Sunday, May 15, 2011

$25,000 Bounty Placed on the Twins

For reasons I don't really understand, it seems the suggestion that the Twins return for Transformers: Dark of the Moon in yesterday's movie review from Capone has kicked off a minor fire storm. Bay and co. have repeatedly said they are not in the movie. They were filmed for the movie but later cut from it. The one question the naysayers have not answered is how Michael Bay benefits by lying about this as I do not see the benefit. In the past Bay has lied but in general it has been an attempt to keep major plot points hidden. I don't entirely agree with the tactic but understand the motivation. In this case though there is no value to keep their appearance a secret. Those who read the spoilers (and probably regret it) know there are much bigger secrets to keep for the film. Since yesterday Capone (who has actually seen the film, important to know when the trolls come marching in) has clarified his review and Bay literally put money where his mouth is with a bounty.

From Capone:
Hey, everyone. Just to be 100 percent clear, I'm not referring about the "The Twins" here; they are most definitely not in this film. I'm talking about Wheelie (Tom Kenny, who also voiced Skids in REVENGE OF THE FALLEN) and other similar smaller robots, who act like streetwise teenagers.
From Michael Bay:
After the internet posting of a nice review by someone who saw Transformers Dark of the Moon, the writer had not been clear on one thing. He misstated that the Twins are in the film. They are not.

So I am offering a $25,000 REWARD to anyone who can find them performing in Transformers 3, on July 1, when the movie opens.

Shortly after he wrote:
The Twins are not in the movie. You will not find them anywhere. Trailer houses sometimes use shots that are not in the movie! End story I'm don't wasting my time this!
I hope this will put the "controversy" to rest but somehow I doubt it. So once again I simply ask "Don't feed the trolls." Thanks to John W. for the link.


  1. "So I am offering a $25,000 REWARD to anyone who can find them performing in Transformers 3, on July 1, when the movie opens.


    I Absolutely love that!

    Maybe the Twins are in the movie, just really hard to find! Haha!

  2. if u look in the new trailer when the autobots rolling into the nasa hangar..mudflap is at the very back of the line

  3. We seen them in the latest trailer, only in alt in the line driving into the building. The two at the rear. The key word here is performing, I take it as being in robot mode?

    go to the 00:41 mark in the video. They are in they way back.

    Where is my money?

  5. I think Bay is referring to another "review", because I saw a review, which stated that the twins are in the movie. don't ask me where I read it, I've already forgotten it.

  6. michael bay is playing every body like a fiddle,instead of trying to figure out what's going on with sentinel,soundwave and meg's,everyone including the trolls are gonna run to the movie to see if the goofball twins are in it or not, love him or hate him bay knows how to put butt's in seats

  7. There is one damn thing I dont get then.....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE TWINS???????/

  8. Definitely sounds like the twins are not in the movie to me. Maybe new characters that use the two Chevy Spark's as their alt mode have replaced them, but somehow doubt it. We'll see though, and honestly I wouldn't care if they were. Sounds like the film is going to be incredibly badass.

  9. They were in the battle in transformers rising storm, so they must be alive!

  10. ROFL!!! Micheal i love you.

  11. PLEASE!!! michael bay put something out there, anything,a new poster,a picture of meg's,soundwave or high res shots, just something to get us away from this sadness, 3 days of obsession over the twins is enough man, thank god the third trailer is comming out this week, HALAYLUIA!!!

  12. What about the Skids toy that just got released?? I saw it, in person, same color scheme....

  13. I'd pay someone $25,000 if they could make the twins not perform in ROTF LOL
    Seriously though, ever notice we spend no time debating if Hound will be in DOTM? Maybe because a green army jeep was never spotted on set.

  14. @Anonymous 5/15/2011 8:02 AM: 3rd trailer? There is no 3rd trailer. No new trailer will be released. They planned a new 3rd trailer for June but then they decided to not do it anymore. What you are referring to 3rd trailer is nothing more than the first full trailer (referred to 2nd trailer counting the teaser one) in 3D with a couple seconds more. And that's it. So no new 3rd trailer.

  15. Who thinks some animator won't have them in a quick shot in the background that if you blink you will miss it?

  16. This is not Bay And the reason I say this is because Nelson seems to misspell like this a lot on the boards when he is pissed. This is not from Bay, Nelson wrote this lol

    Shortly after he wrote:

    The Twins are not in the movie. You will not find them anywhere. Trailer houses sometimes use shots that are not in the movie! End story I'm don't wasting my time this!

  17. Why waste the money on the cars then? Bay :@

  18. They said the twins were cut from the movie. That in itself is reason enough for the twins to have been spotted on set. If you look at the TFW2005 website on their posting about this they said that they received a call from paramount saying the twins aren't in it. So Paramount is saying they aren't in it, Michael Bay is saying they aren't in it. Capone is saying they aren't in there. I'm going to go with that it's quite possible they were actually cut from the movie. IMO that scene people keep talking about that you seen the Twins at the end of the line in the trailer. I know where your talking about but to me it seems too far to really tell for certain who it is.

    Just my opinion

  19. Yeah, it's common for trailers to include unfinished scenes...example in the full-length ROTF teaser we see Simmons running towards the Great Pyramid. In the movie Simmons is running towards the pyramid as Devastator climbs it.

    I'm thinking maybe the twins were originally intended to have a small role in DOTM but were cut as the complaints became louder.

  20. I thought the Twins were funny :o(

  21. Sell me the rights to reboot, i got some saga ideas lol

  22. My bullshit detector is beeping profusely - Bay and his boys have lied before, and the fact that there's a lot of visual stuff out there that contradicts their fervent claims, strengthens my suspicion ever deeper.

    By the way, looking at the renders of the Wreckers (WTF???!!!! So 'elite warrior' = Skeeter, Billy Bob, and Cleetus Redneck????!!!!), and repeated references of a "cute" Autobot, and two new Autobots who talk like, "street smart teenagers" is to me, euphemisms for some of the same bovine excrement we got in the last two installments.

    Lastly, to those who ask, "Well just how would Bay benefit from this?" The answer is easy - FATTER POCKETS. Regardless of how many people get pissed off at the tired-ass racist stereotyping and inane "humor" Bay puts in his movies, he'll still be able to inflate his bank account with even more ducats. Stereotyping has, is, and will always continue to be a lucrative, profitable enterprise in this country, and there's no shortage of those who create them, and those who act them out. I'll check this out in July so I can see for myself just what the real effing deal (pun intended) is. G1 wasn't perfect either, especially with that 'Carbombya' bullshit.


  23. Well we got the toys out in my store today and both Mudflap and Skids are on the shelves in the packaging next to everyone else that is in the movie.. so to the toy line they are in the movie.. just going to have to wait and see if the really are in the movie

  24. I would like to see them in the movie, iwas not offended by the twins so.. it would be great to watch them doing something, maybe changued, the must grow up, also is a car that i can get sometime hehehe a chevy spark! I will be satisfied if at least they are ina run or shooting some guns in the background.



  26. You think its like Brawl in the 1st film but named Devastator? Or they disappear like Barricade? Or new paint same structure like Grindor and Blackout with new names but didn't say on toy boxes? Or is it like Megatron on the last film how they said he would not be in the movie but they would have just a new toy of him? Which reminds me Megatron is the only transformer that is not seen in any of the trailers? Could the twins just be something to throw us off and not have Megatron? You seen pics of the truck and pics of the toy but no video clip showing him at all, whats that all about?

  27. I saw the TWINS for a very short couple of seconds but I need it confirmed!!! Its the scene where the Autobots first drive into the NEST headquarters in their vehicle forms. There is a camera shift from floor to ceiling with an obstruction cutting through the scene at one point. Before that obstruction goes through though I caught a glimpse of the twins in the line of vehicles, near the back of the line but they disappear after the obstruction goes past.
