Friday, May 13, 2011

Two Fake Dark of the Moon Posters

Two new fake Transformers: Dark of the Moon posters have popped up online. The first image is for IMAX 3D version of the film but it seems like a photo shop job as the Prime half face looks like it is from the first movie poster. As for the second poster, it is missing the usual info that is on posters plus I do believe that is The Fallen in the background. So while it is fake, it is a sharp looking image and gives you a nice contract between a well done fake and a poorly done fake. Thanks to Feris Othman for the links.


  1. Lol! Wht? Fallen in background on chinese wall!

  2. is Optimus Prime smiling??? (1st poster) lol

  3. @Spark550

    No. This is from the scene in the trailer where Optimus is pissed off, and tells Marissa Faireborn, "You've made a grave mistake".

  4. ok maybe its like... a little error or something cuz from my prespective he looks like he's smiling (for some reason i find that kind of funny) lol

  5. The first one is bad. It's just a screenshot of Optimus Prime saying ''you made a grave mistake'' in front of a screenshot of the laser shooting out of Chicago. The second poster is amazing, but it would be better if Optimus had his redesigned chest and Shockwave was in the background instead of The Fallen
