Thursday, June 09, 2011

Shia Not Returning for Fourth Transformers Film

While at the MTV Movie Awards, Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley briefly discussed Transformers: Dark of the Moon (videos below). Rosie spoke about Michael Bay, saying they have the same work ethic.

Shia spoke about how the film has "the best action" with "the most solid screenplay we've had since we started." More important, he made it clear he isn't returning for a fourth film. While Bay had suggested it in interviews, I do believe this is the first time Shia has gone on the record.
"I'm not coming back to do another one. I don't think Mike will either. It still is a hot property, I think, especially coming out of the third one. So I imagine they'll reboot it at some point with someone else."
I am not entirely sure why a reboot is needed but that is big in Hollywood right now so would not be surprised if that is what happens. Keep in mind so far there has been no discussion of a fourth film but look for that to change if this film does well, especially if it breaks the billion dollar barrier which could happen considering how well the last two films did.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Shia LaBeouf


  1. I think if the franchise does get rebooted. I don't see it happening for at least another 3 or 4 years down the road.

  2. I heard shia say he was done with transformers a while back, I cant remember where he said it, but with or without bay I believe their will be another tran's movie with in 4 years, like shia said it's a hot franchise, hasbro already hinted that they would do another movie with or with out bay, too much money and too many fans to stop now, I personaly like bays movies, but i am also ready for some new blood, new direction, new characters, i think with or without bay tansformers will always be exciting.

  3. i love the Transformer movies but a 4th one... i dont know i think they should finish at three, you know The End! a reboot how about in like maybe 10 possibly 15 years from now maybe science will have real gaint robots to work with by then. that would be kool! so conclusion for me is: 4th movie not a good idea & a reboot in like possibly 20 years
    P.S. I'm 13 maybe by the time i have kids of my own they'll do a reboot or something... <3 u guys :)

  4. Anyone else see the TV spot with him in the Datsun, and a close up of Laserbeak's face?

  5. Laserbeak is a copier/printer....

  6. both of those comments where mine

  7. side note rosie looked amazing at the awards, her body is waaaaaay sexier than....whats her name again?....oh, megan fox


  9. Man are you kidding me they haven't even scratched the scratch of the trans universe this shit has just begun, i'll be devestated if they stop doing tran's movies and we're stuck with bayformers and that's it, shit i'll commit suicide, not that i don't like bay formers but their is just way to much mytholigy and other transformers that bay didn't even touch on like insecticons, dinobots, unicorn, galvetron, ultramagnus or how about a war on cybertron that would be the ultimate, you have to remember theirs 25 years of stories, it aint over till the fat lady sings!!

  10. I have to agree with Shia and Michael Bay. I mean, as much as I LOVE Transformers and the new movies, it's just so much work for them and myself to stay on the TF train. I don't know if I could live through a fourth movie.

  11. I hope there isnt any unicorns in future transformers movies.Im a hard core g1 fan and would kill for a reboot. When you look at what jj abrams did with star trek, like comon guys star trek isnt even cool but he made it cool. I think he could do a far better job then bay, and it wouldnt take him 3 movies to get it right.

  12. I like what J.J. Abrams did to Star Trek. It would be interesting to see him take the helm. Just an idea.

  13. the only reason they would want to reboot the franchise is so people can forget the first 3

  14. some people have had enough transformers and i can understand that, it does seem like its a tremendus amount of work and pressure and nothing last's for ever, but i'm going to wait and see this movie first and see how i feel after its over. If they do another movie i hope they wait at least 4 years and hand the torch to some one else and get a different perspective but i must say i love following the trans universe iv'e been a hardcore fan for years, i'm just a transformers addict.

  15. a reboot i reckon should be made as a tv series instead. so the story can be thoroughly drafted with clearer character development. in live action of course, but then there is cost as tv series with lots of cgi work is a lot of money and effort.

    if another movie is planned, it should be another 5-6 years from now with new story and characters then it may be a good idea

  16. Sorry, but we need someone better than JJ Abrams, that would truly be a dissapointment being that star trek sucked, bay blows him away, I know James Cameron is too busy but he would be the man because he truly knows how to put a great story and action together, we need someone like that, the question is who?, I mean both tran's movies destroyed the star trek movie, I don't know, just have to wait and see

  17. They have new wreckers banners up on shoot for the edit!!!

  18. I suppose its about time the story should have less humans? Because the sequels of today are PREQUELS!!!! Why not make a movie back when they were in cybertron.

    If shia is leaving, then its like spike witwicky letting his son daniel get more screen time

  19. In truth I can see Transformers either ending at a 5th 6th or 9t film. Why? We got Unicron to deal with. Megatron I doubt is gonna be good forever.Can't Sam have kids or sometin? And if the Allspark is in sams head, and sam had a kid, is it possible its information got copied or passed down? I could go on and on with this. All im saying is that Decepticons are Decepticons, nuff said. I could go on and on, and theirs probably stories idk, but they will make into movie form. We'll probably see another film in either 2012 or 2013.

  20. I think it's about time for Transformers to finish up, and I'd like to see Shia move on to something else. I'll probably go see it just because I saw the other two, and I'll probably enjoy it, but I'm just not as excited about it as I used to be. Honestly I've been getting into foreign movies more lately, I've heard some good stuff about Viva Riva so I'll probably go check it out tonight. There's a short description on the L.A. Times if anyone wants to take a look.,0,5788354.story

  21. I'm betting that based on what Bay has said in previous interviews, that a reboot will be necessary because some characters die. Just my theory.

  22. Matrix of Leadership can just revive people: NUFF SAID. Its litterraly in primes chest.

  23. At least they're not losing a major star like PETER CULLEN!LOL, humans are incidental and we can always get another "Spike". Good for Shia, I hope he does well.

  24. This is like Peter Cullens thing man he LOVES seeing his epik charachter kicking decepticon ass.

  25. Why?Why?Why?..Do you need to reboot a movie like transformers?...I thougt the stars are the robots, are they not CGI?...does this franchise relly need Shia to contiue?...I DON'T THINK SO!! PUT THE DAM ROBOTS AT THE FOR FRONT OF THE NEXT MOVIE MAKE THEM THE STARS! People should just be there to get stept on or blown up!!!

  26. J.J. Abrams did good with Star trek but that's it. He sucks with everything else. He would be terrible for Transformers in my opinion. Also, it's Unicron NOT Unicorn. LMAO at the idiots.

  27. Easily could do a prequel- war for cybertron, distant future, or a "shadows of the empire" esque between story.

  28. I think they should make a 4th transfomers they are SOOOOOOO good and it would be weird if shia wasnt in the 4th one if hes not then im pretty shure im not gonna go see it! Because i hate when people get changed like that in movies!
