Sunday, May 01, 2011

LA Times Bay Interview at Playa Vista

The LA Times has posted a "new" interview with Michael Bay as he discusses Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The reason for the quotes around new is the interview took place at the Los Angeles Playa Vista soundstage when production was doing the moon sequences among others shots. That would place the estimated time frame of the interview sometime in June 2010. Over all nothing specific is revealed, just a general overview of the franchise and Bay's desire to make Moon better than Revenge. Choice segments are below, the full article can be found here. Thanks to AiC Hokie for the link.
"The cast this time is terrific, you can't even compare it really, and that was important to me. We needed to take everything up a few levels and that starts with story and with acting," Bay said...

"I think the guy is great, I loved working with him," says [Patrick] Dempsey, one of the new imports meant to bring some acting chops to a franchise that had become far too fixated on special effects and a barrage of gags. "The scale of the movies he makes and the way his crew works for him and the things that they can accomplish, it's pretty awesome to see in action. And I think he believes this movie is going to be a great one."

This new movie starts in the 1960s with the moon landing — hence that lunar landscape set — and weaves a new mythology of government conspiracy into the Autobot and Decepticon battle. Both of those tribes learn that a Cybertronian spacecraft lies hidden on the moon and may hold secrets that will tilt the balance of power in their ongoing struggle.

"I asked him why he didn't ask sooner and he said he assumed I would be too expensive," Nimoy said with a chuckle in a recent phone interview. "We figured it all out."

Bay says he's a man on a mission and he assumes this will be the last "Transformers" film. After spending so much time with the brand — he began work on the first movie in 2005 — he wants to go out with a bang. He also wants to wipe out the memory of that second film.

Setting up a shot in which Malkovich's shady character tussles with an otherworldly opponent, Bay rattled off the reasons that this will be a new and improved model of his movie machine. "We got rid of the dorky comedy and we brought in some new acting talent. We have a good script. We're shooting in 3-D and there's a mystery in this story. It's smarter. And we still have the robots and the best special effects that you'll see."


  1. Michael Bay is going to go out with a bomb. This 3rd movie is so messed up that at best it could reach Iron Man boxoffice gross levels, so in the $500million worldwide range.

  2. Derp Derp Megan Fox is the best, Herp HHEEERRRPPPPP DEEERRRPPPPPP

    the twins, mikela, agent simons, wheelie and the fallen are the best characters ever

    Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide and Sideswipe all suck DEEERRRPPP

    Yours Sincerely

    Frank Grimes
    AKA Grimey

  3. cut and paste, cut and paste.

    Frank Grimes
    AKA Grime
    AKA Megan Fox's agent

  4. I wish theyw ould quit dogging ROTF. wasn't grat but it's not like it was just an absolute horrid movie.

    where can we buy some troll be gone. Gees I wish their internet address would just be blocked

  5. ^^ROTF was an absolute horrid movie and I'm really glad Bay admits it! I hope DOTM is gonna be as good the first one!!

  6. ROTF was horrible. headache inducing.
    i'm willing to say it never happened if TF3 is great.

    WTF was up with "the fallen?"

  7. Transformers2 ROTF is a very good movie. Michael Bay is a coward now babbling the opposite of what he was telling when he had to sell Transformers2. What is he going to tell the world when Transformers3 will have grossed less than the first two movies,uh?

  8. Anonymous said...

    Transformers2 ROTF is a very good movie. Michael Bay is a coward now babbling the opposite of what he was telling when he had to sell Transformers2. What is he going to tell the world when Transformers3 will have grossed less than the first two movies,uh?
    shut up idiot...

    The other two above me that didn't like ROTF that is your opinion and you are entitled to it just like mine is that I liked it. It had it's flaws but by no means was it as bad as some people try to make it out to be

  9. @Anonymous 5/01/2011 9:41 AM: insulting people just make you look like a little brat.

  10. On those first couple posts there I see we have a frank grimes "wannabe" sad is that LMAO

    ....sorry buddy there is only one original frank grimes on here...and its not you lol

    you seem to be more of a "wanna be troll" lol

    actually "trying" to be a troll sets a whole new standard on here lol

    I will feed you no longer...


    Since none of us has seen the movie, we can only guess if it is going to be good or not. I for one think Bay is really trying hard to make this one a good one...time will tell :D !!

  11. Why can't Bay give up? This film will not be dark, gritty, or serious. He can make convincing commercials and trailers to draw the crowds in. Once the crowds get there...he whips out a twelve inch strap-on and screws over the audience.


  12. I liked ROTF's scale, its action and its vfx but I thought the story was a mess...maybe it was bc of the writer's strike, maybe it wasn't. Overall I like the movie but not nearly as much as Transformers 2007.

    Bay has basically been saying what a lot of people thought; that ROTF was entertaining, had some cool set pieces and made a lot of money but its story missed the mark.

    All directors sell their movies by saying what the audience wants to hear so I won't criticize Bay for that. It just so happens that with regards to ROTF he's telling the truth

  13. @Winton Ray 5/01/2011 10:14 AM: Avatar has no story, silly characters and awful cartoonish CGI and people didn't complain and gave that s*it $3billion. The same that go around telling that Transformers2 was bad. Pathetic people.

  14. ^^ this guy for real?? hahaha

  15. Andrew Christopher Jabsen5/01/2011 11:56 AM

    Hey Jim, yeah I know your name now. Really, leave this blog.

  16. ^^ probably not, so many trolls here they end up trolling each other.

  17. @Andrew Christopher Jabsen: who are you talking to? And you want people to believe that you are using your real name.. You must still be in kindergarten

  18. 5/01/2011 9:56 AM Like the trolls that come here I don't care what people think if someone is a moron their a moron. Just cause when they are already saying a movie is fail when they haven't seen it

  19. I think Bay listened to people and gave them more Transformers like they wanted and then the fan base didn't like it because they weren't used properly. Story suffered trying to work them all in. I thought it was decent but hoping DOTM is a lot better.

  20. you people are terrible, just so negative i actualy feel sorry for some of you,it' just a movie, you would think that after the same critics who said revenge was horrible and after seeing alot of new footage from dark of the moon every one of them said it looks fantastic,at least wait until the movie is done and over and then praise or critisize, i tell you i seen the new trailer with fast five and i thought it was awsome its alot better seeing it on the big screen

  21. Anonymous 1:12 who are you to judge any of us? I see mixed reactions myself. some saying it looks good,some bad and some hoping it's good. Not all the comments above are negative. look again

  22. @Anonymous 5/01/2011 10:18 AM
    Did I mention Avatar in my post? I still don't understand why Avatar seems to get brought up anytime we discuss ROTF on this blog?

  23. I think most reactions have been positive and I did have problems with the2nd movie but I will check out the movie in 3d and in 2d and hopefully it will be great but we all just have different opinions some people love bay movies and some people dont but I do think we all love the transformers mythology

  24. hes trying his best to make the damn movie good give it time.

  25. @Anonymous 5/01/2011 2:33 PM: by screwing up main characters and plot? Yeah,sure. Even Spielberg doesn't trust this franchise anymore, his Dreamworks disappeared from production studios..

  26. ^^ shhhh adults are reading...

  27. their will be a reboot of some sort, weather michael bay does it or not, i can't see hasbro stopping now theirs to many fans and to much money involved but there is hope for this movie for me, and michael bay does seem to be doing things differently but i'll just have to wait see

  28. @Anonymous 5/01/2011 2:46 PM
    Steven Spielberg is an Exec Producer on DOTM, the same role he had on the 1st two films. Dreamworks no longer has a live-action distribution deal with Paramount, their live-action films are actually distributed by Touchstone.

  29. @Winton Ray: the first two Transformers movies were a Dreamworks property as much as a Paramount one. Dreamworks wasn't just distributing the movie for Paramount. And Hasbro will have to decide with live action franchise rights in 2012 when the agreements with Paramount and Dreamworks will be void.

  30. Transformers is the property of Hasbro.
    I never said Dreamworks was just distributing the films, they were producing them along with Paramount. Several sites list DW studios (Dreamworks) as also producing DOTM though I haven't seen their banner on any of the new movie's materials. It could be on something I haven't seen.
    I know that Hasbro has a deal with Universal to produce and distribute live-action films for a number of its properties including Monopoly, Stretch Armstrong and Battleship among others. I don't know anything about who would produce or distribute future Transformers films.

  31. BTW...2 months to go. We'll be buying tickets before we know it.

  32. here is some empty and completely unfounded

    ok...A lot of ppl think shockwave will kill megatron (i think thats unlikely...but thats just me)

    But "What if" shockwave is (as usual) super loyal to megatron, and he is the one who smokes starscream? (above bumblebee in the clip)

    it is possible...after all, starscream wimped out at the end of rotf with megatron screaming at him to jump into the fight...but instead he did nothing while optimus ripped him a new a$$hole....and that is grounds for some serious payback right there lol !
    Can't count out megatron either...he may kick some serious tail as well...who knows?

    what do you guys thing?...jus throwin' it out there...

  33. yep, you got that right winton every one of us will be buying those tickets and i'm just counting the days!!!

  34. already known a human kills Starscream, Hardcore Eddie. at least if rumors are true.

    not much info on shockwave, but i haven't heard any rumors about him being against megatron. seems to be loyal, called in as back up from megatron.

  35. ^^ ya I agree...I think he will be loyal as well

    I did hear the hardcore eddie rumor also...hard to believe a human can take out a decepticon sky commander lol ...but sam did take out megatron in the 1st movie its all good :D

    c'mon July !

  36. i hope that bay does something good with megatron because meg's aint no bitch and he is baddest of all decepticons,i will be disapointed if he dies at the hands of shockwave,don't get me rong shockwave is nasty but even in death their is no command but his,dont forget that bay

  37. I think Megatron will be in with the Dylan character...maybe he helps Megatron uncover the secrets on the moon and Megatron promises Dylan he'll be the human-ruler of earth after the deceps conquer it and the autobots.
    I think Shockwave will be loyal to Megatron. I seem to remember reading that Ehren Kruger is a die-hard G1guy so that would fit.

  38. yeah, i'm worried about that too with Megs.

    another reason i hated ROTF, they didn't need to bring in a transformer god who ended up being incompetent anyhow. could have used Megs again.

    hopefully shockwave is portrayed well and doesn't trip and shoot himself.

  39. ^^ Hahaha and hopefully shockwave is a better shot than in that dr.smoov youtube video lmao !!

    Ya I think megatron will be a big part of this movie...even in rotf, it was as much about megatron as the fallen.

    and i agree, megatron is leader of the decepticons for a good reason, and those who mess with him (injured or not), tend to end up in the junk yard lol

  40. Who cares what people think of ROTF it has made a billion dollars, when i speak to people that arent obsessive transfans they liked it. I have seen everything transformers, and although the plot was not great, the action and the acting were acceptable. so lets just put ROTF behind us and look forward to making sure DOTM makes harry potter look like crap.
    Lets look forward to the new bulky Optimus, the new bad ass dirty megatron lol, Shockwave and Soundwave, Sentinel Prime, and The Dweller(the tentacle thing)

  41. ROTF is behind us,that is true... but it is still a part of this series, in the fact that each movie builds off the other. Rotf is fine by me to reference when discussing the possible background storyline of the new movie. Whether anyone liked rotf or not is irrelevant to my context, my book it is a ok.

    but thats just me...and I do see your point there :D

    And I agree with you in looking forward to seeing DOTM !!! Hell Ya !! :D

  42. @Anonymous 5/01/2011 10:16 PM: Harry Potter is going to smash Transformers3 boxoffice wise. Transformers2 unfortunately didn't reach $1billion, it stopped at $830million worldwide boxoffice gross.

  43. who cares 4:38 am about harry potter, this is a transformers site and trans 2 made more doe in my country and thats all i care about, i could give a rats ass about fagboy harry potter,SHOCKWAVE RULES!!!
