Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Look at Malkovitch and Dempsey

French website Fox Prime finally gives us our first look at John Malkovitch and Patrick Dempsey in Transformers: Dark of the Moon (for France, Transformers 3: La Face Cachée de La Lune). The spot is half the length of trailer but twice as long as the normal TV commercial and made up of scenes almost entirely of the same scenes as the US trailer except for the very brief additions of Malkovitch and Dempsey. Below is the video with French subtitles and after that is the same trailer with French dubs.


  1. normally its allociné.fr who give us this video

    but we see optimus with trailer :love:

  2. Wow, the voice for the French Optimus Prime sounds a little lame!

  3. first comment

  4. wow this is a good summery of the theatrical trailer

  5. Malkovich Malkovich???

  6. wow... O_O

    I just read the entire movie ( except for a few missing pages) over at tfw2005.

    No sure I wanted to do that....

    now I pretty much much know everything O_O

    Don't think I can post the address on here...but it is there for those who want to read it...a bunch of guys compiled most of the leaked comic info and abridged it between them all...and awww...ya pretty much the whole movie right there all painstakingly written out for anyone to read....

    But pretty much tells everything...including spoilers that were never posted on here.

    This may be old news to some of you super nerds...but there are lots who still don't know that post is beware if you dont want the movie revealed !

  7. damn john malkovich looks evil O.O..this movie looks efin epic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. "La face cachée de la lune" means "The hidden side of the moon". A very long and not so great title for this movie. It should have been "La lune obscure" or even better "l'ombre de la lune"...

  9. hey anonymous can you tell me were did you saw it i wudd like to see it i dont care about spolier ..p.s we are already spoiled from this movie :) theres no point on hiding stuff now...if eneyone dont want to be spoiled then dont look just simpled as that..pls i want to see them pretty pls :D

  10. This movie just looks cheap and flawed. How to waste an excellent actor like John Malkovich for a small role pretending to be silly and funny. It is not going to work.

  11. For those who have read the movie comic and know everything about it...

    I have one question for you guys...

    Is it better than the first 2, and is the story actually crazy intriguing?

  12. Whether the whole movie is revealed to me or not doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna watch this about 15-20 times in the theaters.

    15-20 times!

    A spoiler does nothing to me. It doesn't even come close to comprehending the visual experience and exuberance of being in the theater seat and seeing it on the big screen with lots of TF friends and people around you. :)

    And how the hell is a spoiler going to show me a special effect or the sound of a Michael Bay explosion?

  13. @Anonymous: Yea, I was the one that compiled together the comic book adaptation pages. But yea, it's there for anyone that wants to know what happens, but if you don't... then of course beware of major spoilers.

  14. ^^ I made that original post above about your comic book adaptation...awesome work , and it is much appreciated !!
    And makes me want to see the movie all the more !!
    Spoilers only make me wanna see it in all its glory

  15. is there a web called Fox Prime? see, Megan FOX and optimus PRIME belongs together

  16. i want to know please 5/11/2011 3:48 PM i dont mind spoilers can u give me the link to it please aneyone??

  17. this movie looks crazy, there's a couple of different shots, it almost looks like the wormticon looked through the window at the people before it attacked,freaky!!

  18. Is Ironhide in the group of autobots driving ahead of Optimus?

  19. @DarkWish - and where can we see that spoilert?

  20. Read the spoilers and while I'm excited to see it because there are lots of cool fights , even with the little amazon bits revealed the movie is full of plot holes and childish humour . I don't think the story is very impressive other than the fact that they may well have some( if it makes it to the movie) character development for the robots .I've never watched a Bay movie for the storylines and am not going to start with this one but again just the trailers are enough to make you excited about the action

  21. Martinus Prime5/11/2011 7:22 PM

    Well Lionboogy, that's very simple. There simply are things and story lines that people, including me, don't want to know before seeing the movie. Same goes for watching on set video's. You already know a little bit what explosions to expect. I don't want to know wich robot shoots wich robot in the face.

    I simply can not understand why people want to know everything what's going to happen before seeing it. It has nothing to do with the visual experience.

    For me, same goes for watching 15 or 30 minute footage on a comic con like some journalists do. I would never do something like that. Watch a half hour and then wait for 6 months to watch the hole movie??? I don't think so.

  22. Hey guys,

    What do you think about the role that Ironhide will play in TF3...? In this trailer he's missing when they are escorted by those 3 helicopters. Will he be killed when he collides with those 2 decepticons?

    I know it's an old article that I found by surfing the web, it sais that GM announced a while ago that they will stop the production of the GMC Topkick. So maybe Michael Bay had no choice but to eliminate Ironhide??

    Let me know what you think, here's the link:

  23. anonimo 10:07,spoilers fake,fake,fake. ALEXANDRE /BRASIL

  24. spoilers fake

  25. omg it wont let me watch it theres a sign on the top left

  26. ***POTENTIAL SPOILERS BELOW (Clear Speculation, though - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)****

    I have a feeling that DOTM will heavily mirror the G1 Episode, "Megatron's Master Plan". John Malkovich looks alot like that corrupt politician character named Shawn Berger from that episode, who helped the Decepticons trick the humans into banishing the Autobots into the Sun. There's footage on youtube showing a sequence being shot in D.C. where the Decepticons are blowing up shit, and N.E.S.T., along with the Autobots run up into downtown D.C. by the Capitol building to lay the smack down. Maybe the Decepticons figure if they trick the President into forcing the Autobots off Earth, they can accomplish their goal of taking over the Earth and stealing its energy???? Anyway, long story short, in the end of, "Megatron's Master Plan", Teletran-1 gets destroyed, which results in the Autobots (whom the Humans think went into the Sun and died)secretly returning back to Earth.

    Why do I say this? The part of the trailer where Optimus, looking mad as hell, tells Sam & Simmons, "You humans may lose faith in us, but never in yourselves. From here on, the war will be your own." I think something happens that forces the Autobots back to Earth - maybe the Decepticon ambushing of the many of the cities on earth, i.e., D.C., Chicago, and some others, leads to MAJOR human casualties, especially many of them being N.E.S.T. and Military Guys who are helping in the fight. However, I think Bumblebee sticks around and he may send a signal to the Autobots to return, much like he sent a signal in TF1 in the junkyard, which resulted in the other Autobots (Optimus, Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz) to Earth.

    We'll see.

