Thursday, June 16, 2011

Transformers: DOTM Clip From The Late Show

Transformers: Dark of the Moon's Rosie Huntington-Whiteley appeared on The Last Show with David Letterman. During the appearance a new movie clip was shown. Thanks to Chris I was aware of the appearance and waiting on the Late Show website to add the clip but thanks to Seibertron there is no need to wait. The clip seems to serve as an introduction to the relationship between Sam and his girlfriend Carly. A video of the Rosie interview is now on YouTube (below).


  1. You know this actress has been catching alot of flak for not being megan fox. I, for one, think she looks quite good here - even better than the pouty megan. Let's hope Dark of the Moon lives up to the hype....there's no Writer's Guild Strike to blame this time around!

    1. Too bad she isn't in the new Transformers. Looks like they tanked the whole crew - even Tyrese wasn't asked back lol. Despite affirmative action.

  2. This looks bad. It doesn't even seem Michael Bay style at all. What is this Wall Street 2.5 ?
    And Rosie looks like a pornstar. What a dumb scene pretending to be emotionally driven. Porn movies feature better scenes that this.

  3. ^ Aredo, I'm watching you. You're being tracked.

  4. sam witwicky is one lucky bastard

  5. WTF I just saw?????

  6. DOTM target exclusive ratchet and starscream review !!! enjoy...

  7. Rosie is better than Fox. Period. Especially after Fox got the lip job that made her look like a blow-up doll in RoTF. And love the Iridescent Piano version playing in the background.

  8. That's exactly how I want to be woke up in the morning.

  9. this girl can act! plain and simple.
    another kick in the face to the haters.

  10. @Anonymous 6/16/2011 6:05 AM: who the heck is "Aredo"? Your lover?

  11. @LKoto: Rosie has fake and worse lips. So please don't be silly. Rosie looks like an overused and exhausted pornstar tranny.

  12. Shia/Sam is really SEXY !!!

  13. This scene isn't Michael Bay's style. I take that as a good sign. Maybe he is branching out and really telling a story this time instead of just blowing stuff up around Megan Fox. Hell, maybe the robots will have some character development to. This clip gives me some hope.

  14. I'm right there with you, Winton! That was awesome~

    Goddam, that was a CLASSIC Michael Bay love scene.

    It totally reminded me of Armageddon's love scenes. Queue the slow piano background music, the glistening lights, the cheesy love lines, some bit of bedroom humor, and of course the lady in a loose-collared shirt.

    CLASSIC Michael Bay. Only he does it that way.

    I LOVE IT!

  15. that rabbits foot is in sams hand in the picture of him and simmons when there standing next to the STRONG sign

  16. in the new pic of sam and simmons, sam is holding that rabbits foot

  17. i saw this last night

  18. why do i feel like this is going to suck worse then fallen

  19. That's a interesting house they're living in.

  20. @Anonymous 6/16/2011 1:28 PM: exactly because this 3rd movie is way worse than the first two.

  21. I'm guessing Carly is pretty rich lol. Nice Mercedes and a huge lookin house.

  22. While Megan Fox is hotter, I think it's unquestionable through the few scenes that this girl is a much much better actress than Fox.

  23. Have you people seen Fox lately? Rosie looks better than Fox anyday even when she was "hot" get over it. Don't see the movie if you don't like it trololololol

  24. The third movie is way worse than the first two? really? wtf!! I guess all the trolls must have been able to see the movie before the rest of the world, wow!!, they must be the chosen ones, I guess they will decide which movie is great and which ones aren't so good, well, golly gee wally we shouldn't watch the movie first and then praise or critisize, oh no never, that makes entirely to much sense, even if the franchise is one of the most successful on the planet, oh no, it sucks and that's it

  25. At this point, anyone who still wants to bash Rosie has no ground to stand on. From what we've seen of her, she delivers dialogue in a much more natural sounding manner than Megan did. Hell, I'm looking forward to the film more after having seen this clip.

    Also... I'm glad I'm not the only one who knew it was Aredo coming here and starting all the trouble!

  26. This probably goes without saying, but I think some of you really need to read up on Carly first.

  27. @DarthMuppet: oh,please! You want to promote Rosie and her crappy pornstar like performance based on what exactly?
    You and others telling how good she would be at acting are so pathetic and silly.
    If you are not her agents how can you go around negating the obvious that she sucks at acting,uh?

  28. @Anonymous 6/16/2011 5:23 PM: even more pathetic statements. Armani selected Megan Fox for their marketing campaign.. and you go around telling that she would be turned ugly,what?
    Also Rosie has more plastic surgery than Megan Fox so what is your point, really?
    Or you got some hidden agenda to go around telling so pathetic lies?

  29. I find this scene to be very erotic, her voice makes me dizzy

  30. Man, I wish they never showed this dumb ass clip, we got less then 2 weeks to go and this movie could be a mindblowing experience, please nelson, please bay, give us something, get us back on track with transformers, I would like to see a clip of sentinel and meg's instead of this dumb shit, a freekin bunny rabbit?, geese!!!

  31. Some people seem to forget or choose to ignore the fact that Fox spat in the faces of transformer fans by constantly bad mouthing the movies...if she wanted to be in DOTM or gave a shit about the very thing that was responsible for her 15 minutes of fame she would've gotten tan and gained 10 lbs like she was supposed to.
    Look at her now, does that look like Mikayla Banes to you?
    Who bashes their boss publicly and keeps their job?
    I really think that some of you are those men who would let the one hot girl you could get walk all
    over you and ask for more...why else would you think Bay should have put up witn that?

    Who looks like a porn star, whose lips are fake, whi cares?
    I haven't seen nearly enough of DOTM to judge Huntington- Whiteley's acting ability, and niether has anyone else on this blog. Truth be told, I really don't care either. The lead actress in the 1st two movies was terrible; I and a lot of people loved
    them anyway. I suspect we'll do the same with this movie.

    Go ahead trolls, call me a Paramount plant, call me Rosie's agent, call me whatever you want. Right now, I'm the best reason why drunks shouldn't get online. The truth is all of you trolls will be seeing this movie on June 29, just like me.

  32. *who cares...not whi cares.

  33. Not as memorable as Mikaela checking underneath the Camaro's hood, but nice introduction for Carly. Is that white rabbit a nod to "Donnie Darko" :p

  34. Anyone notice the "disappearing pillow" in that scene? At 0:08 there's a pillow to Sam's left, at 0:17 BAM the pillow's gone. Looks like he's actually on the other side of the bed in that shot.

  35. @burnsideo7 6/17/2011 6:31 AM: Unfortunately it seems that quality checking on Transformers3 went downhill. All clips are full of huge errors like that.. Michael Bay really didn't care when shooting this movie. Really.. he was a perfectionist but on this movie he got so sloppy that you wonder if he really directed it or let someone else do the job. If he did everything then he really didn't want to direct this movie at all and just wants to cash in. He doesn't deserve people hard earned money. Transformers3 is full of shooting mistakes and CGI mistakes everywhere. It's not worth people money. It's just a huge disappointment.

  36. @Anonymous 6/17/2011 2:38 PM
    "he was a perfectionist but on this movie he got so sloppy", so that's your opinion. So your an expert on this production and the production of the 1st two movies are you?

    I-pads held the wrong way, moving pillows...they're called continuity errors, the 1st two movies were full of them. Transformers had the 2nd most in 2007 and ROTF had the most in 2009(

    I haven't noticed or read about any "CGI mistakes everywhere"...if you know of any please point them out.

    I loved Transformers and Transformers:ROTF and in all honesty hardly noticed most of the mistakes...only noticed some of them after watching the movies many times.
    Trying to use continuity errors to judge the directors commitment is just dumb.

  37. Ya know, the vast majority of people watching tran's movies, weather its hardcore fans or just people in general could give a rats ass about looking at every teenie tiny detail in a freekin movie to find mistakes, they don't give a shit, shit everyone makes mistakes, i make mistakes every day, AND NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!!, go have fun and enjoy the movie, if you dont like the movies dont watch them, or maybe try to make your own trans movie and make 3 to 400 million, you can do it man, you can do it!!

  38. no offense to Richard but.....what the hell does a white rabbit have to do with donnie darko? Also,why would anyone be nodding to Donnie Darko anyway? White Rabbit, Grey Rabbit, even if Simmons' middle name was Frank...anyway.....nevermind.

  39. Oh my god the pillow is not where it was supposed to be, this films suuuucks ! Com'on guys...Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't know any perfect director who doesn't make any mistake in his movie.

    and CGi Mistake ? Are you talking about a film that wasn't finish when the trailers came out ? Or maybe about crappy quality TV Spot shot on a cellphone ? I would like to know what are those CGi mistake you're talking about...

  40. Michael Bay/George Lucas - ROMANCE FAIL

  41. @Anonymous 6/17/2011 5:20 PM: you are wrong. If CGI looks unrealistic and flawed many would question it. Although Green Lantern,Avatar are exceptions but I don't see Paramount being able to brainwash people the same way.

  42. James cameron says it looks great, collider says its great, screenrant says it looks great, slash film says it looks great and the list goes on, and most of these people didn't like rotf, that's saying something, and i don't think they focused on a pillow, the cgi in the trailors in hd looked awsome, same as the tv spots in hd, i have no idea what it will look like in 3d , haven't seen the movie yet and when i do, then i will praise or critisize

  43. @Anonymous 6/18/2011 6:50 PM: Dude, it means they are getting paid to write positive reviews. Paramount didn't pay them for Transformers2, competitors did to write negatives instead.
    It's just as simple as that.
