Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chicago Call Sheet For Ultra Magnus

Thanks to Sam, below are images of a call sheet for filming in Chicago on July 27-28th, 2010 "with" Megatron and Ultra Magnus. Early this year a redacted call sheet was posted online with Magnus listed as a character. While not the same sheet this does further confirm that for at least a while the character of Sentinel Prime was going to be called Ultra Magnus. Test screening apparently drove the change from Ultra Magnus to Sentinel Prime. According to Sam, the head of what would have been Ultra Magnus was re-used as what the Apollo 11 astronauts step on and uncover as they explore the ship.


  1. I'm glad of the change. ultra magnus is near and dear to G1 fans. I would not want him in the role that was sentinel.

  2. Agree with what the guy above me said. Not that Sentinel was bad, I loved his character for the most part (until the end) but Ultra Magnus would have been bad as Sentinel's role.

  3. Well said Anon 10:35. With the way to story plays out I can't see Magnus doing those things. Fact of the matter Magnus was always below the prime status. With Sentinel Prime being older than Optimus.

  4. I don't think it was test screenings that caused them to change the name. Remember, we found out it was Sentinel from a security guard watching over the truck on site.

  5. It had to have been changed rather early on, otherwise humans would not have referred to Sentinel by name throughout the film. I like Sentinel in the role better, because it has a greater effect on Optimus as he was his mentor.

  6. From the Secret of Teletran 2:
    "His enemy, the Decepticons respected his courage but most of all they fear Ultra Magnus spirit of self sacrifice."

    The role that Sentinel Prime was playing has no real characteristic or trait of Ultra Magnus. I'm very happy that UMagnus didn't get this role even thought I really want him in the movie. Oh well maybe in TF4.

  7. sentinel prime dotm is more like vector prime from transformers cybertron

  8. Would have prefered if it was Nova Prime and if he was much more powerful than this...

    Nova Prime was always more Decepticon in ideology than Autobot. I never was a fan of Sentinel, but still, Sentinel from the original series would never have betrayed anyone.

  9. Good chance then for an Ultra Magnus repaint/remold.

  10. ultra magnus is probably code name for sentinel

  11. As anonymous said above Ultra Magnus is probably code name for Sentinel Prime. If you take a look at some of Josh Nizzis concept art for TF3 there is a character with the codename Ultra Magnus that bears much resemblance to Sentinel. And as Nizzis other TF3 concepts all have code names this is probably a codename for Sentinel ... And I also agree that Ultra Magnus wouldn't have been good for Sentinels roll , of course there is still a chance that Sentinels character was called Ultra Magnus and changed in post-production.
