Monday, May 16, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Toys Officially Released

Don't forget that the toy line for Transformers: Dark of the Moon is officially for sale at stores in North America. Be sure to post about your haul in the comments.


  1. I went to the local Walmart, Target and Toys R Us today. Made a big dent in tbis years birthday and Christmas shopping in one day for my son, nefew and other kids in the family.

    I learned my lesson after the first Transformers movie came out. I promised my son, who was 4 at the time that I'd buy him a few of the toys for his birthday (in september) and Christmas. When that time came, no good Transformer toys to be found. Ended up spending more on Ebay for them. I'm a man of my word. When I promise something, I deliver.

    When the ROTF toys were released, I was there. Bought at least one of everything released that day. A guy at Walmart thought I was a collector and was suprised to find out I was buying everything for my son who was six at the time.

    I'll probably give him a couple of the smaller toys today and a larger one closer to when the movie is released. We already have the PS3 game on order. But when it arrives, which will be a few weeks before the movie comes out, my son doesn't want to open or play it until he sees the movie. Doesn't want to spoil anything.

  2. i heard that the games events happen before the movie so it shouldnt spoil anything :)

  3. @anon 10:19- Don't worry about being spoiled by the video game. It is a prequel to the movie. It takes place after ROTF and leads up to the beginning of DOTM.

  4. My Walmart, which has to have the laziest toy department ever, has yet to put them out. Of course, they were also a week late putting out the Green Lantern toys after their street date, so who knows when I'll finally get my Transformers.

    (and before you ask, small town, only one Walmart.)

  5. I went to Sears and got Deluxe Starscream, Roadbuster and Topspin. Im gonnig to get Leader Sentinel, Voyager Ironhide and Deluxe Cranckase on Friday when I get my money.

  6. What about the international toy release?


  7. I went into Target this AM and nothing...

  8. I actually bought a lot on Sunday at Walmart and Toys R Us. Got Leader Sentinel Prime, Voyager Ironhide, Voyager Megatron, Deluxe Topspin, Deluxe Roadbuster, Deluxe Bumblebee, Deluxe Jolt, Deluxe Sideswipe, and Battle Ops Bumblebee.

    Today should be a good day, too! :)

  9. Are there Human action figures?

  10. Wal-mart here isn't putting them out till tonight because apparently their night crew is lazy and said they are the only ones who put out stock and didn't get to it

    Went to Toys R US and picked up

    Megatron - ok figure but 2007's and ROTF figures were much cooler

    Leader Sentinel Prime - awesome robot and alt mode

    Crankcase - wasn't it reported they cut the finger on him? Mine are long

    Will go to Wal-Mart tomorrow to pick up some more most likely.

  11. I feel like I built these toys up more than the stores are. Given CARS 2 and everything else, there is not much locally that is available. I went to Wal-Mart and they hadn't put anything up. Went to Target and they were stocking very minimally. I found what I was looking for but they only had one of each. Toys R Us had not stocked as well, but they pulled out what they had (which wasn't much) and found some items. Certainly not the big deal it was with the first or second movie. Dissapointed here. Found Leader Sentinel Prime, Deluxe Topspin, Sideswipe, Roadbuster, Bumblebee, Crankcase, Voyager Shockwave. Still need Voyager Megatron. Hoping Wave 2 comes soon.

  12. Has ShockWave been released as part of the first wave?

  13. Share your pictures please? :D

  14. bought
    leader sentinel, deluxe bumblebee, voyager megatron.
    couldnt find shockwave anywhere (scalpers are pciking up all of these)
    the figures are cool but the paint apps are all horrible. nearly all the figures had paint chips or scratches

  15. Shockwave is going to be hard to find, my closes toysrus said there were people waiting for the store to open this morning.

  16. One Walmart in my area put them out early, so I got mine yesterday. Which are...

    Skids: what big feet he has!

    Bumblebee: face looks like Skeletor's

    Ratchet: better transformation

    Starscream: ditto

    Roadbuster: be cooler if these wreckers had more artillery on them

    Crankcase: seems Predator banged an Insecticon and out came this one, whose middle fingers were cut off for whatever reason

  17. Hey I went to walmart and all they had were human alliance dark of the moon toys and then i went to toysrus express store at the mall and found the guy just stocking the new dark of the moon I saw all the wave 1 toys and picked up leader class bumblebee and sentinal prime and deluxe crankcase. I asked if they have voyager shockwave, voyager megatron or leader ironhide and they said they didnt and im guessing they dont have the figures of wave 2. When is wave 2 coming out??

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I made my rounds for the toys today and surprisingly not one damn thing out.
    Went to 3 Wal-marts and they didn't even have shelf markers for the DOTM stuff. Target had nothing and Toys 'R Us are so damn old they still had a Beast Machines Megatron on the shelf with 3 miles of dust on top of it :S

    Went shopping on ebay and Got Megatron, Shockwave, Bumblebee, Roadbuster, Crankcase and Topspin from one seller... paid $115. with one day delivery :)

    So I was let down but pretty excited that I came out with something... But the retail stores need to get on the ball...

  20. I pity the first commenter for not knowing that the video game is a prequel.

  21. The Walmart and Target in my area of FL are pushing Cars 2 toys this week and next, and won't be stocking the DOTM toys until the 26th. u_u

  22. Lucky you got Shockwave and Crankcase! I'm gonna hit Walmart again tonight to see if they got any new ones in stock.

  23. So is silverbolt in this thing or what?

  24. I've seen some at my local Toys R Us (I'm from London in England) and I have to admit I'm really liking Crankcase and the look of Bumblebee, Roadbuster and Megatron. Top be honest, the first Bumblebee that came out in the ROTF toyline alongside with Soundwave is slightly better than the DOTM Bumblebee. If anything, I might get Crankcase as he is my favourite at the moment, but that might be a few weeks down the line.

  25. Toys R Us and Walmart didn't have what I wanted, so ended up at Target to find a Leader Sentinel Prime and Voyager Shockwave. Wanted to get a Voyager Skyhammer that they had, but alas I only had enough $$ for the 2. Gonna go back in Saturday and see what else I can get. I'm holding off on Voyager OP until I the Leader comes out.

  26. My local TARGET had nothing! At Toys 'R Us, I got Deluxe and Leader Class Bumblebee, Deluxe Class Starscream, Leader Class Sentinel Prime, and Deluxe Class Roadbuster. The Voyager Class Optimus looks lame. I'm waiting for the Ultimate Optimus to come in, as well as Leader Class Ironhide and Voyager Class Ratchet. Haven't seen Shockwave yet.

  27. Walmart and Target close to my house(West Chester, Oh) had very little...a Meijer store nearby had a nice selection and wasn't picked over.

  28. Wal-Mart this morning had nothing. when i asked a person there, she was non-chalant and said, "oh they'll set the display sometime today and they'll be up for tomorrow" - Real nice. I guess they don't care. It's not like they've been sitting on the boxes for weeks - with a label that states don't open until May 16. Screw them, Target got my business. for the most part. TRU had a few things. I hope this stuff won't be difficult to find in the coming weeks.

  29. i got everybody except Optimus Prime Voyager class cuz he's messed up so all i need is Shockwave

  30. Does anyone know when wave 2 figures come out cause my toysrus didnt have any wave 2 figures im in canada

  31. I was able to find Bumblebee, Jolt, Optimus Prime, and Ironhide, my toysrus didn't have much available, but it was enough to satisfy for the moment. Cant wait to get sideswipe if I ever find him.

  32. Toy update. West coast... so far checked in California and Nevada. Wave 2 Deluxe at Target, Wave 2 Voyagers Walmart, Wave 2 Leader & Human Alli Mixed.I checked 3 Walmarts and 2 Targets to see this. Shockwave is out but as far as i saw only Walmart right now has them out. Topspin wrecker and sideswipe only at Target right now. Leader Ironhide is random. The stores recived them like this so far, that they told me. Good Luck and hope this helps.

  33. Did anyone buy Deluxe Crankcase and find out when you transformed him to robot form his pointy fingers have been cut on both hands. I think they realized that his middle fingers were flipping the kids playing with them off. Thats not cool.

  34. My Crankcase had the long fingers... nothing cut on mine...That was the first thing I checked! lol

  35. Anonymous 2:10

    Yah it was reported that they cut the fingers down I think for safety reasons. not sure

    I got one that the fingers aren't cut though :)

  36. Went to my local walmart and got bb, road buster and sentinel prime in Southern Illinois will check Southeast MO. Tomorrow

  37. Gonna make my rounds later today...I hope they make a driller character!!! that would be awsome...

  38. Gees Shcokwave is sold out at everywhere! Even online in a lot of places. I ended up ordering him off of Amazon

  39. Got Crankcase last night and the kid I babysit opened it when I was in the bathroom. I want to die, can't find another one all day today.

  40. anyone from canada i cant find shockwave or leader ironhide anywhere!!!

  41. I still can't find Crankcase either! Or Shockwave. I'm sure they'll come around soon. It's always the mad rush to collect them NOW NOW NOW just when they're coming out that's frustrating.

    I'm gonna try Walmart again tonight. Last night, they were busy restocking. hmmm...

  42. Anyone heard when the Ark is to be released?

  43. All the retail stores here in Central IL are ALWAYS slow at getting TF toys on the shelves. I was lucky to find Sentinel Prime, Skyhammer and Shockwave at Target. I just hope I'll be able to find a Leader Ironhide and Voyager Megatron soon.

  44. i got my deluxe bumblebee yesturday at walmart but their is only deluxes.

  45. the new toys came out on may 16 2011

  46. FINALLY!!! Walmart completely restocked their entire TF lineup. I was able to score deluxe Crankcase and Ratchet. Passed on Skids for now.

    Wasn't able to find Voyager Shockwave yet.

    Amusingly a half billion Deluxe Bumblebees and Voyager Optimus Primes out now. haha Hasbro is definitely prepared this time around for the onslaught of BB and OP toy fans when the movie comes out.

  47. i bought 2 crankcases and found out 1 of them had the fingers cut. it does look like the one with the long middle fingers does look like it could be taken for flipping you off. LOL! I guess the luck of the draw will get the long fingers and others will get short clipped ones.

  48. Just got voyager megatron does anyone else have the front cab window on their megatron jut out farther than the other???

  49. I just got shockwave he is super cool nice tank i reccomend it
