Saturday, June 25, 2011

Megatron vs Lincoln & Dreads DOTM TV Spots

Two new TV spots have aired today. The first has a few new scenes including additional lines from Optimus and a shot of Megatron taking out Abraham Lincoln. The other give you a look at Sideswipe transforming and the Dreads starting theirs. Thanks to Winston, Blackfire561 and Katsuhono for the heads-up.


  1. Ratchet is bumblebee's height?


  2. why do decepticons always get the good stuff lol!!

  3. WAIT WAIT WAIT! In the first trailer at 0:13 is that a tease image for a new car? :OO

  4. What the hell are you talking about, FAIL FAIL FAIL, geese!! take another look ratchet is clearly taller, but anyway, if i hear bay say he's leaving this franchise one more time i'm gonna barf, i'm so sick of hearing him and shia say their leaving, they must have said it 10 times, dont get me rong i'm siked for this movie and i like bay, and i wish him well ,but some people say he's the only one that can do a tran's movie, if thats the case i'll commit suicide now, we can't just be stuck with bayformers and thats it, i personally cant wait to see someone else take the torch and take it in a completely different direction, come on man we got 25 years of mytholigy and stories to choose from and you know paramount and hasbro are going to want more tran's movies down the road sometime, so farewell mike and shia, now its time for a war on sibertron or maybe a movie with insecticons or galvetron or dinobots or unicorn and on and on, some people are saying its over, bullshit i say its just begun, i dont know, i'm just a serious transformers fan and i want more!!!...junky

  5. I think i'm going to sneak around a little bit more on my favorite trans sites this weekend but come monday I won't be back until i've seen the movie. I must say that i've enjoyed the last year and all the discussions and comments, and of course it wouldn't be right without the trolls, kinda keeps it balanced. SEA YA ON THE DARK OF THE MOON

  6. There is 1 more trailer out there.... I DO NOT HAVE A LINK... I DO NOT HAVE IT RECORDED

    But it shows prime outside a building in russia and driller/dweller comes spinning out of it towards prime

  7. I'm kind of sad that all the Transformers hype is gonna be over soon. No more superbowl TV spots. No more trailers to get excited about. But the one thing I am glad about is no more effin' spoilers. Even though I know that in the next few years Bay will continue or someone will reboot.

    And like 10:46 PM said they should get Omega Supreme or Trypticon. It's not Transformers with at least one movie with one of them in it.
    But back to subject. They may do more movies but there will be Transformers for a while.


  8. the car that flashed on the screen looked like a Pontiac Solstice (my opinion)... Jazz???

  9. I'm glad to see Lincoln finally get his comeuppance. Sitting there all high and mighty in his chair "Look at me I was president and wore a big hat". Suck it penny boy. All hail Megatron!

  10. HA HA HA HA, meg's done had enough, poor old soul walking around with half his head blown off, he seems really agitated and cranky, HA HA HA, that shit cracks me up, he takes the head of lincoln, I cant wait to see that seen, i'm serious that shit is funny.

  11. Hasbro,paramount does not need to wait for 5, 10 years more to make a reboot or transformers 4..they could make it every two year because transformers has huge fan...and of course a huge money to lose...

  12. yeah with the previous anon, I saw a new spot on comedy central with optimus and his trailer going to that factory and the driller erupting out of the factory. it also showed an extended cut on the highway scene with what looked like to be three dread looking figures? I don't know I saw it very quickly and I thought that's what I saw

  13. Im not talking about a foot taller dumbass, Ratchets waist should be higher then bumblebees head

  14. Anonymous said...

    Ratchet is bumblebee's height?


    its called camera angles

  15. Anonymous said...

    Ratchet is bumblebee's height?


    That kinda makes me laugh, like bay or paramount or ILM would decide to change the height of one of them. "Oh we're gonna make Ratchet Smaller, nobody will notice ! :D"

  16. The website for my local cinema says it 'contains one use of strong language' they must have really toned it down if that's right

  17. Camera angles are one thing,

    but its another thing for both thier fucking chest and shoulders to be at the same place

    ratchets hips should be at bumblebees head,
    if you cant see that youre a fucking idiot, he should also be more bulky

    im not saying the rest of the trailer wasnt awsome it was probably some of the best shots ive seen, but its just lazy they cant even pay attention to do good characters properly, then they wonder why they dont get good reviews

  18. Ratchet should be taller bcuz BB is just a car. Ratchet is a whole ambulance. But for him to be at BB's head. C'mon guys that's just taking it too far. He would be the size of Optimus. The only other Tformers that size is Megatron and Starscream.

    But Ratchet should be and is taller but his dick shouldn't be at Bee's head.

  19. Wow this guy is an idiot. Since when are ratchets hips supposed to be at bumblebees head???? In what movie did you see that??? Wow, just wow

  20. About Bumblebee and Ratchet... Quit arguing over this. So what if Bumblebee is almost as tall as Ratchet or if Ratchet is almost as short as Bumblebee? Should it really matter? NO. As long as Ratchet can kick some butt everything should be fine. Actually, you might wanna re-check that scene because maybe... JUST MAYBE... Ratchet is actually slouched over making it look like he is Bumblebee's size or so. If he's not slouched over then oh well.

  21. BTW, that last car that flashed quickly on screen was definitely NOT a Pontiac Solstice, I say this because I know a lot about cars and I know what the Pontiac Solstice looks like, thank you very much, and it certainly isn't the car that flashed on screen. For 1 I know that the Pontiac Solstice does not have a wide windshield and roof like that car on screen did. 2 The shape of the bumper (hard to see) is nothing like that of the Pontiac Solstice, this car's is squared, while the Solstice's round. 3 The side-view mirrors are nothing like that of Jazz's Solstice. 4 As Ironhide had already mentioned in Transformers; Jazz could not be saved/reactivated/revived/fixed (whichever word you prefer to hear)but Ironhide said he couldn't be saved so that should shut everyone up about Jazz's possible return.

  22. @ Anon 8:19 AM

    Ratchet's hips at Bee's head ? Are you serious ?

    You should rewatch the first movie, you'll see that Bee is only one head smaller than Ratchet.

  23. saw another spot today on vh1 with new music and reviews as well as a shot of the dreads chasing someone on the highway and one of them transforms and grabs someone from the back of I'm assuming an autobot


    Here's your TV spot Anon 3:28 PM !

  25. Look I got the Racthet and Bumblebee figs, Ratchet is slightly higher then bumblebee, a little but lol.


    Much taller them bumblebee, and bumblebee is even closer to the screen, when he shots him with that red laser
