Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Newest Transformers: Dark of the Moon TV Spot & Building Banner

ComingSoon has posted the next commercial of Transformers: Dark of the Moon (YT embed below). In addition, the site has posted an image (also below) of a large Optimus Prime banner covering the side of a LA building. For now the placeholder name is "The Invasion" but hopefully Nelson will post the real title soon. Thanks to Feris Othman for link and Winton for YouTube link.


  1. Mr blogger dude..... There's another trailer out that has Wheeljack (im calling him that) in it.. Sentinal Prime and Optimus with spiked knuckles punching someone through the gut.... it also has some scenes from the trailer posted about.

  2. ooooo where where?

  3. @ Anonymous 4:15

    I dont understand why you dont give us a link of the other trailer Mr Anonymous dude!

  4. What is Shockwave stood on ?? It's something moving / alive. Wonder if he's just come through to the surface riding on the Driller. POSSIBLE SPOLIER !!!!!!!!

    From what I've read (not the novels/adaptations) Shockwave may combine with the Driller... I wonder if he is a 'headmaster'??

    I hope Shockwave hasn't been in Chernobyl - but does arrive from Cybertron.


  5. Anonymous 7:19 n Amar the Anonymous 4:15 has no proof about the new trailer for DOTM only the Invasion tv spot available not the one wit Wheeljack n some other stuff so don't believe Anonymous 4:15 said

  6. The moon will go dark tonight!

    Btw does anybody have time to post the Hubs making of Transformers:DOTM after it airs? There's no Hub channel in Sweden.


  7. people i saw another tv spot one i never seen.Their was this cool part when optimus is about to punch this decepticon in the rid and optimus takes out like this things for his knuckles

  8. I saw the building when I was going through Downtown LA, its AWESOME. also got to go to bot-con....DOUBLE AWESOME

  9. Anonymous 3:21 cut ur bs there's no new tv spot out yet jus the invasion dumb ass

  10. ^^^ Same one i saw ON TELEVISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't have a LINK TO IT... BECAUSE IT WAS SHOWN ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idiots

  11. I just seen the most awsome tv spot yet, optimus has spiked knuckles and punches right through a decepticon, and better seens of the dweller and better transformations, come on nelson hook us up man
