Friday, May 20, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D Theatrical Trailer has posted the 3D cut of the theatrical trailer that was released a few weeks ago. Nope it isn't in 3D. Differences to note as described previousily: a) We get to see Optimus and Ratchet walking in the Ark observing all the statis Autobots b) Shows more of the Dweller as it tears down the building Sam and Carly are in c) We get to see Optimus on flying mode shooting at the mouth of the Dweller in mid-sky. Thanks to Karimpie, WolfyWardark, and Chad for the heads-up.


  1. YEEESSSS!!! So much better!

  2. You forgot about the shot of Bumblebee and Sam flying slo-mo through the air with that truck of cans rolling around.

  3. Saw it the theater this afternoon; the 3D was amazingly clear with no blur whatsoever. If the entire movie looks that good I'll be really impressed. The scene where Prime attacks the driller in flight was so cool in 3D.

  4. I went to see Pirates 4 and they put the trailer of DOTM and the people around me were asking, Where the hell is Megan Fox?????? I mean, there is STILL people in the world who don't know Megan isn't is this movie????

  5. thats preety funny

  6. F*ck'n AMAZING! Hope the movie is just as great as the trailer. This has got me pumped. I wanna see this now! The apocalypse/judgement day better not happen tomorrow. Nothing better get in the way of showing this movie. No zombies, aliens, machines, nature. Nothing!

  7. awe-inspiring

  8. Is there a place to download the 3D trailer? i'd like to watch it on my 3Dtv

  9. @8:05 Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones left behind after the rapture and we'll get to see it while everyone else is in heaven, suckers.

  10. Anyone notice at 2:05, the ship behind Optimus? It has a NASA logo on it and some boosters. Maybe a space shuttle to take the Autobots off earth?


  12. The Ark scene looks so cool. Is it just me or do all the Transformers on the Ark look 2x / 3x larger than "earth" Autobots, lol. For as strong as they made Optimus look in the second film, Michael Bay is presenting him in an even more epic sphere for this film.

    Calling it right now. For those of you who have seen Iron Man 2 and are familiar with the final battle scene of War Machine and Iron Man fighting off multiple bad guys, I'm thinking Bay will have a sequence with Optimus and Sentinel Prime working in tandem to destroy 7 or 8 Decepticons x)

  13. let's make it clear via this trailer as our standpoint, anyone, ANYONE who from now on says this movie will suck, blow, is tupid, etc. are such big fanboys who only say that because they want the theaters all to themselves

  14. cool when sam and bb do that flip over the truck and if u notice hes not wearing the same clothes as he is whereing in chacigo that means action takes place more than just the end

  15. I think someone said in an earlier blog the ship was the wreckers ship

  16. I went to see Pirates 4 in 3D today and they showed the stupid announcement trailer! I'm so mad!

  17. So mad at myself...I read the Jr novelization and spoiled the movie.

  18. i'm suprized we haven't got any new stills of the new footage, especialy optimus attacking the driller,they went crazy with stills from the last trailer like over 200 or so, i also went to 2 different theaters to see the 3d trailor footage with the pirate's, shit i didn't even get the anouncement trailor i got a big goose egg, so disapointing, looks like some of us are gonna have to stick it out untill the movie comes out, it will be all the more greater

  19. winton,i feel for ya man, i spoild myself a little bit but i decided enough was enough and after some of those first spoilers i cut it off,i will absolutely not read anymore spoilers and i'm doing pretty good, you see wer'e the hardcore's we can't help ourselves most people don't know anything about these spoilers it's always us, maby we should start a spoiler anomymus club, just kidding its still going to be incredible so say's james cameron

  20. Anyone who read junior novel, is there a Silverbolt? Was it a rumor

  21. New stills? Few here

  22. Anonymous 11:58 no Silverbolt. Members from TFW2005 said he's not even mentioned in the novel or the movie adaption. I don't care much if he's not in the movie. As long I get Optimus, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Mirage, Roadbuster, Leadfoot and Topspin Im fine.

    Winton Ray and anonymous 10:19 There's alot of stuff we dont know about. I read the first pages of the movie adaption and I was dissapointed not because of the story or the movie, because I never expected ........ to be evil and kill ........ and now I dislike him.

    Alex Im sorry if I dissapoint you but there wont be a fight like that.


  23. It's kind of crazy when you think in your mind of how this movie might be, only to find out your not even close, i read the first pages of the adaptation also and now i'm all screwed up and in bewilderment. OH GOD HELP ME!!!

  24. Does Laserbeak have an alt mode? And is the armored truck a Decepticon?

  25. Oh, and is Barricade in it?

  26. Well let's see.... For those who go to heaven, they will enjoy peace and entertainment. For those of you who stay and believe it is the better choice so that you can watch TF DOTM... you guys are basically the suckers because as soon as the rapture comes (if it comes before June 29, July 1st, or July 28 - release dates of the movie worldwide)there will be war and chaos on this Earth and you will not be able to watch TF DOTM... again this is only if it happens before the release of the movie, that would only be God's choice. And if you do get to watch the movie (if the rapture would happen before) then look to your sides to make sure no demon is gonna slice you up. Read the bible people there will chaos after the rapture. And for all you who are christian haters, God haters, bible haters, etc. Well may God have mercy on your souls, and the bible is the only book with prophecies that have been accurate and never incorrect. So there you have it...

  27. Oh and uh, why do most of you hate christians, God, and the Bible, what cause you're jealous that they spread the truth and only the truth along with love and peace in which you can't seem to do?? People stop and think for a sec. I don't mean to make an argument of this but I'm sick of all you thinking that God doesn't exist, that christians should be made fun of, etc. Ok, first off, if God never existed, where in this universe would everything have come to exist, of God never existed, then the perfect shape of objects would have never become... Just as a man crafts wood and other objects with his hand to shapen into beauty... the same applies with God and his ability to shapen planets, galaxies, etc. As for the Big Bang theory... for Christ's sake, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of, 2 objects collide to form a beautiful and perfect world... say what??? Oh and uh, where would these '2 objects' have come from, obviously there is no explination to that. But there is an explination about God's existance. Anyway, my point is you people are blind. You let Satan turn you against the truth, against God.

  28. Anonymous 7:11 A.M. Thanks for the info. That sucks!! I was looking forward to hearing James Avery's voice. Maybe they couldnt afford him lol.

  29. iridescent will be released today?

  30. please keep religion off this blog.. believe what you may... please keep all conversation on topic . Transformers

  31. It's 'youssef said' again, just wanted to reply to Alex, as much as I would love to watch sentinal prime and Op doing the iron man 2 scene, it won't happen, as I was one of the few unlucky fans who saw the comic book adaption of the film, it basically ruined the whole movie for me, but I said too much, but I promise u, U WILL BE UNPREPARED!

  32. Man, I feel bad for the people who read those spoilers, to think that it totaly ruined the movie for you guys is sad, and please!!! keep the spoilers to yourself

  33. Why is someone posting religious stuff on this blog? I don't want to hear about anything religion- just Transformers. The way I see it, either way I win. Since rapture didn't happen, we're all good to go to watch the movie. If the world decides to destroy itself, and people are in the streets looting and fighting over food, you'll find me by myself in a theater watching DOTM over and over again. I will die a happy person. 'Nuff said.

  34. Read the junior novel today and OMG this movie is going to blow everyone away!!!! I cant wait to read the actual novel. Its very emotional and dark!!!

  35. If you think Transformers is Satans work then what are you doing here????

    And please stay to the topic. TF!


  36. @5/22/2011 10:41 AM

    get off this blog and spread your lies and propaganda elsewhere, not everyone is sufficiently brain damaged to swallow shit like that up as you are

  37. Mindy hahahaha that's so true, when the world is going under Im gonna have my ass in the theater watching TF:DOTM!


  38. Transformers Live Action Movie Blog. What part of that don't people undertsand?
    Dear TFLAMB, I relaize you like to let people's thoughts be read, no matter how stupid they may be but this is ridiculous. I don't go onto christion blogs and talk about transformers. If I wanted to discuss my religous beliefs I would go to a christian blog.

    As of right now there are 36 days, 11 hours and 47 minutes until DOTM premieres. That's all I wanto to discuss on this blog.

  39. can someone who read the junior novel answer my questions from 5-22 at 9:49 and 9:52?

  40. I agree Winton...that crap does not belong on here, and should not be posted.

  41. AND BEHOLD!!! OPTIMUS SAID, humans are a young species and have much to learn but i've seen goodness in them freedom is the right of all sentian beings. BEHOLD!!! as with all great power some wanted it for good and some wanted it for evil and so began the war. BEHOLD!!! fate rarely comes at a time of our choosing. trans act: 1,2

  42. ok so the squid like robot devouring that building is the one we see in the first trailer when they zoom into sentinels eye on the arc. So what is this thing?

  43. Amen brother ^^ lol

  44. Transformers3 CGI is really nothing special. It seems ILM tried to copy CGI from Skyline and Battle Los Angeles and District9 with this one. And there are no Quintessons anyway. That is a really dumb thing to do.
    Also new Transformers designs simply suck. Too cartoonish.
    And where the heck are Superion and Menasor? Not even Devastator in this one?

  45. @ 9:32 AM Ha! ^^ you're a really funny a really dumb kinda way lol

  46. 1:44 bumblebee saving sam n lennox ~ focus not on Bee but at top of building where sam and lennox are falling from ~ its starscream~ his head is being blown off and hes falling off building ~
