Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Behind the Scenes of Birdmen's Nelson has posted a behind the scenes video for the new TV spot Birdmen that will air soon for Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The commercial and video covers the helicopter and building stunt jumps that where filmed in Chicago last year. As for the TV spot itself I suspect it will debut on Entertainment Tonight. DJ.BigtymeBeats reports seeing a commercial about a DOTM story they are going to run tonight. On a somewhat related note, Nelson has also tweeted hi-res, large file size images of Bumblebee, Megatron, and Optimus Prime but they are not from DOTM. Thanks to Feris Othman for the heads-up.


  1. Poor guy who's falling AND on fire.

  2. why does any new footage i see of this look like the most amazing thing ever.

    I hope they stop showing stuff because it ruins it. i.e. superbowl spot footage has somewhat lost it's insane luster.

    Can't wait for this film.

  3. they say that scene looks crazy in 3d.

  4. Can't wait to see this stuff in 3D

  5. it's probably surreal because of how real it looks

  6. Thats right pure awesome

  7. mmmm tasty

  8. AWESOME ILM is GOD!!! note at the end when he says: "he wante to look it real" and this pure epic shot of the guys falling and some decep shots hiting the building, totally REAL, WOA!!

  9. This doesn't make any sense. It's a absolutely useless scene this way. Was Michael Bay trying to film a documentary about "birdmen", uh?
    At the very least you would expect one or two Decepticons to try killing them all and maybe only one survives.. THEN THAT would have been a great amazing scene with amazing CGI by ILM.
    But what they have done here is just disappointing. It's a really useless scene in the movie. No fighting, no shooting while they are flying, no Decepticons trying to kill them. No multiple viewings.. the guys don't seem to have cameras so the scene could have been seen from different angles while flying and CGI added around them either.
    Michael Bay really lost his touch.

  10. Im pretty sure this was the 'tv spot'

  11. looks real to me. Haters can say whatever they want, their words wont make any sense anyway.


  12. um... anon 4:23, did u watch the video? cause i saw them getting shot at and i saw different angles. Just sayin...

  13. @MV 6/02/2011 3:23 PM: I saw even TvSpot#5 and it looks pretty amateurish, if Michael Bay filmed it he really did a mess. From him I was expecting some crazy interpolated flying views from multiple cameras in a Matrix style effect.. I mean something like.. time slows down for viewers.. there is a big Depecticon like Starscream behind them that transforms and with an arm gets a birdman and kills him.. the camera moves around the scene that starts speeding up and we then see the scene from another birdman flying down and watching Starscream that attacks him too and so on until only one manages to touch the ground and escape safely... THAT would have been some crazy scene I was expecting filmed from Michael Bay. BUT I see nothing like that from any trailers at all, it looks a pretty lame cheap scene that practically any other director could have done.

  14. Anonymous 6/02/2011 3:23 PM tv spot 5 is fake

  15. amateurish?,only a troll would say something like that, so sad to be a troll, better crawl back into mummies basement and make your own blockbuster,you can do it man!!!,you can do it!!!

  16. @Anonymous 6/02/2011 5:37 PM: are you part of the production maybe and you are afraid of people pointing out how cheap this movie looks compared to the first two and other Michael Bay movies?
