Monday, May 02, 2011

Hasbro Reveals Soundwave's Alt Mode

Remember almost a month ago when Michael Bay debunked a rumor that the new alt mode of Soundwave was not a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, saying "Mercedes would never let us make their car into a bad Decepticon. Car company's really frown on that - I can't say what the game company and comics do that's their own thing. They don't have the same constraints movies do. It's Carly's car." It is a very reasonable explanation that is backed up by Hasbro and Takara's recent history not only with the movies but with their non-movie toy lines. Well, the new update Hasbro has performed for to promote their Dark of the Moon toy line throws a bit of a monkey wrench into that explanation.

As the image shows, the bio section of the "Vector Sigma Database" for Soundwave specifically lists his vehicle mode as...a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. So Bay says he isn't an SLS, Hasbro does. Set reports indicate that Carly does drive a silver one but it seems that Soundwave will be keeping his trademark blue look. So does this mean there is another unseen SLS that was used for his scenes? Is Hasbro's information wrong (find that hard to believe)?

The website update also revealed a few additional character details. For a while the two Decepticon SUV's have been nicknamed "The Dreads" because of Chicago set references but never confirmed official. We since learned one of them is called Crankcase. Based on the Vector Sigma bios, we know may name what that nickname was referencing. One "Dread" is named Hatchet with a jet alt mode while another is called Crowbar with police car alt mode. The site shows their toy modes but not a look at their movie version so this could turn out to be a toy specific thing and not movie related. Also the bios give us a look at a robot dog called Steeljaw that is based on the G1 cassette character. Could this be Wheelie's new friend?

The bio for Megatron explains that he has an earth based alt mode to avoid detection from NEST (Networked Elements: Supporters and Transformers unit). The database also includes a clue about Shockwave and where he has been.
Cruelly efficient and unfeelingly logical, Shockwave came to Earth in search of the AllSpark shortly after Megatron. His cold devotion to logic and his peerless intellect, combined with his raw physical strength, make him one of the few Decepticons that can truly be called Megatron's rival. After decades of imprisonment underneath Chernobyl, Shockwave has begun to stir, awaiting his chance to escape his prison and avenge himself on his captors, his rivals and his enemies alike.
As usual we will find out in a few months. In the meantime, be sure to check out as Hasbro has added more than just a database. They are working on a movie-verse timeline, glossary, lots of toy images and it seems plans for games, video and much more.


  1. Not real sure what I think about Soundwave being a car

    1. kkkkk hatchet e um autobot quem e dono dessa para e muito sonso

  2. SelectiveRealism5/02/2011 8:01 PM

    If you've been keeping up with the prequel comics they chronicle where Shockwave has been all this time.

  3. @ tflamb

    "...but it seems that Shockwave will be keeping his trademark blue look."

    umm did you mean "soundwave" keeping his blue look....cause shockwave has always been purple...

  4. nah I haven't read any of the comics since the whole thing with them telling what happened to Barricade in the comics but not on the big screen

  5. The comics reveal who wheelies friend is. It's not steeljaw.

  6. So Soundwave is the Mercedes... Carly is inside the Mercedes... is Carly a Pretender too? The final blow by Megatron to kill Sam Witwicky? That would be smart, a better Pretender type that would camouflage in a better way, just like Patrick Dempsey character is supposed to be..

  7. ugh, sounds like Shockwave is an equal opportunity dick, not a friend of megatron or anyone else.

  8. Now we just need to know who the armored security truck is. We've basically had every movie character revealed so far. All that's left is for the Decepticon armored security truck's identity to be revealed and for some footage of Silverbolt. Hopefully there is still room for a couple more Decepticon movie characters.

  9. Did anyone notice the headshot of Lead Foot on the Hasbro site? Looks pretty cool.

  10. It also looks like the Dreads are the Decepticon answer to the Wreckers.

    I really hope we get to see the three distinct Dread characters, rather than them all looking the same.

  11. In their profile it says the Dreads are not liked by other Decepticons. In some of the footage of the filming of Dark of the Moon in Washington D.C. it looked like the Dreads were with Megatron...interesting.

  12. To the owner of this blog, you might want to front page this;

    Cover art for the game

  13. I always had a feeling that Soundwave was the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG!!! I guess my estimation was right when I heard this piece of news. Also I do like the look of Leadfoot but Topspin looks a little bit stupid with that thing ion his head.

  14. any chance megs and prime unite in this one?

  15. I just want Bumblebee to speak in this one. None of that radio crap!

  16. I think a lot of people had a sneaking suspicion the Mercedes was Soundwave. Kind of disappointing that he is though imo. I would much rather him to have been some kind of communications vehicle if he had to be one

  17. Hi, a mercedes benz sls is almost the same size as a chevy camaro, so, if soundwave is a MB sls, it means that he's almost the same size as Bumblebee????, It's obiously he isn't a MB sls!

  18. When i went to the hasbro site it says soundwaves alt mode is a Satilite. I dont know if they changed it back or if someone doctored the the image to make it say MB sls.

  19. That is horrible news that Soundwave, not only stripped of his awesome G1 voice, is now a friggin MB. This sucks....

  20. As mentioned above, Soundwave's Vehicle mode now lists him as a satelite on the Transformers site. Sideways is listed as a European sports car.

    In my opinion, that makes more sense. I don't think we will get a shot of soundwave until the movie. MB knows that is one character everyone wants to see.

  21. It is possible with the Dreads that it is the same sort of thing that happened with the Constructicons. The toys have names and appear to be unique characters, but in the movie they are really more of an extra, with multiples of the same 'character' appearing. Since the second SUV has yet to be named it is possible this might be the case.

    As for Soundwave, him being Carly's silver Benz seems to be quite possible despite the denials. In the video game trailer Soundwave is white/silver. I know the art in that pic is blue, but often the concept art is not an exact match to the movie (see art for Soundwave on Josh Nizzi's site and how he looked in ROTF). I would be a little disappointed with the Benz alt mode, but if they bring back the voice modulation and make him a badass then I will be more than happy.

  22. Realized right after posting that the art for Soundwave is actually the same from the ROTF toy packaging, so definitely not representative of anything in DOTM.

  23. soundwave a fucking car... Jesus.... what idiot thought this up?

  24. it is what it is and its tight in my opioin.i wonder what made people think the snake was soundwaves tenticals i already knew it wasnt.

  25. NOWAY, Soundwave is much bigger than Megatron!!!!

  26. Look on the site for Hasbro in the link posted on the blog. Either someone doctored the image for this site or Hasbro changed their description of Soundwave back to being a Satellite.

  27. Looks like images have been messed with. The lettering and font used on the rest of the image is different than the vehicle description and weapon description. Its a clearer, finer print while the rest "fuzzier" around the edges. It just doesn't strike me as being authentic.

  28. I personally don't know if that is real or not. I do remember someone from this blog posted this link some time ago

    Whether that is a fan made Soundwave or not I don't know but he does have an alt mode of being a car

  29. Anonymous 9:04am I see what you are talking about as far as being different but the only difference to me is it looks like the used smaller font for the vehicle description. It's the same way on the Hasbro website. As far as the change in description goes it's a quick fix that Hasbro may not have been thinking people would catch it this quickly

    I also doubt he is a satellite because if you recall we have seen a picture with Soundwave's head on a stick on Earth. Could they just be using the wrong head to throw us off? Sure but I wouldn't think Michael Bay would once again give a major player in Transformers lore a bit part

  30. Anonymous 9:20 that is fan made. If you look at the bottom of the picture it says not related to DOTM. I almost missed seeing that myself


    DOTM Sideswipe figure. has he been shown on set or anything? yah I know off topic but was curious

  32. I liked how the Hasbro site mentioned that even though Devastator was destroyed in rotf, he still may return if there are enough constructicons present to form him...

    kinda cool...

    But I liked the G1 "style" of devastator much more - the devastator that stood "upright" and not ape-like.

    ...but thats just me

  33. I love how hasbro has changed Soundwave back to a satellite now in his bio. I guess they were not supposed to let the ravage out of the bag yet lol

  34. Martinus Prime5/03/2011 11:18 AM

    Yeah, that has to count for something thta Hasbro changed it back.
    Also in the gametrailer you coul obvious see the Gullwing doors on Sondwave's back.

    But if it's not the case, I've got a point to wonder about: if Soundwave is blue, what if he is the blue Mercedes Benz E550 that rides with the Autobots???? And gathers info bc he can throw-off the Nest tracking system.

  35. hahhhh!! told u so!! SOUNDWAVE IS THE MERCEDEs SLS in DOTM. Bay just dont want to admit it. Soundwave was mers in the game, IT MUST BE synchronized with the toyline and their movie. It's just logical thinking. Well come on guys, is there a none synchronize between movies and transformers toyline before? yeah rite, none.

  36. why is everyone complaining about soundwave being a car? He just a radio in G1 and no one's complaining. lol.

    p/s: whatever soundwave is, his character is the main thing.

  37. Agree with 11:34 AM. It almost sounds like some people would prefer Soundwave to be the old satellite version rather than the SLS. Incredible. Whatever he is, it can't be worse than a boring satellite that doesn't even transform into a robot and does basically nothing.

  38. i'm confused, is soundwave really that blue car?

  39. I told you guys that Shockwave is not a good friend of Megatron. The Dreads are working with Megatron. Starscream is going to team up with Shockwave.

    Anonymous 10:33 Megatron might make an alliance with Optimus just so he can get his throne back. Megatron would never team up with Prime, only if it was his last chooise.


  40. I think it's legit. Hasbro made a slip. The cat's out of the bag. Soundwave's the SLS.

    And by the way, anyone else think we could have a three way battle this time? Maybe the Quintessons and their minions based on the Moon, and then Shockwave and his decepticons arriving from Cybertron? Because to me it looks like Shockwave reloading after his finished off The Dweller in the trailer.

  41. I agree I highly doubt Soundwave i going to be a satellite. While I'm not a fan of him being a car it's bound to be a bigger part in the movie than a satellite could have. Soundwave is too big a character to have a bit part

  42. Please Bay...Don't use "Dr. Claw's" voice again for soundwave!!!! :/

    C'mon FFS !!!!

  43. The image wasn't altered. I checked the site out when this was first posted and it didn't say satellite. So either Hasbro mixed up Soundwave with someone else, or we weren't supposed to know about his new alt mode yet.

  44. Chernobyl? sounds like another cover-up operation to me. IM FOR IT!


  45. Okay help me out here people, on the Hasbro site if you go to Optimus's full bio and then click to picture 3 what is on the back of his truck coz it look's like wings. WTF??

  46. I dont care if Soundwave transforms into a tin
    can as long as he has a significant role in DOTM.
    FYI - R. Huntington-Whitely named #1 on Maxim's hot 100 list for 2011.

  47. Steeljaw looks tacky

  48. Hasbro site now states that Soundwave is a satellite. i'm hoping a 1970 Plymouth Satellite.

  49. Ok I think everybody and their mom knows that the Hasbro site not says he's a satellite. Which is more than likely as numerous people have said they let it out too early and have tried to correct their error. If Soundwave is indeed the Mercedes I hope it's a big part and they fix some of the errors from ROTF. Namely the voice. Just not Soundwave if the voice isn't done right

  50. ^^ ya apparntly soundwave was Dr.Claw all along ?!%^$@# ;/

    which in fact totally ruined soundwaves character for me in rotf I have to say ...friggin sucks :(

    Gawd I hope they change that stupid voice this time !

  51. Anonymous said...
    why is everyone complaining about soundwave being a car? He just a radio in G1 and no one's complaining. lol.

    p/s: whatever soundwave is, his character is the main thing. <---- Laughing back at you! He was a cassette recorder in G1! Not a radio!

  52. Soundwave's minions Ravage and Lazerbeak are looking kick ass in the TF movie franchise, but SW himself a car? That sucks tea bag.

    Soundwave in TFPrime is a lot more kick ass. What a shame.....

  53. I think Soundwave is not the blue mercedes. I thought the blue mercedes was going to be the autobot they show in the movie trailer to the left when they are in the hangar. But if the mercedes is Soundwave then what vehicle will autobot in the trailer be...

  54. Soundwave can't be that blue Mercedes. It's an Autobot. Blue Mercedes is E550 and Soundwave's Mercedes mode is SLS AMG. understood?

  55. soundwave the silver one, while Wheeljack is the blue one. Oooooppppsss.

  56. Frank Welker did the voice of soundwave in ROTF and DOTM they just didn't add the vocoder sYnth like the G1 Soundwave in ROTF. lets hop they do on DOTM if not Don't blame Welker.

  57. I agree...Welker is only doing what ia asked of him, and he has always had an awesome voice. I just hope the dr. claw thing is gone this time around :S ...again...not Franks fault I agree :)

  58. FWIW Welker was actually the voice of Dr. Claw.
