Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1st Clip From Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Yahoo! Movies has posted the first clip from Transformers: Dark of the Moon titled "My Secret Weapon" as "Carly (Rosie Huntington-Whitely) introduces Sam (Shia LaBeouf) to her boss (Patrick Dempsey)." Thanks to Ryan and sp00ked_yuh for the link.


  1. Better not suck.

  2. In before people start pissing and moaning about how Rosie is ugly/can't act and "WHERE ARE THE ROBOTS???!"

    I love Rosie. Can't wait to see her.

  3. Wow its a lot more mature than the first two movies...I just bought crankcase and roadbuster,are they supposed to be this small??

  4. Pretty good for a minor introductory scene. Rosie is actually decent, surprise surprise. Only complaint: Needs more robots, but I'm a patient man.
    Now we just need to wait for the impending anti-Rosie TROLLPOCALYPSE!!!

  5. Rosie Huntington-Whitely looks like a tranny here, really. She doesn't look good at all. And her acting is pretty bad too, the whole scene looks quite cheap overall.. it seems a clip from some boring low budget tv series.
    This movie doesn't look good. And they obviously thought that this clip is going to boost movie anticipation.. Wrong choice. They shouldn't have released this clip at all, if they released some transformers fighting scenes it would have interested people BUT this is not going to work, it's going to hurt way more than they think.
    This scene proves that things don't work in the movie. It really makes you cringe watching this Rosie.

  6. Is it just me or Rosie looks hot in here? Hahaha!

  7. Her acting is not bad at all...Take that all you haters...

  8. That very brief clip leads me to believe that Rosie will be fine... as a professional model, she is a natural performer. And the acting in this movie will be just as good as the first two, maybe better. Eat it troll!!!!

  9. Not bad! Rosie doesn't seem to do that badly...Still strange to hear an English accent in a US film (and I'm English), because more often than not, they're overdone/exaggerated/faked/stereotypical/etc but I think I'll get used to hers easily because it's her natural accent! ^_^

  10. embedded video not working for me :S


    found it on youtube

  11. Meh. Whatever.

  12. All Paramount employees on the blog promoting Rosie.. it's kinda silly. Indeed. Stop defending her even if it's your job. Enough is enough.
    Show CGI Transformers and quit promoting a bad looking topmodel that can't act.

  13. Watching this scene one wonders if it's either from Grey Anatomy episodes or Wall Street 2 movie.. Shia doesn't look like Sam Witwicky anymore and Rosie is a fish out of water in every possible wrong way.

  14.,r:5,s:13&biw=1024&bih=630 Guys!!!!!!!! Check this out, a image of Wheeljack (the einstein headed), in part... f**k you Michaelyou ruin a great character!! but your movies are great :)

  15. Tastes yummy to me.

  16. Nooo!! Wheeljack is the Einstein Headed Robot :(. I saw in a image... New Transformers have come to earth to join optimu and the Autobots. Wheeljack is one of them.. It´s horrible 'm sad... :(

  17. all of you anonymous trolls make me laugh. you keep sayin the same things. why dont you be more creative instead of repeating yoruselves sayin 'michael bay sucks', 'rosie cant act and is ugly', 'this movie is a joke', and 'this movie looks cheap'. anon 7:24 is one of them. i think the clip was great and it looks like rosie can act

  18. Rosie is so hot I want her to sit on my face Shia you lucky dog.

  19. ^^ TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!! Thought you oughtta know...

  20. I'm reeeaaallly diggin the cinematography in this :)

  21. Rosie > Natalie Portman > Jessica Biel >Anna Paquin > dirt > Sarah Jessica Parker > monkey shit > Megan Fox

  22. To be honest: on the internet everybody is anomynous. Like the name MV means something.

    People are weird.

    I didn't watch the clip.

  23. No Megan Fox ???? What's the point then.

  24. More stupid ass comedy crap. GET TO THE ROBOTS.

  25. Haha, my duchess, haha, jealous little man? Haha haha haha, this is all my stuff.. who cares?! Uh this doesn't get me excited about ths movie... this makes me think of all the scenes like this one that I will have to cringe through just to get to the enjoyable parts.

  26. slight chance of the 3D trailer coming out tomorrow at 5am PST/ 8am EST. Source:

    "Meanwhile, an e-mail from Paramount landed a little while ago with an embargo until 5am pst/8am est that turned out to be the only real news that should have come out of the event… along with some footage. Look for the embargo to be broken and called EXCLUSIVE by Nikki Finke any minute now. It’ll be on the front page of MCN at 5am."

  27. I don't care if Rosie is good or not, i don't care for Shia and what's-his-name-from-Greys-Anatomy, i want robots. xP

  28. She is taller than Shia??????? Whatttt????? it seems Shia is her little brother ha ha ha ha WOW she is so tall she can play basket or something, Megan Fox is shorter than Shia so Rosie next to Megan would seems like Megan is her daughter or something LMAO

  29. As much as I'm looking foreward to the 30th of june to finally see TF3 in Holland, I can't help but noticing some movie mistakes in this clip alone...

    I mean like, in the beginning Rosie is holding her right arm with her left hand behind her back, the next overview shot with the 2 cars she has her arms in a different position, next close-up they are back again...?? And when they cut to other angles Shia is suddenly moved, from right next to Rosie, to farther away from her, and then back again...

    And the older woman behind Dempsey, first she holds the iPad the right way, next shot, it suddenly upside down and the next shot it has turned around again!!

    I know I know, many of you don't even care about those mistakes. Maybe I'm too precise, but it would be nice of people like Michael Bay look into those scenes with a bit more eye for details.

    But never the less,TF3... BRING IT ON!!!!:):)

  30. today 2 clip tf 3!

  31. @anon 11:17- I'm not talking about all of the anonymous people. There are some that are fine(you are probably one of them). I'm talking about the anonymous people that just come on here to trash the movie. It gets annoying. Oh and don't forget everyone: Josh Duhamel is on Ellen today! New clip? Maybe with some action in it?

  32. I like this version of wheeljack :)

  33. Come on guys ! She said like what, 3-4 lines and you can already tell she's not a bad actress ?

    This is kinda stupid to troll like that, but may be right and if you're wrong most of you won't admit it cause you can change a troll's opinion.

    Anyway, this clip is fine, there's nothing exciting or bad IMO

  34. That pan out shot with Carly's arms crossed, then she crosses them at the very end of the close up scene better not make into the final cut!

  35. @Rubin:

    I have to agree with you - there's a TON of continuity errors with BOTH Rosie and the Older Woman in the background - and before y'all jump all over me, do a little homework. On a film crew, there's a position called SCRIPT SUPERVISOR/CONTINUITY whose SOLE RESPONSIBILITY is to make sure that all details from shot to shot are consistent. Either they were asleep at the wheel on the set, or the D.P. didn't catch it, or Bay didn't catch it, OR, one of the BIGGEST mistakes was made, the ill-thought notion of, "Hey. . . we can fix this in Post(Production)!!!!" - or the pretentious, arrogant, train of thought that, "No one will catch this when watching in the movie theater". No, some of us do - you fix it beforehand, instead of dumping crap mistakes like this on the editor, to fix after the fact, because once you're in the editing stage, it's too late. I've heard constantly how Michael Bay is a real hardass on set - well, that doesn't seem to be the case with the continuity in this scene.

    In regards to releasing this scene, I'm willing to bet that Bay and Paramount released it because of a huge draw for the female demographic - Patrick Dempsey. Now, while I do watch, "Grey's Anatomy" with my Wife, I don't watch it for him, and when looking for clips from Transformers, (regardless of how many of you hate to hear this) I'd rather much see some clips with robots in it, sorry!

    Hopefully this film won't be as crappy as I suspect when I go see it, the only reason being so that I can see for myself what the real deal is.

  36. Did anyone hear what's Dylan's surname?

  37. 2nd clip from Transformers Dark Of The Moon is out.

  38. Rubin, you are precisely correct. What a great eye you have! Now it's gonna bug me like hell when that scene comes up! haha

    But I gotta admit, after watching it 5 times previously, I didn't see it. Like I wasn't even paying attention to those things.

  39. second clip is here!!!!!

  40. its cool that some people look at every single little thing and analyze the hell out of a 30 second shot and every seen in a movie but the vast majority of people could just care less about that stuff, thats why so many people will flock to see transformers it's just a movie, most people don't even want to notice every mistake,no movie is perfect

  41. If they have continuity errors in this action-less short piece.... whoa!

  42. wow some people need to die

    those errors happen in every single film, the matrix, lord of the rings, avatar, jurassic park,

    yet apparently you didnt notice in those films,

  43. @Anonymous It's not that I am specifically looking for errors, I just see them. I really can't wait for TF3 to be released to us fans:) I'll go at least 5 times to see it and enjoy watching it:) And I know, every movie has mistakes in it, I'm not overanalyzing them (or judging them for that matter).

    The way I see those things is not by analyzing every seconds of it, I saw it straight away the first time I played the clip. Again, NOT to trash the movie or the director, or the editing-departement.

  44. @Anonymous 5/20/2011 12:43 AM: so you want anyone that dares to point out huge flaws in these promotional clips to die? Seriously? I hope you are just a little kid and not someone working on the movie that is upset about people complaining.
    Paramount and Bay release promotional clips that have huge production flaws and people see those.
    Do you want them to die for that? Are you out of your mind?
    So you like paying for defective products,uh?
    You find a huge production flaw and you just say "it's cool, good work, I'll buy it" ,uh?
    It's really sad to see that they did a sloppy work on this 3rd movie production. Promotional clips should show some of the best things on the movie to tease people into wanting to watch more... clips for Transformers1 and Transformers2 were amazing and didn't have these huge flaws for sure.
    Now we should be all happy to see that Michael Bay lost his touch and didn't check on errors while filming? It's really disappointing from Michael Bay known as a perfectionist to come up with a movie that is already so flawed like none he did before. What happened to Michael Bay? It's known that he didn't want to do this movie and postpone it to 2012 but Paramount forced him to film the movie immediately instead and forced him using 3D too. Well, it shows that he didn't want to do this movie. He should be ashamed of himself for being so sloppy and releasing promotional clips that show huge mistakes, this lack of quality is the worst promotion every seen on a Michael Bay movie. But even more disappointing is the fact that Michael Bay doesn't seem to care. Does he really think that no one will notice and we are all going to pay to watch a movie that lacks quality?

  45. that damn "uh?" Troll is back ^^

    who's the lamest troll on the internet...uh?
    why you are^^ ofcourse^^

    u do know thats what cave men sound like right?..."uh uh uh"

    anywho.... the flaws are a fun part of most movies...get over it...uh?

    most flawed movie I personally have ever seen was the old "twister" movie lol...good popcorn movie back in the day...but ooh man...loaded with mistakes!!

  46. Sad that the trolls only escape is to "claim" that people work for paramount... You fail to show you have a life. All you do is moan and groan about the fact that the last chick isn't in it. Last time I checked... The title was "Transformers." Not Megan Fox... For any whiner out there.. Why even "waste" your time posting on a blog that you don't even like? Nobody seems to be stopping your dumbasses from leaving. word...
