unbelievable - I mean, Cosmos, little bitty Cosmos, was able to haul a big-ass Autobot ship towards the Sun, then save the rest of the Autobots?????

    That's like the one where Ultra Magnus, Rodimus, and that Quintesson are on that ship, and they go through a black hole, then back through it and aren't ripped to shreds. A HUGE suspension of disbelief there, LOL!!!!!

    Anyway, I have a feeling that Bay may have taken some cues from that G1 episode, and I have a feeling that maybe halfway through the movie, most of the Humans hate the Transformers so much, that the Autobots decide to leave the Earth, pissed off at the Humans. The Decepticons may decide to stay behind, and maybe the scene with the Dweller creature (DAMN! DID YOU SEE THAT IN THE TRAILER?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is one of the last straws that will cause the Autobots to stay on Earth and help the humans.

    Also, all you folks complaining about Dweller - there's a G1 cartoon episode with Dweller in it.

    Waiting to see some more robot designs to leak out now, and I wish that Sentinel Prime's transformation sequence was in this trailer.


  80. You know... I am not sold. I mean, because I have a feeling of how it's going to end, when how I would like it to end won't happen. Really, I mean what if sh*t just goes down hill, sure they fight them off, but lots of people die, and then the Autobots are like, you kept the secret, this is what happens and just leave the earth and everyone who is still alive to reflect on their BS. WHY CAN'T HUMANS LEARN ANYTHING!?! Much love for Shockwave though. <3

  81. yeah its a dead cert that the bots will leave at the end of the film. its a shame they've given away the ending so early.

  82. You know there will be quite a few that will hate this movie no matter how good it is. Trolls suck and they are so narcissistic that that have to share their discontent with the world thinking somehow they will stop people from seeing it. lick my butthole trolls.

  83. Not necessarily, Hasbro already wants to make a sequel to this even without bay, its there franchise, they can do whatever they want with it, I man come on if James Cameron did all the transformers movies, they would get so many positive reviews. Also, the thing behind optimus in the last scene is a Cybertronian Ship at the NASA Space Center, in the beginning seen of the movie we see the same ship crashing on the moon, and it isn't the ark because it has a different design. So I think he was referring they'll be on there own on the moon, idk, im just guessing here, cause Prime already said in the first movie they wanted to make earth their new home sort of and protect it with the humans, I do hope that there will be a TF4 even if Bay doesn't do it, cause in truth I love the movie series, and I just don't want it to die, ya know?

  84. The autobots could leave in the beginning crash on the moon. Realize it is filled with desepticons, find evidence that the humans knew. Come back through the space bridge ask the humans why they didn't tell them.

  85. For those of you confused about The Dweller, here is a link to the wiki:

    It really did exist in the G1 cartoon. I think it's gonna look way awesome in the movie. :)

  86. if michael bay does another trans movie or some one else does they got to keep the tradition going, they haven't even scratched the scratch we have 25 years of mythology and all different kinds of stories, we got insecticons,dinobots, galvatron, unicorn and the ultamit for me would a war on cybertron,hasbro see's to many fan's and to much money to just stop now

  87. is'nt the dweller a quintesson invention that predates transformers? Those ships with tenticles along with the dweller makes me wonder if there is indeed a third faction to this war...maybe the quintessons come to town after all.....maybe there are humans, decepticons, aurobots and quintessons all in a royal rumble on earth? hmmmmm....guess time will tell...

    Love him or hate him...Mr. Bay sure knows how to throw off one hell of a trailer !! ...gotta give him that!

  88. This makes me sad. The trailer almost spoils the ending.

    In the Superbowl trailer it shows Simmons during the invasion(which is supposed to be the climax of the film) NOT in a wheelchair. However, he is later seen in a wheelchair (which I assume to have happened after some type of accident during the invasion).My theory is that the scene at 2:04 (due to Simmons being in a wheelchair) is how the movie pretty much ends.

  89. When assholes think they know the world and that Rosie can't act, It pisses me off....They didn't even see her act....Stop you effing trolls....Watch the movie and then comment about things like that....Wait a minute, even after the movie you trolls who watch Transformers just for hot "babes" like Megan Fox can't be trusted for what you say.....Go to a corner and cry about your complaints....

    Mr. Bay is awesome, Feel bad that this is his last TF.....I can't imagine anyone else doing it....Trailer is kickass and I shit my pants (figuratively) because you can see serious damage in the trailer....

  90. I don't think that the movie ends with the scene in the trailer. If you look at the scene, Simmons may be in a wheel chair, but Sam looks completely fine, clean cut, shaven and doesn't look like he was just in a devastating battle. I have to think that the Autobots leave prior to all complete hell breaking loose and that they come back after the assault on Chicago starts because both the Humans and Autobots realize that the humans can't do it without them. At that point they visit the moon and find the body of Sentinel Prime, revive him and return to Earth.

  91. how the fuck do YOU KNOW THATS THE ENDING?! thats right you dont know, man what happened to all the fans?, it seems like this blog is being taken over by trolls

  92. is it me... or sam gives BB a new gizmo to talk??? can you tell frome the scene between them?

  93. Pause @ 0:45

    Look on the left side of the screen and you see a blue autobot.

    It might be the mercedes benz.

  94. #1) OPTIMUS TALKING TO SAM IS NOT THE ENDING! Why would he be telling Sam that the humans don't value the Autobots but value themselves, he's essentially telling him he's tired of fighting for ungrateful humans so f ourselves...

    #2) Space Bridge!

    #3) Did anyone notice Ironhide's new guns?! He's my favorite character in this series, so I am super pumped to see him with a fucking mini gun.

  95. I want Carly to come sit on my boner.

  96. I agree with some that that is just the scene where the autobots are leaving. That's probably a scene that leads them to having some kind of battle in space or something hence where all the drones are landing and they later come back to earth. No idea what is going on other than the movie looks bad ass.

    I love G1 Transformers and the movie trilogy and feel Bay has done an amazing job with it. I hate to see it end but it has to at some point or they run the risk of not really having anymore ideas and the movies redundant. I'd rather have 3 really good movies than 5 or 6 with half of them being only okay

  97. the guy said...

    how the fuck do YOU KNOW THATS THE ENDING?! thats right you dont know, man what happened to all the fans?, it seems like this blog is being taken over by trolls
    4/28/2011 10:55 PM

    the trolls are saying the movie sucks. I see a lot of people saying it looks bad ass so I highly doubt just because a handful are trying to spoil it makes us all trolls

  98. Screaming Shia.
    Perpetually stunned looking underwear model. (Does she even get a line?)
    Bay blows everything up.

    I hope they had some screenwriters this time...

  99. Look at the stills of Shockwave, it looks like he is either stepping over or off of the tentacle thing if you watch the bottom of the screen. It looks as if a tentacle is wrapped in front of him.

    Could he be riding/driving it?

  100. I have a feeling that in the end Silverbolt will be the huge Autobot shuttle.... where are the Aerialbots? Sigh

  101. I can't make out the other Autobots driving into the Hanger...goes Optimus, Ironhide, Bee, Ratchet, Mirage, Sideswipe, Benz/Wheeljack, the 2 unknown cars...Not wreckers, and they don't look the same hence no twins, but the last car looks like a tiny red one...cliff?

    Also, if the bot at :45 is the benz and happens to be wheeljack with an Einstein head instead of a wheeljack resembling head i'm disappointed. Wheeljack has one of the coolest facial designs.

  102. Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car
    Michael Bay said NO TWINS, 38 second mark last car

  103. Is it just me or are those Aerialbots hovering while firing Decepticon fighters out of the air at 1:58? Possibly defending an Autobot assault on the ground??

  104. It's me @4.29 12:14AM...I know he said no twins, but now that i'm thinking about it maybe that last car is mudflap and skids is killed off before the movie. So no Twins, just twin. Slight misinformation. Originally thought with no twins a little red car could be cliffjumper or something.

    responding to the post above me: it's too difficult to tell if those are aerialbots down by the river. They're the only ones not to get sniped by missiles like every other flyer does in that scene. Wonder what's taking them out?

  105. Finally we've been given a new trailer. After waiting since the superbowl for a decent trailer, I'd say it was worth it. :)

    Now, a few thoughts that popped into my head while watching this:

    1.) Does anyone remember the some of the pictures leaked from the filming sets in Chicago? The ones that had the Autobot symbol marked out in red, saying things like "Autobots go home?" This could be a very good indication that due to pressure from both a increasingly violent public and the fact that the U.S. government has been both hiding things and lying about sharing technology with other countries to the Autobots, it would not be so far off as to guess that the Autobots leave within first hour of the movie. But the questions is, does Bumblebee go with them or stay on Earth with Sam?

    I say this because at 0:53 we are seeing an unknown city that has already been past Round One of what looks like a Decepticon attack that seems pretty major. If humans had already used the spacebridge once on and it ended up signaling/bringing the Decepticons hiding on the Moon to Earth, Sam and allies would almost overwhelmingly try to convince those same people who fired the first spacebridge beam to do it again and bring the Autobots back. This could also reflect Sam's yelling "Where is she?". I'm not sure that's he's talking about Carly. He may be talking about the unknown woman in the trailer who would charge him with treason should he say anything. Force her and her organization to create another space bridge to bring the Autobots back.

    And really, would Epps ever say that they were on their own if the Autobots were still on Earth and he still believed they had a chance of winning? If anything, the characters Epps and Lennox have just as close a connection to the Autobots as Sam has to Bumblebee, and once the Autobot's left, they knew they were screwed should any Decepticon try to attack while the Autobots were gone.

    I'm also very curious as to why those giant tentacles would concentrate on trying to destroy that one particular building. Yes, I realize Sam was in the building at the time, but there should be a more pressing matter. I wonder if the entire building is used in creating the space bridge. It seems like the first time a space bridge is opened up is in D.C. , as the monument is in the background before all hell breaks loose in front of the White House?

    I'm sure all of these questions will be answered in a few months, but I honestly don't know that I can wait that long!!

  106. ^ this guys a dumbass, the unkown city is chicago. hes talking about rosie. did bay, in any other movie, have a point behind every single thing? why cant the robot destroy a random building

  107. Yea that doesn't sound like the ending. Look at Sam's clothes from when the attack is happening, and when Optimus is talking to him. I doubt he is going to change clothes just like that. Unless that scene takes long after the battle. But who knows its just my opinion.

  108. Hope we get to see Soundwave in action and in all glory robot mode. I would also want to see Devastator come back and wreck the city to bits but we all know thats not happpening.

  109. Man, is it just me but does it seem like ROTF was really just a clusterfuck on The Fallen's side? I mean, I thought he kinda fizzled out on the end there claiming "no mercy" and attempting to take over the Earth. Yeah, that didn't happen!

    I always hate it when the bad guys just don't do their part and willi-nilly high-tail it back to their respective corner in the wall. You know, like in G1. "I'll get you NEXT TIME, Optimus." LAME.

    So now we've got freakin' Shockwave to make it right and send in his entire fucking minion army that includes The Dweller fucking shit up and thousands of Decepticons fucking shit up and Shockwave himself just looking like he's about to fuck shit up oh god, jeezus NOW we're talkin'! REAL GODDAM BATTLE ACTION, guys! Michael Bay's gonna fuck shit up!

    I hope another trailer comes out end of May or early June in time for Bot-con! :) I can't wait man. The little boy in me wants to fuck shit up so bad.

  110. Paramount employees got so emotional and afraid calling everyone that dares pointing out this 3rd movie huge flaws and the fact that this trailer is a huge disappointment. They don't realize that this movie is disappointing too many fans of the first two movies.
    And action and CGI wise it looks like a Battle Los Angeles or Skyline clone. Too little too late.

  111. It's funny because the troll above me is the same exact troll that is one every update from this blog. "Paramount has ruined both thor and transformers" "Let Carly/Rosie fall.. let her fall..let her fall.. many will tell on that scene everyone hoping Carly dies and leaves. But Bay was dumb enough to cast such a pointless topmodel surely not hot that can't act instead of a real actress."

    "Carly is pretty what? The Rosie topmodel playing Carly is ugly as hell. She clearly can't even act a little bit. She makes you vomit instead of getting excited when she is on screen. Michael Bay could have put any ugly fat woman there playing Carly and nothing would have changed."

    Come on dood, change your writing style at least!

  112. @Andrew 4/29/2011 5:17 AM: who do you work for, Paramount, ILM or Bay? It's funny how you get so emotional. You made a mess of a movie along with Thor and you don't want people to point out your mess.

  113. Anonymous 5:34am

    so are you saying you've already seen both Thor and TF3 then? Can't say the movies are a mess unless you have seen them.

  114. I think the trolls are running out of material they just keep vomiting the same stuff over and over

  115. Andrew Christopher Jabsen4/29/2011 5:50 AM

    Lol Come at me bro. And what if I DID work for them? That's thousands of dollars more than you will ever see, especially with that stale trolling of yours. Just for kicks, I'll start posting with my real name so that maybe yo will troll me instead of this kick ass movie. So here, come find me and we can talk about how I single-handedly ruined both Thor AND Transformers.

  116. Trolls don't have brains. That's why they come here. Because they're HUNGRY for BRRAAIINNNNSSS~!!!

    Personally, I'm hungry for yakisoba noodles but that is another story.

  117. @Andrew Christopher Jabsen 4/29/2011 5:50 AM: you confirmed being a Paramount studio plant. You people think that insulting anyone that dares to complain or point out flaws is going to help you selling this movie better? Big fail. Worst marketing strategy ever.

  118. I just don't get that exited about the trailers this time around. I remember when the trailers for the first movie came out, I was really impressed. And then when the trailers for ROTF came out along with all the hype, I was so exited I couldn't think about anything but the movie for weeks and weeks (off course the movie itself was a huge disappointment). So why not now?

    Well ROTF certainly taught us to lower our expectations after watching trailers. And then it's the factor of having seen things before. It's third time around, now. But I think the real reason is something else.

    I'm a TRANSFORMERS fan. So what I would like to see in a Transformers movie is a lot off different transformer characters that, you know....transform.
    Now in ROTF compared to the first movie, there seemed to be less emphasize on the actual transforming sequences and more focus on other kinds off special effects. Off course it remains to bee seen, but judging from the trailers, this trend seems to be continued in DOTM.

    Now for me the one thing that makes Transformers unique, is the fact that real life machines like cars and planes transform into robots. This is the core off the Transformers franchise. And to make this look real on the movie screen would be the core element of making a live action movie about Transformers. That's what sets it apart from every other sci-fi action movie involving robots/alien invasions. When this element starts lacking, or is downgraded, it stops being a proper Transformers movie for me. It's "Transformers" only in name, but might as well be called "Robot Wars". That tentacle snake-thing doesn't do it for me.

    The last thing I'm gonna whine about is the humanizing of the robot characters. I don't like this. In the first movie Blackout looked like a robot and moved like a robot. Now in the last trailer, did you see those decepticons running around in D.C.? They move exactly like humans. I think it looks ridiculous. It makes them look like people dressed up as robots for Halloween. And off course the Einstein-bot looks ridiculous, and I'm not to sold on Sentinel either.

    So that's it ,then. Go on, call me a hater or a troll. Just remember the reason I'm being critical is BECAUSE I like TRANSFORMERS. Being a Transformers fan doesn't imply that I have to like everything being done with the franchise.

    On a positive note, I still hope it will be the other way around this time. That the trailer will be a letdown, but the movie itself a positive surprise.
    And I loved Schockwave. He was the one thing in the trailer that made me go "WOW. COOL!"

  119. I have no problem with what Anonymous
    4/29/2011 7:10 AM said...he posted his opinion relevant to the topic that was posted. He's not cutting and pasting the same comments he's made for the last 11 months, he's not calling anyone who is excited about DOTM a Paramount employee or trying to argue with anyone who thinks Rosie is hot. He's clearly not a troll like that other clown who ads nothing to our beloved

  120. @Winton Ray 4/29/2011 7:29 AM: you clearly are an hypocrite.

  121. Not that i completely agree with the guy above me but he has a point. I think the trailer was awesome and im very excited to see the movie but i can see were this guy is coming from. i just hope when he watches the movie hes not dissapointed :)

  122. A new movie poster release !!!

  123. Anonymous 4/29/2011 7:10 AM I see where you are coming from and I can respect your opinion on it simply because you are adding to the topic and not just flaming the movie. You have put some thought into the post for sure. My opinion is different from yours somewhat because when I look back to G1 on transformers such as Arcee and Hot Rod and several others they had a lot of human details to them as well to the extent of moving like them so for me the humanization doesn't change anything just I tend to think they took a page from G1.

    I really liked the slow transformation of Prime in the first movie but never really thought too hard on why that same detail wasn't in the second as well. Maybe they felt we had already seen that or they can't continously do that because even in the cartoons the transformation from robot to vehicle and vice versa was almost instant. too much of a good thing I guess

    I'm not flaming you or anything or rather that's not my intent here but to just simply add to what you are saying and hopefully the movie will really surprise you



  125. above poster.....dont be afraid to flame a flamer. ROTF was a great movie. The original was a great movie. This and the subsequent sequels will be great movies. Transformers were always human like, there isnt even a discussion there. to answer several comments i saw up and down the comments.....Chicago is not "the climax" ...Chicago is the whole movie, or at the very least the second half of the sure the assault and invasion take up to an hour or more. I agree that the autobots leave upon being blamed for decepticon attacks and the repeated lies and failures of ROTF humans insisted they guard the last fragment of the allspark and it went to they knew about the transformers planet and had bodies and artifacts and said nothing about it to the autobots. they prob leave then get summoned back by BB, who more than likely stays with Sam. So the trailer spoiled nothing, besides even if it did, most trailers spoil movies, dont they ? The fanboys gotta go spank their monkeys and find something else to focus on besides complaining about a movie, its bad enuf u cry about your cell phones not getting updates...ok

  126. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 7:47 AM
    Hypocrite? How so?
    If your gonna call someone out don't hide behind anonymity...have the man gear to pick a user-name so I know who I'm talking to.

  127. @Winton Ray 4/29/2011 9:06 AM: is it a joke or what? Since when a nick-name on a forum become a true name and any different from anonymous,uh? So "ihatefanboys" is a real guy name, not an anonymous nickname too just like your "Winton Ray",right? Geez.. how old are you 5?

  128. guys what is that ship at the very beginning of the trailer? it doesn't look like the Ark. What is it?

  129. I think that ship in the beginning of the trailer is probably the ship that was shown in the original teaser. But, I'm starting to think it's a Decepticon ship that was coming to look for Megatron and the All-Spark. I think what happens is that the Decepticons learn of its existence and use it to space bridge an army in from Siebertron.

    Once Optimus learns that the humans knew of its existence, he gets pissed and decides to leave. I think that the scene of him talking to Sam probably takes place sometime soon after his conversation with the woman stating "you've made a grave mistake."

    Somehow Sentinel Prime was on this ship, stowed away, possibly the cause for it's crash in the beginning? Maybe we'll see sometime like the battle that took place in the first episode of the original G1 series?

    After the Autobots leave they realize that what is going to happen to Earth is unthinkable and they return. Somehow with Sentinel Prime, maybe visiting the Ark on the ship and reviving him. I think they could even space bridge some autobots in from Siebertron.

    I'm really excited. It seems like there is a lot that is going on that we can't tell from the trailer and the battle scenes seem like they are going to be out of this world ridic. Let's go July 1.

  130. Autobots will leave earth by using the spaceship behind optimus prime in 2.03 in trailer..
    its about one hour battle in chicago...

  131. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 9:11 AM
    It's about establishing a way for people to know who's...ihatefanboys, lionboogy, Silverbolt, Martinus Prime, Maria; these are all people, who like me aren't afraid to put a name, any name on their statements. We stand behind what we say, at least as much as you can be accountable online.

    If people want to post anonymously that's their right, at least it is on this blog. There's a reason most blogs require a user ID to comment; it tends to create more mature dialogue and debate.

    If someone wants to troll or flame someone anonymously that says something about them, not me.

  132. I'm gonna see Fast 5 today...can't wait to see the trailer on a screen larger than a computer monitor.

  133. I see the "failed in life" troll "frank Grimes" is back on here calling every one a paramount/bay employee again lol....hey "Grime'y" I hear your moms name mentioned all over the paramount offices :P ...whats that all about huh?

    ...and as for the girly-mon who is asking winton ray the point of a nick-name... dude are you that stun??...really? a name or nick name tags you so you can follow their comments...just like you used winton's name to respond to his rebuttal. ya door knob :Z lol

    Anywayyy... thought the trailer was very good...had some elements included to get us talking ie. star scream perhaps getting smoked atop that building...nasa ark looking thing behind prime...optimus leaving etc....very clever if you ask me....certainly got us all chatting an trying to figure this out :D !

  134. Man i was just thinking about it.. Im still really pumped to see this movie no doubt but i dont no if i like the fact that the autobots leave.. one thing i really dindt like in ROTF was prime being dead half the movie. i still liked the movie alot but i just hope they dont leave for too long. what do u guys think?

  135. For those interested has posted a huge gallery of trailer screen caps.

  136. @Winton Ray 4/29/2011 9:35 AM: are you serious? Using nicknames is being anonymous. A nickname is not your true name. It's called nicknamed for a purpose, you know? You trying to twist reality like that to prove a moot point just make sound rather childish. You are as much anonymous as anyone else here. No one is using real names, so what are you arguing about?

  137. On Michael Bay forum:

    Today 08:07 AM #386
    nelson is offline
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    Default Re: ----SPOILERS--- Conclusions from the trailer.----SPOILERS----
    The end is Autobot-less.

  138. Today 08:10 AM #390
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    Default Re: ----SPOILERS--- Conclusions from the trailer.----SPOILERS----
    As in it's Nest vs Decepticons FTW!


    Today 08:24 AM #399
    nelson is offline
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    Default Re: ----SPOILERS--- Conclusions from the trailer.----SPOILERS----

    Been there, done that. Some thing new this time around. Human beings out-smarting Decepticons.

  139. @glen ^^

    ya i definitely see your point there. I think that part showing optimus leaving was cleverly included to shake us up a little. That could be at the end of the movie, although obviously not right after the last battles...but it could also take place mid way our even early on in the story line. I think it was deliberately and cleverly planted in the trailer for just that reason.

  140. Michael Bay's minion Nelson on their official forum is telling that the end of the movie is without Autobot and Nest will kill all Decepticons.
    If that's not disappointing to you...

  141. ^^ thats bs lol

  142. @burner^^^

    Yeah i pretty sure we will still get some badd ass Prime action as well as other autobots.

  143. Trolls and haters are pathetic, if you hate this series so much do something else with your time. Get a life and a girlfriend hotter than Rosie (fat chance)

  144. Believe your eyes, don't read too much into what Nelson says. Based on scale we know the Chicago battle is in the movies 3rd act...we know autobots are in Chicago. A couple of dozen soldiers are not going to defeat the invading decepticons.
    He's playing with people. Do you really think Bay's gonna let him spoil the movie?

  145. If you look at the pictures on, picture #181 you can see that it looks to be Josh Duhmel that is being caught by Bumblebee, along with Sam. So that does a lot to dispute the last scene of the trailer for people claiming that Bee caught Sam and Simmons.

  146. Nelson isn't all that creditable I don't think where the movie is concerned.He doesn't want us to know what's up anymore than Bay does

    I also think this thread is getting a little too filled up with people flaming others. This thread isn't about being anonymous or nicknames. I read through the comments to read about transformers and other people's opinion on said topic not stuff that has taken up way too much space already or these trolls that are just tying to be troublesome. obviously they are going to see the movie and don't believe what they are saying or they would not have spent all these months here

  147. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 10:58 AM: this movie is going to underperform at best. Don't expect anything above $500-$600million worldwide if they are lucky. Boxoffice grosses are all down and Harry Potter is going to crash this movie.

  148. Pic #207 of Seibertron's screen cap gallery...a NASA symbol is visible on the ship between Prime's right arm and waist. This ship does't appear to be of earthly origins. Also, in this pic Prime is undamaged; in the pics in Empire mag Prime has "bullet holes" on his left door(chest) under the window. This scene likely occurs early in the film...I think.

  149. I think maybe the decepticons attack DC first...the government can't admit that it was their hiding of the truth about the moon that led to it so they blame the autobots who leave earth...the 'cons then invade chicago for some reason...maybe the autobots the travel to the moon where they encounter Sentinel Prime who tells Optimus that they can't leave earth to be ruled by the 'cons.
    The first day of Chicago footage was the autobots arriving in decimated Chicago so maybe that's when they get back into the war. I've got too much free time today:)

  150. I agree with Winton Ray if people want to post on this blog use a Fuckin' nickname!! All the trolls need to post under the name Frank Grimes! From now on every troll here will be called Frank Grimes! And this goes to everyone on this blog use a nickname while you post, it's not that hard, you can put Shockwave ex. as a nickname.


  151. Winton Ray youre not the only one with free time today.

    Those theorys are correct. They do attack DC first, there was a scene with Sam screaming there everywhere. Sentinel is like Optimus sidekick they will fight side by side( I think ). The reason the Decepticons attack Chicago must be because of a energon source. In ROTF Megatron said there was another energon source hidden on this planet. Or they are colonizeing our planet.


  152. I'm pretty sure in ROTF Megatron was talking about the Sun Harvester being the other source of we know it's gone.

  153. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 11:46 AM: hey dude, you are posting anonymous yourself and you ask others to be anonymous with added nickname? That is just plain dumb. Pathetic. Grow up kid.

  154. Yeah I don't think you should be telling people to put a name at the bottom of the post while YOU are posting as Anonymous.

  155. Really loved the trailer!! There is one glaring problem though, the Einstein bot.

    I really hope it's not Wheeljack, but instead the "brains" character that people are talking about. If it is Wheeljack, he's been turned into a joke. He looks like the retarded grandfather of Skids and Mudflap. That head design does not match the bot body.

    Wheeljack from G1 has a very distinctive face, one that surely would transfer very easily to the updated movie-verse style. In the comics it appears they've tried to recognize that distinctive G1 style. They also stayed true to it in Transformers Prime. There is no reason for continuity sake that he can't have that look in the movie as well.

    As it stands, it seems that the most likely candidate for Wheeljack is the blue Benz.

    If it is, help me out by trying to get some internet buzz going to convince Michael, ILM, and Hasbro to change his head design, if there is still time. If there isn't time, at least don't call it Wheeljack. Fans deserve a cool Wheeljack. A cooler design would probably result in more Wheeljack figures being sold and prevent it from becoming a peg warmer.

    If the Blue Benz is Wheeljack, he deserves better than this.

    On the other hand, if it's an entirely new character, I would be fine with that.

    Let's voice our concern!

  156. READ the post ^^^

    Clearly hi nickname is "silverbolt"

    Boys are ya that stun???

    Every time he posts I can see at the BOTTOM that it was written by silverbolt....dont matter where you write your nickname door long as you put your "stamp" on it.

    Its not rocket science ladies...

    Anywayyy.... I agree with winton ray, it seems as if the part where optimus is leaving happens within the story, and maybe not at the end...don't think bay would give the ending away like that...I think he was clever to include that part in the trailer to get us all fired up ;)

  157. Aswsome!!!!! When is the next trailer?
    Can't wait until this movie comes out!



  159. @burner :D ! 4/29/2011 12:39 PM: do you realize that anyone can post with that nickname being the user not using a registered account,uh?!

  160. ^^ u go girl


  161. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 12:57 PM: Avatar is the biggest global fraud to date, even bigger than bankers stealing worldwide money. The 20th Fox marketing machine managed to brainwash tons of adults minds that willingly spent money to watch that garbage as the marketing dept thru positive reviews paid with bribes ordered them to.

  162. yeah, you're right @1:02, my bad.

  163. ^^ Nice try ...but the "real burner"(me) is gonna complain about it...duh !

    your just another troll sad :(

  164. Is it just me, or does it look like Sputnik on the moons surface as the astronaunts walk towards the crashed ARC?

  165. where can i download the 1080p ttrailer?

    pd:no apple trailer

  166. new poster on yahoo

  167. @burner :D 4/29/2011 1:08 PM: did you have a brain attack or what? You even talking to yourself. Little kids whining here.

  168. For a good laugh. Take a look at the movie, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. Forward to 7:55 into the movie. After watching that scene, reread all the negative comments posted on this blog and the movie sites. The similarities are ironic.

    Everytime I read the comments here, I instantly thing of that scene.

    Back on topic. Cant wait for the movie, awesome trailer.

  169. I'm just getting tired of reading..."stun" doesn't even make sense in a sentence

  170. Wow...Bay and the writers really tried making a different kind of movie this type
    1. Final Battle in the City
    2. Autobots still incompetent without Human Help
    3. Optimus the only Autobot to actually do any sort of Damage
    4. Sam still screamin autobot names
    5. Brunette bad acting bimbo replaced by Blonde bad acting bimbo
    6. Humans still acting suprised everytiem they see robots
    7. Decepticons hiding on another planet
    8. Dead Decepticons being reused
    9. Awful interaction between Bumblebee and Shia
    10. Optimus the only one that speaks ...and that too in one liners
    11. Optimus in Hangar threatening humanity

    Did they actually need to hire writers for this?

  171. 1) alot of movies put battle scenes in cities
    2)last I checked it was the humans needing autobot help
    3)You haven't seen the movie to know that
    4)and the problem is?
    5)You haven't seen Rosie act in the movie
    6)Wouldn't you be if a 60 foot robot came tearing through?
    7)Or mobilizing
    9)You still haven't seen the movie to know
    10)If it's like the other movies they all speak and not linear
    11)How do you know he's threatening? you don't even know what they are talking about
    12) your an idiot
    13) get the fuck out

  172. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 4:52 PM: with your insults you just proved to be a little whining kid or a whining Paramount employee acting like a little kid.

  173. So it goes like this in order (i assume based on what some of yall said & the trailer)

    -DC battle (the cons prolly want to KO the US govt 1st, then spread out through the world)
    -Autobots in hanger (Optimus angry at the govt)
    -some shit happens
    -Autobots leave...Brains gives Sam the glove to protect himself
    -Some shit happens that wasnt shown in trailer
    -Chitown gets demolished
    -Autobots find the Ark..revive Sentinal Prime & others
    -Sentinal talks sense into Optimus (since Sentinal , as reported by Bay, is like an older bro figure to Optimus)...the autobots come back to earth
    -Chitown Battle.....

    Im excited as f**k to see DOTM!!!

  174. its funny bc i bet the ppl talkin shit about the movie already pre-ordered their tickets or will be 1st in line to watch the movie.. LOLOLOL

  175. If the last seconds of the trailer's music is linkin park Im so buying that single,even tough I hate that band.This looks great!!!!!

  176. Anonymous 4/29/2011 5:26 PM your right I am as a matter of fact I'm sitting right next to Michael bay himself

    Seriously how does that make anyone a Paramount employee? FYI most likely I'm older than you being as that I grew up in the 80's watching G1...

  177. @ anonymous 4/29/2011 6:09 p.m., if your sitting next to Michael Bay is there any chance that you could tell him that there could be a lot of disappointed fans out there if the Einstein bot turns out to be Wheeljack.

    The G1 Wheeljack had a very distinct look that could be easily carried over into the movie verse. The prequel comics and Transformers Prime have carried on the theme. If he's in the movie, I hope it will carry over there as well.

    The head design of the Einstein bot really does not do Wheeljack justice.

  178. Concur with post above. Happy to reboot the series to have a true Wheeljack head design, Optimus sans flames, Welker doing soundwave and not Dr. Claw, and more robots (story, interacting more) not more robots just blowing shit up. Bay sounds like he got the message a bit in some of the press items recently, let's hope for the best (too late to remove flames though).

  179. @Anonymous 4/29/2011 7:11 PM: Bay screwed this 3rd movie completely. It's not a trilogy anymore. This movie is going to feel completely disconnected like a failed reboot would be.

  180. Anonymous 4/29/2011 7:11 shut the hell up you'll be there watching the movie just like the rest of us and you know it. I swear sometimes I can't stand little kids

  181. listen up! It's me, 'Youssef El Said' again. I pretty much figured out a scene in the movie of how Starscream dies. First Carly and Sam are next to the school bus, then starscream flies in just like the NASCAR TV spot trailer, sam and carly jump into the school bus, starscream flips the bus while there inside, then Sam and Carly get out from the back, you can see all these scenes on Youtube, then lennox and his team comes in and starts shooting starscream, then Sam uses his "PowerGlove" and shoots it into starscream's eye, just like when one of the critics when he described a scene just like this when Micheal Bay showed it to him (it's in a past article on this website),I think then starscream tries to escape by flying but the powerglove is attached to starscream's eye, like a grappling hook, lennox grabs Sam who is also attached to the powerglove, they both fly in the air, I don't know exactly what happens next, but then bumble bee comes in and does that assassin's creed run on the wall and saves lennox and sam from the destroyed starscream, like in the new trailer, it's still needs more convincing, but when u see all the trailer, statemnets from magazines and critics who described a scene of this, and the youtube scenes, it could convince you. Plz share ur views about this, and plz mention this. From 'Youssef El Said'.

  182. wow, the trolls are out in force, what a goof ball, that's the dumbest statement i ever heard that bay screwed the third movie completely, we haven't even seen the movie yet, not only are the trolls negative but there loosing there minds

  183. the bots coming out off the ground is the dreads and crankcase.they will be talk like jazz. if you listen closely you can hear the one that jumps yell with a deep black persons voice.

  184. Youssef El and what exactly proves that that is Starscream and that he dies? nothing that I have seen in that 1/2 a second of footage

  185. Did anybody read the article on IGN? Sounds like Optimus takes out Megatron in style. I can't see anybody but OP dealing the final blow to MEGS

  186. I see Barricade in this trailer. No joke!

    Who is that Decepticon Prime impails and explodes??

    UH OH!

  187. ...or perhaps a Sideways clone...Hmmmm

  188. The bot at the :45 mark at the bottom of the screen behind prime is clearly ironhide!!!!

  189. I'm not saying that the Autobots leaving would be a bad ending. If anything, it would be a pretty good twist-ending. Almost sends the message that humanity doesn't deserve salvation and it doomed itself. It would bring a great ending to a trilogy.

    Also, anybody wonder why Mikkala is not in this movie story-wise? Maybe she got killed or kidnapped or something, and that's what Sam is referring to when he says "where is she!". Bay did say that there were gonna be some human deaths.

  190. there is some scene of mikaela early of the movie

  191. Guys, its hard to see, but when Optimus and the bots roll in in the scene, you can see in the back of the hangar Sentinel Prime in his Firetruck mode. So this scene probably takes place BEFORE Chicago, But maybe AFTER Washington D.C. is Attacked


    Aren't those the twins in this screencap of the trailer?!

    We all know that they were seen on set and I assume some scene have been shot with the twins in it...maybe that's one of them and the weren't cut out...

    but who knows!

  193. Im guessing that the autobots will be forced out or tricked into leaving before the invasion. Recall the "autobots go home" graphitti etc. And the invasion comes and they come back.

  194. @aietx 4/29/2011 11:59 PM: there is not. Megan Fox has been fired. There is no Mikaela Banes anymore. The only reference will be that she broke up with Sam Witwicky because she loved Autobots and didn't love him.. yep, the dumbest explanation ever and they will come up telling that with some funny (they think it will be funny) sentences. And that's it. Nothing more than that.
    It surely is going to disappoint a large percentage of people that loved the first two movies but neither Paramount nor Bay care at all.

  195. Andrew Christopher Jabsen4/30/2011 10:00 AM

    ^^ Seriously, didn't I tell you that your old trolling method is stale? Us people here at Paramount are doing our best to make sure that the WHOLE POINT of Transformers 3 is to make nobody watch it. Seriously, that's why we ruined both Thor and Transformers 3 with topmodel Rosie who surely cannot act at all. Are you happy? You learned the secret.

  196. "she broke up with Sam Witwicky because she loved Autobots and didn't love him"

    If that were true, then why would she leave the autobots?

    Hahaha that explanation was sooo fake and dumb that I really should'nt even be commenting on it LMAO

    Oh well...lesson learned lol

    -truth is that the movie will have to try an tie Mikaela "leaving" into the unfolding storyline...and none of us at this point knows how that will go. We will see it all when we watch the movie.

  197. I LOVED this trailer! Shockwave will be a scene-stealer for sure. If he really does kill Megatron, that would be AWESOME! I get the feeling that the Autobots will leave Earth at the end of the movie too. Seeing Optimus slice and dice those Decepticons made me stand and cheer! It does look like Bay will keep his word by doing without the childish humor that may have brought down ROTF, even thought I still enjoyed it, and will go with a more serious storyline with a straightforward plot. If that's the case, I'm sold on DOTM. I'll definitely go on opening night. AUTOBOTS, ROLL OUT!

  198. Shockwave!!!

  199. hmmm it will be interesting to see where shockwaves loyalties G1 he was one thousand percent devoted to only megatron and would never obey another. Here however, things could be different 'cause this is "not" G1. In the trailer where shockwave is shown recharging his gun...I am almost 100% sure it is not megatron at his feet, but rather a part of the tentical "dweller" can see the "slicing fins" and part of the body i think. Perhaps just a blown off part of a dead tentical or limb...but you can also see some of it way back in the background, and it may not be moving...who knows...maybe shockwave takes out the dweller G1 lore,,,i believe the dweller was barred and hidden deep inside their planet because it could not be controlled and therefor would not obey either decepticon, autobot, or its creator the quintessons...

    ...oh I love empty speculations lol !! I could be so wrong its not even funny lol...but I look forward to hearing more theories from you least one of us might be partly right in the end lol.
    C'mon July !! :D
