Thursday, June 23, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon's Moscow World Premiere (Updated)

Today, Transformers: Dark of the Moon premiered in Moscow. The film opens the Moscow International Film Festival. As with all premieres, you get your usual red green carpet images of the stars and director. Linkin Park was also on hand with a free concert. With it comes a press conference and shorter one-on-one interviews. No press conference video yet available but below are links to galleries and video embeds of interviews with the cast. I will likely add links and whatever else that pops up as more news from the premiere hits the web. Thanks to Eanetdude for some links and Tamar for Moscow pics.

Update: Added more links to galleries and a new video from Paramount that summarizes the day's festivities with a tilt (of course) to promote the movie.

Galleries: TFormers | TFW2005 | | PopSugar | MovieGeeks (Linkin Park) | Movieline
Links: MTV Blog | THR | We Are Movie Geeks | Collider

Video Interview Summaries:
- (Video #0) Paramount provided video of the Moscow Premiere.
- (Video 1) Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, and Tyrese Gibson talk about the literal pain that comes with the wire work harness. (MTV)
- (Video 2) Shia briefly discusses the wire work (EW)
- (Video 3) Shia expresses pride about the movie, ROTF's "hiccups", how strong the script is, being in Moscow and reiterated he is done with the franchise. (MTV)
- (Video 4) Rosie discusses getting cast, her previous lack of acting experience, and her enjoyment with the experience with hope of doing future movies. (MTV)
- (Video 5) Tyrese and Shia talk about Rosie coming to the franchise. Tyrese talks about how she added to the experience while Shia focused on how "she owns her sexuality" and is comfortable with it. (MTV)
- (Video 6) Rosie, Tyrese and Shia all talked about filming on the tilting office building. For Rosie it was her first scenes of the film and how quickly learned to getting squashed while Shia and Tyrese spoke of enjoying sliding and screaming down the angled set. (MTV)
- (Video 7) Shia and Rosie talk about the relationship between Sam and Carly. (MTV)

Video #0

Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

Video #4

Video #5

Video #6

Video #7


  1. So why do the russians get it first?

  2. "So why do the russians get it first?"

    Because it was really USA who lost the cold war, and history books lies.

  3. Because ShockWave was in Russia.

  4. *duh* I forgot

  5. Actually he was in Tchenobill, wich is not in Russia but the Ukraine. XD

  6. If they ever do a 4th Transformers movie. It should be about Sam Witwicky's son. In the old cartoon, Spike and Carly had a son name Daniel.

  7. Any reviews come out of it?

  8. Because that way it can get pirated and sent here before it releases

  9. does anyone know when and where the uk premiere will happen?? ive heard rumours but im not sure
