Thursday, May 19, 2011

Duhamel Pumps Up the Troops in 2nd DOTM Clip

A new clip is out via a tweet from the official Transformers: Dark of the Moon twitter account that focuses on Josh Duhamel's Lennox as he prepares his troops for their parachute jump on Decepticon invaded Chicago. Thanks to Ryan and Richard for the heads-up.


  1. NOW that is good one!
    hope for more but with transformers

  2. Queue the Topmodel Troll in 3... 2... 1...

  3. It can be clearly seen that Michael Bay can't use the 3D camera properly. Paul W.S. Anderson did a way better job on Resident Evil Afterlife using the same 3D cameras.

  4. LOL. Afterlife is nothing compared to Transformers. This troll is so boring.

  5. The 3rd post by Anonymous, you can tell and make comment just by looking at a 45 second clip without 3D?!?!?! Wow, your a fucking GENIOUS!!!

  6. Nice clip, even though there weren't any transformers in it.
    I never cease to be amazed at how fucking stupid some people are.

  7. The Troll is actually pretty funny.

    It's like that annoying brat kid on the block, his dry witty sarcasm combined with an air of righteousness kinda makes him endearing to this BlogSpot.

    That said, the 2nd spot is really encouraging. Kind of reminded me of the first one waaayyy back in 2007 showing Duhammel and the troops on the same chopper.

  8. What is the soldier saying? If I'm ___ ride home sir.

    I'm just not hearing it lol.

  9. autobotsideswipe5/19/2011 7:01 PM

    So that is the diving scene of the soldiers from the trailer. So awesome!!

  10. @lionboogy: you must be kidding. This movie looks bad compared to the first one. The first one had epic scenes, here every scene so far looks cheap.

  11. Anon: 5/19/2011 7:18 PM

    Yeah, you mom was cheap. :)

  12. This is a great scene! I love those squirrel suits. I want one. haha

  13. @anon 5:46 he's said, "i'll find my own ride home sir."

  14. The video isnt working? Any browser suggestions?

  15. the TROLL is aredo, everyone. If you haven't met him and/or caught onto his pattern of spew, well hopefully now you'll know. refer to him as aredo(his imdb name is aredo3456gif)

  16. i'm just wondering what they hope to achieve through this wingsuit jump

  17. Counterpunch5/20/2011 3:34 AM

    TFLAMB, yesterday I went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and before it started saw the trailer to DOTM in 3D here in Melbourne, Australia. Wow.... guess what? It's the same as the last official trailer released worldwide except for 3 major changes. a) We get to see Optimus and Ratchet walking in the Ark observing all the statis Autobots b) Shows more of the Dweller as it tears down the building Sam and Carly are in c) We get to see Optimus on flying mode shooting at the mouth of the Dweller in mid-sky. Really, really awesome!

  18. Anyone found a link for the new transformers 3d trailer?

  19. @Anonymous 5/20/2011 1:27 AM: you know that accusing people like you do and giving accounts of anyone is a violation of privacy,right? Spam in some countries is a crime. You want people to insult a guy you don't like for whatever reason and you do that in public like this. Better you grow up because you are breaking the law

  20. aredo, there is nothing wrong with calling-out a seemingly psychopathic, dead-horse-beating troll such as yourself. if you want to hide under the blanket of animosity, try not being such a broken-record prick.

    you're purely a hate-machine. i have never seen you engage in honest conversation, only talk down to others, preach your ridiculous views, and report anyone that calls you out.

    ever since megan fox was let go, you've done a complete 180 with your view on this franchise. it's obvious have some sorta agenda.

    it must infuriate you that you can't falsely report posts on here like you do on imdb.

  21. @Anonymous 5/20/2011 6:07 AM: you are obsessed with that guy that is really so silly. You go around the 'net insulting a nickname on another forum.. if that is normal to you.. You are a teenager I hope, otherwise you got some serious issues.

  22. @Anonymous 5/20/2011 6:07 AM: so who are you? What is your real name and where do you live,uh? Accusing others you don't agree with on some forums of being anonymous by posting without your real name on a blog is the most pathetic thing ever seen.

  23. I have no idea why this jsut poped into my head, but now I have to share,

    Our Troll, he has a first name, Its A R E D O.

    Besides, sharing Public information, is not an invasion of privacy. If its online, its not private.

    thats all I've got, now back to topic. Those wing suits were fricken awesome to actually see in person, and from this short scene it appears they will be equally epic in the movie. As far as why they need them? I have no idea. If you're going to jump out of an osprey, just land the osprey. Its not like you need a landing strip or anything.

  24. @Anon 9:54: Ah thank you. Makes much more sense now.

    This clip has definitely gotten me more pumped for it compared to the first one. I can't wait to see the part right after where they're gliding while avoiding decepticons.

  25. So now on this blog we got an anonymous troll that has an obsession for some other anonymous user on another forum and goes around accusing anyone of being that guy he hates.
    Does any of you little kids realize that you are all anonymous either you use a nickname or not,uh?
    @Anonymous 5/20/2011 6:07 AM: here you are the one that looks like a psychopathic. Quit your whining, please. No one cares if you have a crush on some user on some forum, really. And you are the first one to post anonymously so what is the point? You are acting like a crying baby.

  26. the energy on this clip is amazing, gives me goosebumps

  27. ^ohhhh pwned

  28. Greatest Blog ever!...tons of people calling the movie brilliant or BS based on an actor talking to some other actor dudes in a helicopter does this scene or the one prior in the office make the movie look good or bad? I've seen 2 yr old cartoons that are better but I'm not going to say based on these clips that the movie will suck or be a work of art!( although with bay at the helm the latter will mean the end of the world is really near)

  29. Dose anyone by any chance know who the guy at 0:13 is?? HE is sooooooooo sexy!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.
