Monday, June 13, 2011

Stills from Dark of the Moon & Chicago Comparisons (Updated 2)

Yahoo! Movies has posted 8 new stills from Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Most focus on the human characters but not all. Sadly the image sizes are not that big but still some cool shots. Thanks to Brendon for the link.

Speaking of still images, Jeff of Pixel Rally has posted more images from the Chicago set from when a lot of those stills were filmed. He also put together a comparison shots from the trailers & TV spots with what his camera captured last year. One of his observations is the building that gets squashed by the 100% CGI glass building (it was "built" on the neighboring empty lot) was changed between trailers, "they've made it look like there's a patio table instead of a person, and changed the styling of the building itself." He also has an image of Shia attacking a blue head while in Chicago which thanks to the TV spots we now know is Starscream so Jeff did a little Photoshop to the image to make the case. The comparison images are below, the full larger sized gallery can be found here.

Update Two need comparison images added by Jeff. One shows the "Power Glove" which actually appears to be a safety contraption as he swings around so can be "caught" by Bumblebee. The other gives you an idea of how cardboard face can be come more with Michael Bay and ILM doing their magic.

Update 2: Jeff, who was on site at the time it was filmed, argues that the glove is not a safety device, but "I think it shoots some grappling hook that Sam uses to climb up on the Decepticon, rides on it's head as he attacks it, and falls off, at which point Bumblebee catches him. There's other shots where the Josh Duhamel stunt double is trying to cut Sam free from the cable, and maybe he succeeds, so that's when they fall and Bumblebee skids in, Transforms, runs up the wall and saves them." He then provided a college to show the sequence of events (last pic below).


  1. That's the matrix in Sentinel's hand.

  2. This movie will be epic.................

  3. Man, that picture of optimus looking up to sentinel is awsome, can't wait to see that seen on the big screen in 3d

  4. ooo sentinel prime holding the matrix of leadership

  5. The first one is EPIC.

  6. Looks like the matrix of leadership hovering there in Sentinel's right hand...hmmmm :/

  7. Optimus looks as if he has been knocked ( or sitting) on his butt in the Sentinel pic...because you can clearly see one of his knee guards sticking up there in the pic. Odd kinda pose...

    looks great though!!

  8. The Matrix of Leadership from ROTF looked way different. besides, it merged with Optimus Prime. It looks like the cartoon matrix, but I dont expect it to be the same. I bet it is called something different.

  9. The matrix on Sentinel hand looks like an hologram dont you think so guys?? But an hologram or not, this movie will be epic!!!!

  10. Wow, with that last before & after shot, if you're able to separate those two shots and flick between them, you'll notice the building on the right has been completely re-designed. Not just different colours, etc. Interesting.

  11. Ok, and then I read the article text, oops. This can only mean that I'm right on Pixel Rally's wavelength, and I'm a designer, and hence they should hire me :D

  12. @6/13/2011 8:21 PM

    what the hell movie did you see bro?? The matrix in the above Sentinel pic looks EXACTLY like the one in rotf, and NOTHING like the cartoon matrix :Z

    Really dude...what are you smoking?

    Oh...and the guy who said it looked like a hologram...I certainly looks that way

    ....unless of course it is just glowing or something :)

    Either way...s'gonna be gooood!!!!

  13. The Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime still is awfully rendered. It looks like some painting. If that is an actual still from the movie it's going to be bad.

  14. If you guys don't remember clearly, the Matrix appeared to be destroyed as it was put inside the Sun Harvester to start it up and then Optimus destroyed said Sun Harvester.

  15. It does look like a hologram but it would be dumb for the matrix to be in this movie. It fused with Optimus and the trailer and movie sites say nothing about it.

  16. @6:52 AM - yep because ILM apparently sucks at rendering. They basically invented it. Have a look at their folio and watch TF1 & TF2. t.r.o.l.l.

    Also regarding revisions - I've got comparison stills from two trailers for TF2 ROTF that show The Fallen appearing in the desert & it also showed a massive re-design of The Fallen. Interesting stuff.

  17. dont go see it then hate trolls bruh

  18. I work right next to where the CGI building "is", and the one it's falling on is actually real. I think they just CGI'd the very top of it. It actually has that yellow colored material on it as well so it looks like they tried to stay true to the building.

  19. i thought the matrix was destroyed in ROTF....completely losing track with all the plotholes

  20. In reference to the 2 updates, the childrens novelization mentioned that wheeljack made grappling gloves for the soldiers. It also shows Optimus reviving Sentinel with the matrix.

  21. The matrix can not be destroyed. If you remember in ROTF it had already fallen to dust, ...but then demonstrated that it can reform ( as it did in the movie) So...if it was already dust in Sam's hands, but then reformed...then it can totally have survived the destruction of the sun harvester. The matrix doesn't just is an energy...and can only get the :P

    So ya...the matrix is in this movie...I have no problem with that.

  22. Hahaha, I love the pic with Sam attacking a giant blue figure. turns out it was the head of starscream after editing.

    At first i thought Sam was going to attack optimus but then changed him mind and went to starscream instead. LOL

  23. Moi je croyait que sam aller mourir enfin nous verrons bien le 29 juin

  24. seems like sentinel prime had turn on Optimus Prime

    said cam Yu movie professional
