Monday, June 20, 2011

Two New DOTM TV Spots, Four Recent Ones in HD

A whole lot of TV spots premiered over the last few days but sadly few were in a quality to enjoy the sound and detail - until now. Coming Soon has posted six Transformers: Dark of the Moon TV spots in HD (I think). Four of the commercials are ones we have seen before from fans recording them off TV and posting online but two of them appear to be new. At least when I compared them to all the trailers and TV spots posted about so far (can find them all here). As has been the case for most of them, it is a combo of old scene fragments with new ones. Thanks to Feris Othman for the link.

(New) TV Spot #14

(New) TV Spot #13

TV Spot #12

TV Spot #11 - No HD one yet

TV Spot #10

TV Spot #9

TV Spot #8


  1. HA,HA..WOO WEE!!!, thank god for this, get us off that dumb megan fox crap and back to the real transformers discussion, let the discusions begin, HA,HA...just 8 days to go!!!

  2. IKR! This gone be more like the first movie on the action side.This shit go be movie of the year. I can't even believe it's almost here. HaHa lol

  3. DAMN! Bumblebee ripped that drone head off and shot at Soundwave. This shit will raw as hell. Only 8 days left!

  4. Ironhide vs The Dreads!

    Oh shit. Ironhide is going to kick their ass.

  5. If you look at #14 when bee shoots the protoform in its head, it looks like he then shoots soundwave, so it doesn't look like they are buddies like some had thought when watching the linkin park trailor, after bee is standing over who i believe is wheeljack

  6. I dont care what anyone says the cgi looks awsome, and no one does action seens like bay, so far this movie looks incredible, cant wait to see this in 3d

  7. Bumblebee is awesome!!!!!

  8. man, that seen of optimus transforming in the hanger in #12 was awsome, and then to see sideswipe and ironhide taking on the dreads in hd is incredible

  9. 8 more days then ill be one of the first few people to see this thank god for being in new zealand!

  10. @Anonymous 6/20/2011 7:21 AM: CGI looks worse than the first two movies. Transformers2 CGI is so finetuned that ILM there did no mistakes. This time Transformers3 CGI has so many mistakes everywhere that they really did a mess thanks to useless 3D.

  11. what are those things on Optimus shoulders when he transforms in the hanger

    they look like some type of wings, i can't really tell

  12. Check this out noew TV spots on FB

  13. I hate the idea of Soundwave being small. He should be the equal size of Megatron.

  14. SPOILER!! in spot 14 @ the end, Shockwave gets pwnd by OP.

  15. I think the action in this film is going to blow away anything we've seen in the first two movies.

  16. You know, Soundwaves head/face looks quite different here compared to the DOTM video game images, although the rest of his body looks similar. In the video game images his eyes looked more like his ROTF version.

  17. looks like We already know how shockwave dies...

  18. So basically bumblebee doesn't talk in this one either........... wouldn't it be better if they just say he has no voice at all?

  19. if you also look at tv spot #10 looks like theres only 8 autobots in the movie when there all in a line driving to the base.

  20. all three of the movies CGI looks different. over a period of 4 years it changes and Bay used 3D in this one so thats why it looks like that. plus the first & second movie didn't have as much going on as this one. Building being torn down and the whole city at war

  21. fuck me,... I meant "wow", I didn't watch these spots before, because of the quality, but now after I've seen them,... wow,... I want to fast forward my calendar, so I can finally watch this movie...

  22. 8:41 am, if thats your opinion, thats your opinion and i'm cool with that, we just 100% disagree, and in my opinion the cgi looks awsome, alright!!, so stop calling people out on their opinions your starting to sound like a troll.

  23. anyone else notice prime super punching shockwave

  24. Clearly the cgi looks good but its not the same quality as when nelson post's the spots you can see the difference, the cgi just looks a little darker, when shoot for the edit puts the trailors or spots up it's dam near perfect, any way this movie is going to kick ass.

  25. So no visor for Soundwave?

    Also, looking less and less likely that we'll see Omega Supreme.

  26. Pause at 00:19 TV spot 14 do you see those missiles? They do get some Air Force support after all. I suspect that scene is somewhere in the end of the Chicago battle. But there's something that tells me that it's the Navy. The Air Force wouldn't fire at such a long range, it's too far away and the missiles are comming outside of Chicago. Could someone clear this up is it the Air Force or the Navy?


  27. In tv spot #14 stop it at 8 seconds thats Megatron right in front of BB getting his head blown off and then taking a shot at I guess Soundwave.

  28. @6/20/2011 1:30 PM
    Nope, that's not megatron, looks more like a drone

  29. @Anonymous 6/20/2011 12:56 PM: the CGI doesn't look good at all on 1080p H264 video streams full quality provided by
    The CGI doesn't look good on movie stills that Paramount put on Yahoo!
    There are really serious mistakes and filtering errors.
    The still of Optimus and Sentinel Prime looks like a painted poster and that is a still from the movie, just plain bad.
    The still of Optimus in front of the building looks like some bad photoshop editing, it seems a toy for stop motion instead of CGI.
    Mirage on the highway looks cartoonish as hell, very bad.
    And so on and on. It's going to be a disaster CGI wise and that was the strongest point of the franchise, with this element flawed the movie is busted and 3D gimmick eye-strain is going to be the final straw.

  30. Who is this Douche at 6/20/2011 2:34 PM ?

  31. @NHLfan
    Look again bro, look at the face & head, look at the body & arms it's Megs.

  32. ooooh my gawd this isn't PERFECT! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO !

    Com'on man, there's people working day and night to do the best they can in a freakin' short amount of time ( post production doesn't get enought time, really ).
    I gotta agree with you the still with prime and sentinel did look weird, painted. But if we listen to you, the movie's CGi is like Spy kids level... That's kinda ridiculous.

    And if Prime looks like a toy, then we looks pretty should look pretty freakin' real, don't you think ?

    I think the CGi is great, if you don't think so, that's okay but man you gotta read what you're writing, this is still fucking great CGi, the day somebody on youtube will provide that quality, for a 2 hours movie in less than a year, then I'll shot my fucking mouth.

  33. AT 6/20/2011 2:34 PM above

    Listen Troll...don`t go see the movie then...duh!

    oh...and get your eyes checked on the way back to your moms basement...

  34. @6/20/2011 2:34 PM
    check your optics, the CGI looks awesome

  35. TV spots 12 and 13 are the best

  36. @Katsuhono 6/20/2011 3:04 PM: ILM isn't always perfect, Speed Racer and Hulk failures come to mind.
    And this time quality control is almost zero on Transformers3 CGI and not just that. Many here already pointed out huge editing mistakes on small clips.. just imagine the mess they did on the whole movie if they managed to screw up some short clips...

  37. The only reason the CGI doesn't look like the first two movies is probably because it's in 3D.

    And 2:34 PM, When you go home and make a CGI Transformers movie, then you can talk.

    Until that happens, shut your damn maouth

  38. I like the music in #14. Anyone know what it is?

  39. TV spot 13 @ 21 sec

    Why the hell is Starscream always spitting.

  40. @NHLfan
    You were right..I'll eat my words it isn't Megatron getting his head blown off by BB I watched it a couple more times and someone had a still of that exact sceen posted on the discussion board of TFW2005.

  41. Why would Ironhide need to use a handheld gun, given that he still has (at least one) built in cannon?

  42. I don't think Ironhide makes it past the first HR of this film...

  43. @Katsuhono:
    The Third & The Seventh by Alex Roman HD
    Kahn's Exeter Short Film by Alex Roman
    (720p) Above Everything Else HD - Mind explodingly realistic CGI by Alex Roman (NOW IN HD)

  44. @Anonymous 6/20/2011 3:56 PM: Resident Evil Afterlife features better CGI than previous movies of the same franchise and it was 3D. So what is the point?
    It was less compless CGI yes but it wasn't that simple at all nor so cheap, it looked better than many $100million+ budget blockbuster movies.
    ILM didn't have time to finish this movie CGI, it looks rushed, full of mistakes. Thanks Paramount for this mess, Michael Bay didn't want to film in 3D but wanted to film IMAX 2D instead and he wanted to postpone the movie to 2012 but Paramount obliged him to do this mess and he did a real mess maybe even on purpose. Whatever it's his worst movie to date.

  45. @anonymous 2:58, look again BRO, its a drone, all drones look alike. There are dozens of them in this movie. Megatron is a truck in this one and had truck a fusion cannon....none of that is its a drone...besides megatron would not meet his end at the hands of bumblebee...i love BB but he wont get that honor.....megs would die in style not get his head blown off from thing to say is " i think its megs" not "its def megs" ,,,,especially if you aint seen the movie....ok ?

  46. i guess only a few chosen ones will tell us what cgi looks good and what doesn't, like we are to stupid to decide for ourselves, shit cracks me up, mean while the one i will listen to and i would imagin has some crudentials in this area is james cameron, and he said it looks great, i'm certainly not going to listen some person who's clearly not qualified to tell me what looks good and what doesn't, so those of you who think it looks awsome like i do, where going to have a blast this 4th, shit i might even watch it 3 or 4 times

  47. do we really still have the same "cgi sucks" trolls ?? its a tv clip, even if its an HD clip, its still a TV clip...its not the same resolution as what u will see on the actual movie screen, and is not the same resolution u will get when the movie arrives on blu-ray...the CG looks fine on my 1080p sony bravia so its prob gonna be ten times better on the imax 3d screen. maybe u hav a crap HD tv...anything less than a sony is shit, sorry guys...

  48. @Anonymous 6/20/2011 6:40 PM: James Cameron after the awful Avatar movie that featured cartoonish CGI has no value anymore. Only brainwashed people still listen to him and keep giving money to his awful Avatar movies.

  49. @ihatefanboys: CGI is flawed on 1080p HD high bitrate Vimeo trailers provided by Michael Bay himself. Checked that multiple times on 150" screens with JVC 3D projectors,so.. And Yahoo! stills from Transformers3 final rendering CGI look really bad most of them. Optimus Prime and Sentinel Prime still seems a painted effect CGI cartoon. Optimus Prime in front of the building looks like a toy in stop-motion.
    Just awful. Industrial Light & Magic delivered another awful Speed Racer instead of a top-notch Transformers1&2.

  50. What? ILM didn't have time to finish cgi, it looks rushed, full of mistakes, are you shore watching the tranfomers tv spots dude, its not even on the big screen yet and it looks incredible

  51. WARNING!!, the troll from mummies basement is back

  52. Just saw a TV spot showing Megatron in his cloth, hooded cape. He was in a desert. Sam was talking about the Decepticons planning for thirty years as well...Be on the lookout for it...Megs looked pissed!

  53. I guess i would be pretty pissed off to if i was walking around with half my head blown off, looks all infected and shit, poor meg's

  54. Pretty lolling to the dude who is giving crap on the CGI.
    The investment he puts into this site and his constant wining is to be admired. Such a wonderful dedication.

    lol, I advice him to watch the movie:

    (which is in fact a cool movie)
    har har

  55. There is a friggin troll infestation sausage party goin on in here a loser convention for visually blind sh!t heads...

    movie looks great, ...nuff said

    OH And Trolls...stop the hate...its not our fault your failing in life :( sad :(

  56. ...every time I read Troll garbage on this site, I can`t help but get the recurring mental picture of some overweight wanker, dressed in his ``patented`` (too tight) Spiderman pajamas, getting all upset and red in the face...down in his moms basement

    Happens every time I read that stuff LMAO !!

  57. Pretty sure the OP punch is on Shockwave. If you stop it around the :24 second mark, you can see the steel "tube" running from the back to the hand of the decepticon. It is the same tube, you can see in the shot where shockwave is "reloading"

  58. God you people are awful, Do you know in which condition ILM's guys are working ? the Post Production time is always too short, they have to work day and night sometimes, and in the end, they don't get the credit we should give them. These guys are bringing CGi Model to life, We can't you think of the men behind those effects ? For you, they're just lazy-ass guy who didn't want to work on TFs 3 ?
    You are awful, really. When a fire burn down a building, it sure was the fault of the firemen, lazy ass firemen !

    You may not like the CGi in DOTM, but you can't say it's terrible.It may look cheaper than the 2 first movies( which is not my opinion)but if it is that terrible, man I gotta check my eyes 'cause I'm freakin' blind.

    Move on, I would like to know, what are you considering as top notch CGi ? 'cause if this looks cartoonish, then man, your favorite CGi Movie should look pretty DAMN AMAZING.

    and for Anon 6/20/2011 5:51 PM
    That looks real, I mean like, reaaally real. But Where's the two hours movies with giants robots fighting and transforming into car, giants robots that you have to add into live action footage (you gotta motion track, rotoscope, etc... ), to interact with the actors ? That looks fuckin' real but that's 100% CGi, you can set the camera, the lighting, everything.

    anyway, for god's sake, don't forget that behind ILM there is people WORKING to do the best they can, damn. Show some respect.
