Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Finished?

Nelson has tweeted a simple message "It is done." on the Shoot for the Edit twitter account.

Without any context that message makes little sense but since the account has been posting nothing but Transformers: Dark of the Moon related messages, it is safe to assume he is referring to the movie. This indicates the film has completed its visual effects, sound, voice work and all those many details that go into the final product in post-production. It is now ready for replication so can be distributed worldwide in time for its June 29th release that is just three short weeks away. Must be a relief to Michael Bay who was working on Revenge of the Fallen right up to its worldwide premiere in Japan. Thanks to Feris Othman for the heads-up.


  1. u r right

    michael bay even said he was doing work on ROTF after he got home from the Japan premiere!

  2. That gives em 3 weeks to change a certain head and re-record actors saying characters names.

  3. I hope they fixed that whole framing/spacing and arm crossing issue in the scene where carly introduces Sam to her Boss.

  4. certain head? What are you talking about?

  5. ^^ 11:28am ...that "thing" thats between wheeljack's (Q's) shoulders!!

  6. they have the arm movement between shots happens in everyfucking film, it happened in transformers, it happened in revenge of the fallen, it happened in the matrix, it happened in lotr, it happened in the dark knight, it happens in every fucking film get over it

  7. Who is voicing Shockwave already!
